Chapter 29
Three flashing Jie Dao came at each other, and they cooperated with each other well, blocking Lu Jun's way.

Lu Jun was only in the late stage of Qi Gathering Realm, and hadn't reached the realm of being able to strike a sword with bare hands, so he could only retreat quickly.

The three monks took advantage of the situation and pressed tightly, forming a triangle and surrounding Lu Jun, their swords never leaving the vital point.

"God catch!"

While dodging the attacks of the three with every detail, Lu Jun summoned the sky arresting system.

"Exchange for a hundred-refined refined steel knife!"

Recently, he has been studying various exchange items when he has nothing to do. He has already become familiar with low-level items, so he directly chose a hundred-refined refined steel knife worth one hundred meritorious deeds.

As soon as the order was given, a steel knife appeared out of thin air in his hand.

The three monks were in a hurry to attack, when they suddenly saw an extra knife coming from Lu Jun, they were all startled.

How can there be any distraction in life and death?

Lu Jun immediately seized the opportunity, and suddenly slashed out the steel knife in his hand, and slashed at the monk in front of him.

The monk woke up suddenly, and immediately raised his knife to fight.

His Jie Dao is also made of refined steel, but it is produced by the system, so it must be a high-quality product. He only heard a local sound, and the Jie Dao broke in response.

The monk turned pale in shock, and pulled back to retreat, but it was too late, the blade light in his eyes became bigger and bigger, and finally filled the entire field of vision.

The light of the saber converged and the blood flowed, Lu Jun slashed down obliquely with his saber, splitting the head, shoulders and head of the monk into two pieces.


The other two monks let out a mournful cry, and swung their knives to attack.

Lu Jun's saber technique was learned from Tiance Mansion, although it can't be said to be very advanced, but it is not comparable to ordinary saber techniques, especially since he has reached the state of fine control, his saber techniques are more flexible and powerful.

He turned the steel saber in his hand and faced the two Jie Dao.

Just this change of move, in the Qi Gathering territory, no matter how proficient the saber technique is, it cannot be done if it is not at the subtle level.

When, when!
The two Jie knives were as vulnerable as rotten wood, and they were cut off at the same time, while Lu Jun's hundred-refined steel knife only had two gaps the size of rice grains.

The remaining two monks were shocked, they didn't expect Lu Jun's steel knife to be so sharp.

But they did not back down, but brandished broken knives and attacked again.

"court death!"

Lu Jun snorted coldly, and the steel knife swept across, slashing away like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Two heads flew high, with anger and unwillingness still on their faces, and blood splashed on Lu Jun's white clothes, like red plums.

Lu Jun didn't change his face, he put away his knife and chased outside the temple, but saw the carriage, which was about to disappear into the mountain road.

Although the mountain road was rugged, the carriage was speeding all the way regardless of the bumps. It was basically impossible for Lu Jun to catch up on foot.

Inside the carriage, the old monk had already torn his robes, removed two wooden sticks, bandaged his injured arm, and urgently urged the coachman: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

The coachman raised his whip to urge the horse, and said: "Don't worry, the altar master, this guy will definitely not be able to catch up!"

The old monk leaned back, thumped the carriage hard, and said regretfully, "Hunting geese all day long, but being pecked by geese all day long, I didn't even see this trick, Tan Xu misled me!"

He shot back and smashed the rear panel, looked back, just in time to see Lu Jun rushing out of the temple gate, knowing that the three monks were dead, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Lu Jun, I will avenge the hatred of destroying the altar today and the hatred of killing disciples in the future!"

The distance between the two was several miles, and manpower was not as good as horsepower after all. The old monk let go of his hanging heart, turned around and sat down, secretly thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly, there was a rush of hoofbeats behind him, and the old monk hurriedly turned his head to watch.

But he saw a steed red as fire behind him galloping towards him, and the passenger immediately held a blood-stained steel knife with a murderous look on his face. If it's not Lu Jun, who is it?

The old monk was dumbfounded immediately, and his mind was full of one question: "How can he have a horse?!"

Where did this horse come from? Naturally, Lu Jun exchanged it from the system.

There are five types of exchanges in the Tianzhu system, among which miscellaneous items include various items. Lu Jun spent a hundred good deeds in exchange for this horse that travels thousands of miles a day and travels eight hundred nights, which is worthy of the name.

"Hurry up, hurry up, he has a horse!" The old monk shouted hastily.

The coachman cracked his whip, but no matter how fast the carriage is, it can't compare to a single-handed horse, let alone Lu Jun, a thousand-mile horse.

After a few breaths, Lu Jun chased after him.

"Where, leave it to me!"

Lu Jun yelled, jumped up from the horse, and slashed down on the carriage with the steel knife in his hand.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old monk immediately fitted himself into the car door and flew out.

The coachman was caught off guard and was knocked flying by him. Just as he fell to the ground, he was run over by the horse treadmill, screaming miserably.

At the same time, Lu Jun's steel knife fell down, and the carriage was instantly scattered, and pieces of wood shot randomly.

The old monk didn't seem to see the miserable condition of the coachman, he jumped out of the car, trying to escape into the forest.

But Lu Jun didn't give him any chance, he jumped up on the treadmill, and the steel knife slashed behind the old monk with the sound of wind.

The old monk was startled when he heard the wind of the sword, tripped in panic and fell to the ground.

Lu Jun's saber also fell at this moment, and when he was about to decapitate the old monk, he suddenly trembled, and at the same time the steel saber spun, the back of the saber hit the old monk's head.

He was in control of every detail, and his grasp of strength was extremely precise, the old monk's eyes darkened, and he passed out.

Lu Jun fell to the ground, turned around and walked towards the coachman, only to see that his head had been crushed by the Pegasus, and he couldn't die anymore.

"This is not borrowing external force." Lu Jun thought anxiously.

The Skycapture system is also suitable for displaying a line of text in front of his eyes: "Mission completed."

Lu Jun secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If killing all the remnants of the Wuliang Sect was the standard, he would have to kill the old monk.

In that case, it would be impossible to know whether the Wuliang Sect had any remaining crimes in the city.

He mentioned the old monk and whistled, and the Maxima seemed to understand it, and stepped in front of him.

Lu Jun got on his horse, but he didn't go out of the mountain, but turned back into the temple.

Back in the temple, he first took out the poisoned denture from the old monk's mouth, then tied up his acupoints, and began to search.

With the help of Huiyan, Lu Jun soon searched out countless religious documents from the temple, including the list of all religious believers in Yangchang County.

What's funny is that Lu Jun's name has already been written on the latest column.

"Idiot! I can't even tell that I'm an undercover agent. No wonder the Infinite Church was destroyed."

Lu Jun laughed and cursed, collected all the evidence, sat in the temple and waited for the people from Tiance Mansion to arrive.

After a full two hours, when it was already late, they heard the sound of horseshoes outside, got up and looked, it was indeed the arresters from Tiance Mansion, led by Li Xianghe, rushing towards the temple.

Lu Jun couldn't help but think of a line from a movie in his dream: "The police are always the last to arrive."

"Hey, how do you think about this, I'm a policeman myself, okay?"

Lu Jun greeted him with a smile, and said, "I've seen Li Xieli before, but I don't know how Director Dong will be."

What Li Xianghe said next surprised him.

"The Governor has been imprisoned."

(End of this chapter)

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