Laughing and Proud's Life

Chapter 26 The History of the Yang Family

Chapter 26 The History of the Yang Family
The next day, Lin Pingzhi was still asleep when he was awakened by the sound of arguing outside.

"Miss, you came too early. Mr. Lin has not woken up yet. He has not recovered and needs to rest more." This was the voice of Hong'er, the little girl who arranged to serve Lin Pingzhi.

"People who practice martial arts, how can they be so delicate, besides, I came to bring him breakfast, freshly cooked eight-treasure porridge, and some vegetarian dishes!"

"Hong'er, let her come in, I'm already awake."

Hong'er helped Lin Pingzhi wash up briefly, and Cheng Xuefei opened the food box, which was divided into several layers, which was very delicate, and from the utensils, it can be seen that Miss Cheng is also a kind-hearted person.There are a few vegetarian dishes on the top, which look like a good color match, red and green, which makes people quite appetizing. At the bottom is a small bucket, which has a lid for heat preservation, and a larger bucket below, which contains hot water. Is a careful person.

Cheng Xuefei opened the lid to serve Lin Pingzhi the porridge, and a smell of mush came out of the porridge bucket, Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly, but he immediately felt relieved that the same situation would happen when he cooks by himself.

Hong'er and Cheng Xuefei helped Lin Pingzhi lean against the head of the bed, and put a small table on the bed, porridge and vegetables were placed on the table.Lin Pingzhi picked up a piece of cabbage, salty, carrots, salty, spinach and eggs, very salty, the salt hadn't melted yet, and it creaked in his mouth.Eight-treasure porridge is absolutely real, with several kinds of beans, rice, dates, raisins, and yams, which are rich in content.A sip of Jiaohu flavor is accompanied by a strong sweetness, but fortunately, it is all cooked.

Out of respect for food, after all, there are still many people in this era who can't afford to eat, so Lin Pingzhi eats seriously, not to mention the taste, but the nutrition is enough.

"Boy Lin, have you eaten yet? The little girl's cooking skills are pretty good, right?"

"Of course it's good, look, I'm basically done eating!"

"Boy, you are really lucky, hahahaha!"

"Miss Cheng, you see your father is envious. You can't just do it for me in the future. He is also envious. You have to make your father's too!"

Seeing that these two people were happy to eat the food they cooked, Cheng Xuefei was filled with joy, and naturally agreed without paying attention to the big face slapping her mouth.

Next, to learn chess, Lin Pingzhi first taught her to recognize the chessboard and the names of the basic moves. With Cheng Xuefei's intelligence and Lin Pingzhi's humorous explanation, she naturally and quickly completed the teaching goal.The big face is also nodding frequently, this kid is a bit tricky.

"Boy Lin, let's play another game, but can you stop using such indecent moves?"

"Father, won't you just say that other people's chess moves are wrong?"

"It doesn't matter, today we can win with a different chess style." He turned his head and said to the big face: "If we win, I have a request, you tell me your family origin."

"That's no problem. I'm afraid you'll ask the girl if I don't tell you."

Today Dalian is no longer as conceited as yesterday, the two of them guessed first, Dalian caught a few white stones, Cheng Xuefei took one of the black stones, it turned out that the number of white stones was even, so Dalian held the white and made the first move.The big face was very cautious, and it was no longer as free and easy as yesterday.Lin Pingzhi is playing the chess style of Cao Xunxuan, the Korean national player. This player has a gorgeous style of chess, a strong sense of the overall situation, and at the same time, his moves are fast and light.

Looking at the big face, this kid is very good. Under his guidance, he finally took the right path in the chess world. When he went down to the middle game, the big face couldn't be happy again, because he was about to lose again.The big face is very confused, why Lin Pingzhi doesn't seem to need to think, he can quickly deal with whatever he makes, as if he has rehearsed it many times.In desperation, he gave up struggling and surrendered in the middle game.

According to the big face, her surname is Cheng, and the ancestor of her family is Cheng Ying, the closed disciple of Dongxie Huang Yaoshi. She and her cousin Lu Wushuang didn't want to go back to Lujiazhuang, where the whole family was killed and burned to ruins, so they came to Wuxi. Settled in Xuelang Mountain on the shore of Taihu Lake.Both never married, they adopted three orphans successively as foster sons, named Yang, Cheng, and Lu.The three families have been friends for generations, and they are as close as brothers. Later, they prospered and the population increased. The Yang family and the Lu family moved out of this place and rebuilt the manor nearby.

It was also the first time for Cheng Xuefei to understand the history of the family in such detail, so she asked, "I can understand the surname Cheng and Lu, why is there another surname Yang?"

"That's not known. The two great-grandmothers didn't say anything. Maybe one of them was older when he was adopted and already knew his surname was Yang. But according to the records, they adopted all abandoned babies, so it was impossible for them to I know what my original last name was."

When Lin Pingzhi heard this, he understood that in the sculpture, both Cheng and Lu loved Yang Guo deeply, so the first adopted son was given the surname Yang.Lin Pingzhi didn't know whether he should speak out, but his hesitant expression was seen by the big face, so Lin Pingzhi could speak up whenever he had something to say, and he didn't have to hold back.Lin Pingzhi told the story in the Condor under the guise of the ancestor's handwriting, and he suddenly realized after listening to it. He had also heard about Yang Guo, the Condor Hero, but it was just the story passed down by Cheng and Lu. things involving your own love.So none of them knew why there was a surname Yang in the three families.

"Actually, the question Fei'er asked has troubled us for a long time. This is especially true for the Yang family. As the saying goes, life and death have their own merits. The Yang family has always tried to answer the question of where the surname came from. I don’t want to be explained clearly by you today, I think Brother Yang will be very grateful to you.”

"Since it is the inheritance of Senior Dongxie, what kind of martial arts have you all passed down now?"

"I knew you would ask this question. After all, you are not a chess idiot. How many people in the world are infatuated with chess like me? The Peach Blossom Island martial arts handed down by our three families include the Luoying Sword Technique, the Yuxiao Sword Technique, and the Luoying Divine Sword Palm , orchid brush point hand and supernatural powers, the ancient tomb sect's martial arts are mainly handed down from the Chilian fairy Li Mochou, such as Fuchen Swordsmanship, Bingpo Silver Needle, Chilian God's Palm, Beauty Boxing, etc. family swordsmanship, and also collects fragments of "Nine Yin Scriptures", "Secret Biography of Five Poisons", Qimen Dunjia and some medical skills."

"Generally speaking, the children of the three families can learn the martial arts handed down, but the energy in life is limited. My Cheng family mainly focuses on Luoying Excalibur, Luoying Excalibur Palm and Flick of Fingers, while the Lu family uses Fuchen Sword, Lu Family Saber and Orchid Fu acupuncture points are the main ones, while the Yang family mainly uses the jade flute swordsmanship, finger-flicking supernatural powers and red training palms."

"Since we returned to seclusion, the three of us have rarely gone to the rivers and lakes. Even if we walk in the rivers and lakes, we don't show our true colors. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a martial arts genius in the Yang family who didn't want to be restrained by this, so he informed the three patriarchs, and the three patriarchs agreed with him. Leave, let him swear a heavy oath not to reveal this place, and not to return for life. Later, I heard that this person joined the Ming Cult, and he has made a career."

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(End of this chapter)

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