I have a knife in hand

Chapter 180 Pusa

Chapter 180 Pusa (3 more subscriptions required)

Chapter 178 Pusa
"By the way, how much is that shopfront? I think it's better to buy it if you keep renting it all the time. You won't worry about being taken back by the landlord in the future." Why did Yang Guang buy it?
In fact, it is to leave a way for the family. If Yang Guang meets a terrible creature in another world and dies one day, even the villa of Hongcheng Homeland may be taken back. At least the parents still have a shop. .

Not so lonely.

"Oh, that shop is not too expensive, only about 100 million." Yang Sandao knew that his son was rich, but he didn't know exactly how much.Anyway, as long as he is richer than his father, it will be embarrassing if you ask too much and too clearly.

"Hmm." Yang Guang was not surprised. Although the economic level of Hongcheng City is not high, the rather golden shops in the farmer's market are worth a lot, and the size of the footwear store is not too small.

If the rent hadn't been paid long ago, the landlord would have taken it back if it hadn't been opened for so long.

The house price is so high, so it is impossible for this commercial shop to be outdated.Moreover, the market price of this thing is one thing, but the actual price is another.This is equivalent to the chicken that lays the golden egg. If the landlord does not need money urgently, who is willing to kill the chicken to get the eggs?

But it's one thing if the other party doesn't sell it, but it's another thing if Yang Guang wants to buy it.

He meows himself to be fighting, even if he doesn't need the landlord to give him a free gift, but he still has to sell it to himself, right?Yang Guang didn't believe it anymore, his Wu Zhan's face and favor were worthless at all.

It's not like I don't give you a penny.

Premium is fine too.

"But son, the landlord once said that he would give me the storefront for free, but I didn't want it." Yang Sandao's words brought Yang Guang back to his senses.

He didn't dare to pretend it was true, and he never talked about it with Yang Guang.First of all, Yang Guang is often not at home, so naturally there is no way to talk about it.What's more important is that Yang Sandao has lived most of his life, so how can he not know the saying, "If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal"?
As the saying goes, "Short-handed, soft-mouthed", the other party is willing to give away a shop worth millions for free, how can it be selfless?

The reason why he didn't want to shop and didn't tell Yang Guang was that he didn't want to embarrass his son.

The debt of favor is hard to repay.

And the millions of shops are worth a lot even to Yang Guang.If you are polite to others, you must ask for something.

"No, if it's a good thing, if you don't owe such a favor, you won't owe it. But since he wants to give it to you, it means that he must know my identity, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to buy it with money."

"It's good to buy it, it's good to buy it." Dong Xuanyi didn't want her son to owe too much favor, and she didn't even think that Yang Guang would have more than 100 million wealth left.

But money is spent when it is earned, and this pavement is not a one-time luxury product, it is almost equivalent to a permanent one.

And money can beget more money.

Buying the storefront of a footwear store can basically be used until the end of life.

"If this is the case, another day... let's pick a time to invite him to a restaurant in the next two days to talk about this matter." Yang Guang still has to stay at home for a while, and it is better to spend some time to solve this matter. No problem.

As for not choosing another day?It was Yang Guang who was worried that he would procrastinate and forget.

Just do it if you have time.

During this week, Yang Guang still needs to learn the common language of the other world, just reviewing the past.

"Okay, I'll contact the landlord." Yang Sandao immediately regained his energy.


"By the way, where did that girl Yang Mei go?" It was already evening, and logically speaking, my sister had already returned home from school.

"Oh, girl, don't you want to prepare for the final entrance exam? She seems to be reviewing homework at a classmate's house. When the time comes, just ask your dad to drive her back."

"Did you take the final exam?" Yang Guang realized that the time had passed so quickly.

At the same time, people change too quickly.

Who would have thought that in just two months, Yang Guang would achieve martial arts?
It even changed the fate of their family, otherwise, could this kind of villa be lived in?Basically, it is impossible, even if you have money, you are not necessarily qualified to live in Hongcheng homes.

Let alone people without money.

"By the way, your sister said that you will accompany her when she takes the exam." Dong Xuanyi said again.

"Okay, that's no problem, I happen to be free."

As for why Yang Mei asked Yang Guang to accompany the exam, he didn't know, and he didn't need to know.

As an older brother, he has the obligation and responsibility to accompany him in the exam.


When Yang Guang went upstairs, he also said to Yang Sandao: "Dad, you can teach me how to drive another day, just tell me some basic knowledge."

"Okay, I'm fine." Yang Sandao was happy to teach his son to drive, after all, it would be rare for him to be able to teach his son in some aspects in the future.

Driving is also a skill!

As for his wife?Let her learn and don't want to write.

After that, Yang Guang went upstairs, took a shower and returned to his room.Lie on the bed to let go of his thoughts, and then began to recall the common language of the other world in the teaching video of the Warrior Association.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and the basics of those languages ​​were quickly familiarized by Yang Guang for a little while.

Learning from the past…

What a quick learner.

'Pujida' means a greeting, which is equivalent to the meaning of 'hello'.

And 'Pubada' means 'goodbye'.There are also some pronunciations of the text, which are a bit weird and awkward to read at first, but there is no major problem.

Easy batch!

After ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Guang felt that he should be able to use the common language of another world for preliminary conversations, and the name of this language is 'Pusa'. '

Obviously there should be no concept of time when recalling things, how could Yang Guang have it?In fact, it was because he heard the sound of the engine of the car downstairs, and it was the younger sister who was taken home by Yang Sandao.

However, just when Yang Guang was about to leave the room to meet Yang Mei and say hello, the screen of his mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly lit up, accompanied by the sound of a text message.

"Dididi." The system prompts, and Yang Guang didn't make it into a fancy dress.

Yang Guang turned over, picked up the phone and glanced at the name of the note, and was a little surprised.Because he hasn't contacted the owner of this number for a long time, and the other party seems to be very busy.

As for the content of the text message, it is actually a very classic and general greeting opening line: 'What are you doing. '

However, the person who sent this text message was Zhang Xiaoyu, so it was unusual.After all, this diva-level singer keeps making announcements, so it must be very difficult to find time to chat with Yang Guang, right?
(End of this chapter)

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