Chapter 113
Chapter 112

Yang Guang nodded and said, "Personally, I don't like swords so I play with knives. I like this kind of weapon that can open and close." Swords are a bit like a gentleman, but Yang Guang's behavior habits don't like swords.

Elegance with a sword is elegance, but it always feels that something is wrong.This is not only because Yang Guang's first weapon is a knife, but because he himself thinks so.

Purely personal preference.

As for hot weapons?
Neither Yang Guang nor Li Jinbao cared about it. As long as this thing is not shot at close range, it can't hit the level of martial arts under normal circumstances.What's more, if it doesn't hit the vital point, it will not be fatal with the extremely huge energy and blood of Wu Zhan.

Under normal circumstances, those who want to shoot at close range and make him defenseless are only those close to him.To be an ordinary killer?It's hard to hide that malice from Wu Zhan's sixth sense.

If it comes to generals, this thermal weapon is basically useless, unless it is a weapon of mass destruction.

But the problem is that it is even more difficult to hit the general.

Therefore, as long as people practice martial arts, they are generally accustomed to using cold weapons, which are the most practical and convenient.As long as the material of the weapon is good, it can be used all the time. The knife like the knife god Li Liushui does not need these conditions.

Because no matter what knife is in his hand, it will be very strong.

But if it is a thermal weapon, it is impossible to change to a thermal weapon every time a level is broken through, right?
That's a fart, it's better to be a gunner.


Ziyang County, Hongcheng City is one of the many impoverished counties in Central Shu Province, because Hongcheng City's economy itself is not good.However, Ziyang County has many high mountains and forests, poor transportation, and few crops that can be grown.

Naturally, it is normal for the economy to be underdeveloped.

At most, it is to make money from trees, but that thing does not affect the per capita GDP of the entire county.Not to mention the towns and villages in Ziyang County, most of them are extremely poor.

Of course, in this day and age, no one can starve to death.But you can't go there if you are rich, just try to have enough food and clothing.

As the saying goes: "Poor mountains and evil waters create troublesome people", although this cannot be said to be absolute, there is always some truth to it.Especially the people in Ziyang County prefer to play mahjong.

In the summer, all men, women and children in Xihe Village like to put mahjong tables in the creeks and rivers, so that playing mahjong is very refreshing.

This also formed the name of a Japanese female star: "Watanabe Mayu."

But why do you talk about playing mahjong?

Because many people like to play mahjong and do not engage in farming, even fewer people go out to work, resulting in economic difficulties.What would people do if they had no money?Naturally, I want to find a way to make money!
Once people have no money, they either work hard to make money, or go astray.There is also a more delicious and lazy way, which is to choose to pray to God and worship Buddha.

However, more than 200 people died this time, and it is useless to pray to God and worship Buddha.

I can only ask for help.

Even this major case seems to be related to certain local customs.


When Li Jinbao's auspicious car appeared at the intersection of Xihe Village, it was stopped.

Because this place has been blocked by the police, there is even a company of garrisons on their way.On the surface, the police took over, but secretly, people from the Warrior Association also took over. This can be regarded as a two-pronged approach.

"What are you doing?" The leader was from the city's criminal police. He pulled the car over and the officers came down to check.

But after Li Jinbao handed over a black card from the car, his expression was different, he seemed very respectful.Ordinary people may not know about this thing, but the criminal police of the criminal police team of the armed forces department have been introduced by their superiors.

Generally, those who can get a black card are at least the best among the warriors, and those people rarely arrange such tasks, which is obviously the person sent by the Warrior Association.

And there should be martial arts.

More importantly, what happened this time was quite difficult for ordinary criminal police, even for some bloody military criminal police.For the safety of their lives, they also welcomed Li Jinbao's arrival.

As for Yang Guang who was sitting in the co-pilot, the criminal policeman had no impression.Although Yang Guang was on the Shuzhong news at the beginning, his appearance was basically not revealed.But if he can follow behind a warrior, he is at least a warrior, right?

There are also missions for gilding, but relatively few.And if this task is not done well, it will kill people. Do ordinary people have the courage?

"Where is your chief?" Li Jinbao, who became Wu Zhan, was used to the respect of ordinary people, so he didn't pay attention to these, but directly talked about the key issues.

"It's inside, I'll take you there." The detective explained to the brother next to him, and then led the way with a police motorcycle.He is also a warrior, so naturally he wants to learn some skills from Mr. Wu Zhan.

Unfortunately, the timing is wrong.

After the car drove a section of cement road, it was a dirt road.Fortunately, it didn't rain, otherwise it would be more difficult to drive in, and vehicles must be extra careful when passing some places.

It's a bit difficult to pass a car over these mountains, let alone those trucks.Naturally, the economy can't be improved, even if you want to sell wood, it is very difficult.

Along the way, Yang Guang found that among the houses in Xihe Village, there were very few houses with tiles, and most of them were brick houses.

Although Yang Guang's family is not rich, if you want to compare this kind of house, it is considered a rich family.

At least the houses in the old districts of the city can still be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But Yang Guang is not that kind of kind person, and he is not qualified to be a kind person at present.The money itself is not enough, and it is basically difficult to spend millions of dollars on it. It costs too much money just to build cement or asphalt roads.

Soon the vehicle entered the accident site, a small depression called "Wild Wolf Slope" by the locals.

After Yang Guang got off the car, he saw many reporters carrying cameras. They were surrounding the entrance of a building, which was the wealthiest family in the area.

An old-fashioned house from the Republic of China.

At present, it can be regarded as a place where the local police and the city criminal police team temporarily handle the case, and these reporters naturally want to get more detailed truth and content from them.

When these reporters saw Yang Guang and his vehicles approaching, they immediately rushed in the direction of the Geely car.

Because except for the reporters who entered here from the beginning, everyone else was stopped by the police.Then the one who can drive in should be a big shot.

But as soon as they approached, Li Jinbao, who had just got out of the car, glanced at them, and was immediately frightened.This kind of momentum is definitely not for ordinary people, and Wu Zhan is not a mysterious existence that ordinary people know nothing about.

 Today is Tuesday, I am coding, are you collecting?

(End of this chapter)

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