Chapter 77 Trap
Childlike face with white hair and hale and hearty spirit, this was Lu Jun's first impression of Miracle Doctor Li.

"The old monk from last time, and the divine doctor Li this time, both look like a worldly expert who is well-preserved and healthy. Who would have thought that he was actually a member of the Devil's Cult."

Lu Jun couldn't help admiring that Wuliangjiao's magic sticks and doctors look very good, and they are really suitable for deceiving the people.

Dr. Li looked at Lu Jun's pulse in a decent way, and said in a very meaningful way: "Young man, your internal injury is not serious. Then Gu Qingcheng used dark energy. It seems that your injury is not serious, but in reality The Taiyin Lung Meridian of the hand has been injured..."

He talked about it for a long time, but in the end there was only one meaning, Lu Jun's internal injury was more serious than it looked.

"Fortunately, you have come to this old man. If you are treated by those quack doctors, you can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause, and there will be hidden dangers in the future. It is not obvious at the beginning, but when you break through Ruyi and open the acupoints, you will be powerless. It is the failure of punching the orifice, the light one will go mad, and the serious one will die!"

Lu Jun showed nervousness at the right time, and hurriedly said, "I hope the genius doctor will help me!"

"Healer's parental heart, the old man will save you, but it will take a long time to cure the root cause without future problems, and..."

Doctor Li twirled his long beard lightly, groaning silently.

Lu Jun understood, and hurriedly said: "As for the consultation fee, please rest assured that the genius doctor will not default on it."

"Young Xia misunderstood, it's not about the consultation fee, but to get rid of the root cause of the disease, medicine alone is ineffective, the old man needs golden needles to penetrate the acupoints, which will damage the old man's cultivation, and it will be quite difficult to recover." Doctor Li shook his head and said.

"The genius doctor will deplete his cultivation base, and he will definitely repay it with all his strength."

As Lu Jun spoke, he took out several bank notes from his pocket, and presented them to Dr. Li with both hands.

These banknotes were given to him by Qian Weiju, and the minimum denomination was a thousand taels. Dr. Li glanced at them with joy in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to take them.

"Well, seeing your sincerity, the old man will not hesitate to waste his cultivation to heal your injuries."

Dr. Li stretched out his hand and said, "You go to the back room to rest first, and after the old man finishes treating other patients, he will pass the golden needle for you."

Lu Jun went to wait in the back room as he said, and after about half an hour, Doctor Li finally came in, holding a bowl of decoction in his hand, which was very fragrant.

"Young hero, drink this medicine first, and the old man will come to do acupuncture with you later. This decoction uses more than ten kinds of precious medicinal materials, even a hundred taels of silver is hard to buy." Doctor Li said.

Lu Jun held the medicine bowl in his hand, blew on the decoction on the surface, but secretly activated the system to identify it. This genius doctor is a member of Wuliang Sect, so he had to guard against it.

The result of the appraisal made Lu Jun dumbfounded. Although the medicine had the effect of stabilizing Qi and blood, it was so common that it wasn't even worth ten good deeds, but it was forced to deduct a little good deeds.

"It's a big loss."

Lu Jun cursed secretly, and drank the soup in one gulp.

"Young man, please take off your clothes and sit down, the old man will help you to get the golden needle across the acupoint." Doctor Li said.

Lu Jun took off his clothes, topless, and sat cross-legged on the sickbed.

Doctor Li took the medicine box and opened it, and took out a whole set of golden needles, there were hundreds of them.

Dr. Li picked up a golden needle and said: "My acupuncture method is passed down from the ancient miracle doctor Bian Que. It is called Que Shen Shen Needle. It needs to pass through the true energy to be effective, and it will consume the true energy. It’s you, young hero, if it’s someone else, I wouldn’t use it with you.”

Hearing his bragging, Lu Jun secretly laughed in his heart, and said, "Thank you, the genius doctor."

"Young man, it takes seven consecutive days for this golden needle to pass through the acupoints. Young man, please calm down your true energy. Don't rely on luck to resist, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced." Doctor Li said.

"Yes, ask the genius doctor to perform the acupuncture." Lu Jun said.

"Okay then, the old man will do acupuncture."

After Divine Doctor Li finished speaking, he flicked his finger lightly, and the golden needle pierced Lu Jun's left Zhongfu acupoint, the technique was extremely skillful.

Immediately afterwards, Yunmen, Zhongfu, Xiabai, Chize... all the way to Shaoshang point. After the acupuncture on the left side, all eleven points along the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the right hand were needled.

During the whole process, Lu Jun didn't feel any abnormality. As the golden needle entered his body, he could feel a faint trace of true energy, but then it dissipated.

"Young Xia Lu, there is the last injection, which is also the most critical injection. You must not use your true energy, or your previous efforts will be wasted." Dr. Li reminded.

"Don't worry, the genius doctor, I will remember." Lu Jun said.

Dr. Li picked up a golden needle, stabbed it suddenly, and it was right into Lu Jun's mutton.

Tanzhong acupoint is an important acupoint, as soon as the golden needle penetrated, Lu Jun felt weak all over his body, and even his true energy could not circulate.

A smile bloomed on the face of Dr. Li, and he said slowly: "How about the old man's Bian Que magic needle, Mr. Luhu?"

Lu Jun was taken aback, but he was unable to move when he wanted to make a move.

He knew that he had been exposed, but he still pretended to be stunned, and said: "What does the genius doctor mean, I'm no longer in Tiance Mansion."

"Hehe, how long will Detective Lu want to lie to this old man? Do you think that this old man doesn't know anything?" Doctor Li sneered.

"I'm very confused about what the genius doctor knows." Lu Jun said.

"Catcher Lu, let's be smart and don't speak in secret, you really don't know why you came here?" Li Shencun said.

"Of course it's for healing," Lu Jun said.

"Well, since Boss Lu doesn't want to say anything, the old man can only follow you. You can slowly heal your wounds here, so the old man won't accompany you."

After Divine Doctor Li finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and slid over all the golden needles. Lu Jun felt a few bursts of true energy pouring into his body from the golden needles, rushing wildly in his meridians.

"The old man knows that you are waiting for the response from the Tiance Mansion to rescue you. Unfortunately, when they came, they only found a cold corpse."

Doctor Li laughed, walked out of the room, leaving Lu Jun alone.

Lu Jun didn't know how he was exposed, but he knew that if he let those true currents continue, he would definitely turn into a cold corpse as Doctor Li said.

Qian Weiju once said that there will be masters accompanying him, but they can't get too close, even if the masters of Tiance Mansion come, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up, now they have to save themselves.

"God catch!"

When the Skycapture system was activated, Lu Jun immediately entered the exchange treasure house to check if there was any elixir to solve the current situation.

But what disappointed him was that all the pills that could cure the situation in front of him were of high value, and he couldn't afford to exchange them at all.

"System, what can I do to save myself now?" Lu Jun asked eagerly.

"Comprehend by yourself." The system replied coldly.

Lu Jun almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and was about to scold the system, when his heart suddenly moved.

"To comprehend it by myself, that means I have a solution. Could it be it? Don't worry about it, just try it hard and you will know!"

Lu Jun turned his heart away, and withdrew from keeping a low profile, the real qi in his dantian gushed out immediately, rushing along the meridians to the lung meridian of hand Taiyin.

(End of this chapter)

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