Chapter 67

This time, after teaching Hua Hao and other girls in Dongkua Academy, Ouyang Ye left them a task, or "extracurricular homework".

The content is: investigate the market at Jitangguan, collect information according to the method he taught, make statistics and classify, and then write a summary of the information.

Because, to further control and rectify Jitangguan Market is one of Ouyang Ye's plans to expand the power of the Shenmu Gang.

Jitangguan is located at the estuary of the Tianzi River and the south bank of the Wu Gorge where the Yangtze River exits, so it can be said to be the largest and most prosperous town in Babei County.

Due to Tian Yunong's suggestion a few years ago, the Shenmu Gang began to collect protection fees at Jitangguan. Except for some well-known local merchants, all tourist merchants, and even some merchants without backing, can hardly escape.

However, Ouyang Ye believed that with such unique geographical conditions, Jitangguan should be able to develop far more prosperously than it is now, and the Shenmu Gang could benefit more from it.

Of course, there is an unavoidable problem here, and that is how to deal with the government.

Although Ouyang Ye has been "opened" for nearly half a year, he still has limited understanding of the way the Dayu government is doing things at this time, not to mention the differences in different places.

And if he wants to understand this matter and make a plan, only Chen Yan can consult and discuss in the gang.

Ouyang Ye recruited Chen Yan over in the morning, left Chen Yan to eat at the house at noon, chatted all afternoon in the afternoon, and did not let Chen Yan go back until dark.

Through Chen Yan, Ouyang Ye learned that Dayu, as a feudal dynasty, had already broken the situation that the country's power did not come down to counties, and established government agencies in many important towns and even villages, just like the Ming and Qing Dynasties in his previous life.

For example, Jitangguan, a big town located at the confluence of rivers and rivers and with prosperous commerce, has three divisions.

The three divisions are the Inspection Division, the Taxation Division, and the Customs Defense Division.

Among them, although the inspection of the inspection department belongs to the civil service system, it focuses on local security and arresting bandits, because in ancient times, even in the "peace and prosperity", there were many bandits.

The secondary task is to communicate with the local gentry—in fact, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to improve local law and order.

The tax ambassador is responsible for collecting various taxes other than the township agricultural tax, such as fishery tax, forestry tax, and commercial tax on various commodities.

The tax bank and accounts of these tax revenues must be handed over to the county, and the county will allocate the expenses for the third department.

The general rule of the Customs and Defense Department belongs to the military attache system, and they are generally stationed in important customs and defense areas in the countryside, that is, important military and transportation areas.

Its main responsibility is to assist in the maintenance of local law and order, arrest bandits, and even be dispatched by the commander-in-chief and guards above to conquer large-scale bandits and bandit gangs, guard the Jiangfang, and suppress the local area.

For example, Jitangguan, its name comes from the Jitangguan Guanfen a few miles northwest of the town, and there are indeed a flood of officers and soldiers (hundreds of people) stationed there.

After learning about this, Ouyang Ye lamented that the Dayu Dynasty in this world is just like the Ming and Qing Dynasties in his previous life, which can be regarded as the ultimate feudal dynasty.

so what?

No matter how good the system is, it can only become a joke after the government is corrupt.

Not to mention the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the previous life, just like Dayu, which is now in the end of the dynasty, the three divisions system at Jitangguan is almost a decoration.

First of all, let’s talk about the flood officers and soldiers at Jitangguan, with a staff of [-] people, but in fact there were only more than [-] people, and most of them were eaten up.

Moreover, most of these thirty or so people are cronies who have various relationships with the general manager. They usually only set up card fees on the roads that pass through the border, and then take the money to the town to eat, drink, whore and gamble.As for the training, at most it was to put on a show during the inspection by the Shangguan, and some people had to be recruited from the town to make up for it so that they could get away with it.

It can be said that the strength of these thirty or so people is even worse than the original Shenmu Gang.

That boss is also very knowledgeable, knowing that the Shenmu Gang is not easy to mess with, so when Ouyang Hu was alive, he didn't dare to ask about the Shenmu Gang's affairs, and only guarded the pass to "make money".

As for now, it is estimated that when he saw Ouyang Ye, he would have to clasp his fists - after all, Ouyang Ye could easily kill all of them by himself.

And if this boss does not have a strong backing, his death will be in vain. For the Shenmu Gang, it is nothing more than spending a few hundred taels of silver to bribe the corrupt officials above to not investigate further. The crime can be placed on any unknown Jiangyang thief.

Then there is the inspectorate.

The inspector's yamen is in Jitangguan Town, but there are already rats running inside.

At night, more than a dozen beggars who claim to be disciples of the Beggar Gang will sleep in it, grab a few fat mice and roast them, and have a good time.

The reason for this is that the inspectors of the inspection department have not been to Jitangguan for several times, and they have all stayed in the county seat.

As for the team of yamen servants that should have been there, they naturally followed the attendants to find the inspectors around, and stayed in the county to enjoy the blessings.

It is said that the first inspector was reluctant to come to Jitangguan because his predecessor was beheaded by an unknown gangster while in office. After being caught, Jitang Pass was not safe, so he stayed in the county seat.

Later, the inspector found out that he could do his job "well" if he didn't come to Jitangguan. up.

When the official seal was handed over, the latecomers sent hundreds of taels of silver to ask this senior with high achievements for advice, and after getting advice, they also lived in the county town and never came to Jitangguan. Go up, go and get a high school, and also get promoted and get rich and leave.

As a result, the later inspectors no longer came to Jitangguan, and only "worked" in the county.

Finally, the tax department.

Well, the Tax Division is gone.

About one Jiazi ago, a well-known and upright official felt that the tax bureaus in various townships were simply tools for low-level officials to exploit the people, and the imperial court received very little money through the tax bureaus, so he wrote to Emperor Dayu Abolish the Tax Division.

The Emperor Dayu of that generation regarded himself as a wise king who loved the people like his son, and he got along well with that upright official. After learning about the various exploitative behaviors of the tax bureaus below, he was furious, and he stamped his seal and agreed to this. thing.

Since then, there has been no tax department in Dayu Township.

However, it is necessary for the gentry and the people in the township to pay an extra amount of money to the government...
"That is to say, as long as we hand over the Biyanglian Bank for the gentry and common people in Jitangguan, the government will not care what we do in Jitangguan?" Ouyang Ye asked with his eyes slightly squinted at that time. .

His eyes were shining brightly, obviously excited.

Chen Yan replied: "Theoretically long as we don't cause a civil uprising."

The so-called civil upheavals refer to large-scale civil disturbances, or even common people's uprisings.

The Shenmu Gang is Jitang Guanzheng's largest non-governmental organization, how could he force his own people to make trouble?

So Ouyang Ye asked one last question.

"How much is the Yanglian silver set for Ji Tangguan?"

"1 taels a year."

How much is 1 taels of silver?

It must be too much for an individual, after all, Ouyang Hu used to earn only 2 to [-] taels a year.

But if you put it in the entire Jitang Pass, it's not a big number.

And if Jitangguan can be changed according to his idea, and the annual income is more than 10 taels, what is the 1 taels of "Yanglian Yin" at that time?
The next day, Ouyang Ye asked Chen Yan to dredge up the government, that is to say, to buy those corrupt officials, and contracted the collection of Jitangguan's "Yanglian Bank" like a tooth shop.

While Ouyang Ye was waiting for the "homework" of several girls to collect and count information on the Jitangguan market, while thinking about the change plan for Jitangguan.

He is going to divide the matter into several steps, so that the gentry and the people will not resist, and the results can be seen as soon as possible...
[First update. 】

 Thank you [qieSha] for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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