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Chapter 87 Complete Victory

Chapter 87 Victory
Lu Jun jumped with all his strength, and after landing, he danced the steel knife into the air, and quickly rushed towards the Wuliangjiao battle formation.

He had already calculated that with the help of the house's resistance, he only needed to face one side of the enemy, which was better than when he was besieged before.

The Wuliang Cultists also saw through his intentions, and hurriedly changed their arrows and shot towards them, but they were still half a beat behind, and the arrows just came out, and Lu Jun had already rushed to the front of the formation.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Lu Jun yelled violently, the sound was like Zhang Fei in front of Dangyang Bridge back then, swiping his saber to charge into the enemy formation, he didn't need to cut the waves nine times, he only used the formation-breaking saber technique taught by Cui Ye.

The saber technique in the army is mainly used in group battles, and the saber technique of breaking the formation was created by Cui Tianze's collection of the essence of the saber technique in the army, and it was specially named as breaking the formation, it is really suitable for this place.

Even if Duanlang Nine Slashes were compared to it, its mighty momentum would be somewhat weaker.

Where the light of the knife flashes, there must be blood flying, and those caught will either die or be injured.

Lu Jun was not in a hurry to break out of the formation, he only fought among the crowd, so as not to be covered by the rain of arrows after he got out of the formation.

The screams kept ringing, but these congregants were brainwashed by the teachings, and they were not afraid of death, and continued to howl and besiege Lu Jun.

At this moment, someone outside the formation suddenly shouted loudly: "Target Yiwei formation, shoot!"

Following the words, the rest of the battle formation immediately flew arrows towards them, they ignored their comrades in arms and would rather attack indiscriminately than shoot Lu Jun on the spot.

I don't know how many arrows were shot, and there was no one standing in the phalanx before the rain of arrows stopped.

Looking at the Yiwei formation again, corpses are strewn all over the ground, everyone has an unknown number of arrows stuck in them, and some congregants will not rest their eyes until they die, their empty eyes seem to be asking why they even shot themselves.

"I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses in death. Search for me!"

The voice sounded again just now, and the two eagle battle formations next to Yiwei formation immediately rushed up to search for Lu Jun's body.

Just as they were searching, suddenly two corpses flew high, Lu Jun jumped up with a steel knife in his hand, rushed into the crowd again, and started killing wantonly.

It turned out that when the Wuliangjiao attacked indiscriminately just now, Lu Jun's first reaction was not to block, but fell to the ground quickly, grabbed two corpses and blocked him, and thus escaped the catastrophe.

The person who gave the order just now was furious when he saw this, and shouted angrily: "Shoot! Keep shooting!"

But this time, all the congregation hesitated.

What if Lu Jun still repeats his old tricks when he shoots again?You can't just shoot your own people to death like this, can you?
They hesitated over there, but the people in the two phalanx ran away to the sides in panic, no one wanted to die under the arrows of their own.

Then the people continued to shout: "Shoot quickly! Anyone who dares not to shoot will be punished as apostasy, and will not be able to enter the vacuum hometown after death!"

Forced by his coercion, the congregation raised their crossbows again, but suddenly found that the target had disappeared.

"What about people?"

The person who gave the order was astonished, and suddenly came to his senses, and shouted: "Jiawu, Bingshen, two battles, stay where you are, let me check carefully, the thief is among you!"

He was right, Lu Jun was among those people.

Just now, while the congregation was running back, Lu Jun immediately stopped fighting, mixed into the crowd, and ran wildly with them.

He had already changed into the clothes of the followers of Wuliang, but everyone was only concerned about running for their lives, and no one realized that the people around them were not their comrades-in-arms at all.

And just looking for the corpses, everyone was stained with blood. Although there were more blood stains on Lu Jun, no one noticed.

Hearing the reminder from the person who gave the order, the two battle formations understood and hurriedly looked around.

Lu Jun reacted faster, he quickly grabbed the collar of the man next to him, and asked, "Say, what's your name?!"

When the man was drunk by him, he was startled for a moment, and then replied: "Lu Renjia."

"Well, it's my own."

Lu Jun loosened his collar, grabbed another person, and asked, "Name!"

"Golden Soldier B..."

"What about you?"

"Cannon fodder C..."

Like this, Lu Jun kept asking questions one after another, causing the people around him to follow suit.

But no one thought that the person who inquired most actively was the person they were looking for, and no one even thought of asking his name.

The person who gave the order saw that the people in the two formations had not found Lu Jun after questioning for a long time, so he was furious and shouted: "Kill! Kill them all! I'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let a single one go!" "

The people in the two phalanxes were so frightened that they all knelt down and shouted loudly: "Boss Jin, please spare me!"

Lu Jun had already moved to the outermost place, knelt on the ground like those people, and shouted: "Boss Jin, that thief is dead! But his feet are secretly mobilizing, waiting for the enemy to shoot an arrow, and immediately rush in." into another square.

Although you can still use the corpse to cover yourself, but there is no guarantee that the ruthless manager Jin will not set fire to the corpse, so stealing chickens will be nothing.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from outside the valley, and then more than a hundred riders were seen galloping into the valley, and it was the reinforcements from Tiance Mansion who arrived.

"Tiance Mansion is here, those who surrender will not die!"

The Wuliang Cultists turned pale with shock, and Manager Jin didn't bother to look for Lu Jun, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick retreat!"

But where can they escape, the surrounding houses have been burnt to pieces, and the only exit is blocked by Tiance Mansion.

Just as they were looking at each other, at a loss, a figure suddenly flew out from the ancestral hall, it was the infinite leader.

He knew that the general situation was over, he didn't care about fighting with Ye Zhiting any more, he made a false move and wanted to escape.

But Ye Zhiting was not willing to let him go, he jumped after him, and the blood-cold knife in his hand cut a bloody light, and slashed at the back of the infinite leader.

The leader of Wuliang escaped in a hurry, and was slashed in the back with a knife. He fell from the air and fell heavily on the ground.


The members of the Wuliang sect exclaimed in unison, and Director Jin even shouted sadly: "Assemble, set up the formation! Fight to the death with Tiance Mansion and avenge the leader!"

Several phalanxes gathered quickly, and Lu Jun mixed in the crowd, approaching the chief executive Jin, and when he was approaching him, he suddenly shouted loudly: "The leader is dead, let's surrender!"

When Director Jin heard someone calling for surrender, he was furious immediately, and roared, "Who? Who dares to say surrender, kill Wu—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu Jun suddenly rushed forward, the knife in his hand flashed.

Manager Jin only felt that he was flying up suddenly, and the last image he saw in his eyes was a blood-stained face with a sneer.

"Who is he and why don't I know him? Oh, he's just..."

His consciousness was interrupted, and he fell into the eternal darkness. Whether there is a vacuum home, even he himself does not know.

Lu Jun jumped up, grabbed Manager Jin's head in his hands, raised it high, and shouted: "If you don't give up your arms and surrender, when will you wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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