Heavens Unlimited Play

Chapter 225 And Flamenco Steps

Chapter 225 And Flamenco Steps
Xiaoyu is gone.

But it seems that Xiaoyu has not disappeared.

"Hey, handsome horse, if I feed you carrots, will you come with me?"

Xiaoyu was standing in front of Erhei, she found a carrot from somewhere, trying to lure Erhei, and let this cool, gorgeous and fashionable horse go home with her.

If you can ride it to school, it must be so cool, it will make all the students jaw drop.

If some classmates ask themselves, maybe they can let this handsome horse ride for them.

Except for the obnoxious Xiao Zhu, who is always self-righteous and laughs at himself.

At this moment, Xiaoyu felt as if her body was floating uncontrollably, which made her scream.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoyu saw a skull with a group of will-o'-the-wisps burning in its eye sockets, looking at her faintly, which made her heart skip a beat.

"Good evening, little girl, it doesn't like carrots."

The skeleton slowly said: "But a delicious little girl like you may be a very delicious snack, what do you think?"

If it was a little girl or boy of the same age as Xiaoyu, I'm afraid that at this time she would pee her pants in fright, and would wake up in the middle of the night when she went back to sleep.

But she is Cheng Xiaoyu.

Daring, well-informed, eccentric...

Xiaoyu smiled, waved his hand and said, "Hi, Mr. Skeleton, good evening. I'm too young to eat, and I haven't bathed for a month. I suggest you eat that guy with green clothes and white hair, he looks very very chewy."

The one with green clothes and white hair is naturally Wa Long who is still immersed in illusion.

"Mr. Skeleton, it's best not to eat human flesh. The hamburger meat on our street is very good."

Jackie Chan had already run over, jumped four or five meters unscientifically, hugged Xiaoyu, ran away quickly, and did not forget to turn around and recommend: "In addition, they have a promotional event these two days, you can get a [-]% discount. "

"Ghosts, goblins, go away, goblins, goblins, go away."

At the same time, the old man recited the omnipotent spell, and a green light ball shot out from the gecko's trunk "biu~" and hit Xia Wuji's palm.

Immediately, the [Void Manipulation Technique] failed, and the gold bars that were originally flying towards Xia Wuji fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Old goat, you dare to ruin my business!"

Xia Wuji set his sights on his father.

"Oh, do you want to fight with Dad too?" Dad held the gecko and made an offensive posture.

"King of Darkness, please spew out your fire of anger to cleanse all goodness in the world - Hell Fire Dragon." Xia Wuji recited the spell.

A series of fire dragons drilled out of the ground, causing the surrounding temperature to rise suddenly.

The fire dragon was roaring and roaring, and rushed towards the old man.

"Ghosts, goblins, leave quickly, goblins, goblins, go away quickly." The old man chanted the spell, the gecko stem flashed green light, and green shock waves "biu~biu~" shot out.

The green light comes from righteous magic, which has a strong restraint effect on evil forces.Every shot of green light can smash a fire dragon to pieces.

"Spirit of water! Listen to my call, show your proud strength, launch a great flood, and destroy everything in the world—the roar of the water god!"

"Ghosts, goblins, go away, goblins, goblins, go away."

"Demon of Thunder, show your power to destroy everything..."

"The demons and ghosts leave quickly..."


The two magicians were bombarding each other, and one after another brilliant magic was released, colliding together in the air, forming a strong shock wave, and venting in all directions.

Jackie Chan wanted to help, but Erhei had already rushed towards him, spewing out balls of flames and releasing [Death Shock], which made Jackie Chan choked up.

If there are sundries, it is best to be in the furniture city. Jackie Chan may be able to deal with Erhei, but this is on a vast beach. Apart from blowing sand, he has no other weapons at all, he can only run.

What's more, Er Hei is not a vegetarian, he has infinite strength, high defense, and can release hell flames all over his body. If he hadn't encountered a pervert like Xia Wuji, he wouldn't have been able to surrender easily.

The magic confrontation lasted for several minutes, and Xia Wuji said indignantly: "Why do I have to read a long series of spells when I cast a spell, and you can just say "demons and ghosts leave quickly", it's not fair."

In the mage's counter spray, the casting speed is obviously particularly important.

Xia Wuji's spell was too long, and Dad was an omnipotent spell "Leave the monsters and ghosts quickly". With both parties having sufficient magic power, his casting speed was obviously much higher, and he fell into a disadvantage.

Uncle shoots three spells, but he can only cast two.

Fortunately, he has a black armor to protect his body, and ordinary magic is not easy to break through the defense.

But now, after being bombarded by seven or eight magic spells from the old goat, the light of the armor has also become dimmed.

Speaking of which, the leader of another black air wizard "Daolong" is even more powerful, almost all of them cast spells instantly, and even the old man has been defeated by him many times.

The old man showed a proud smile, put one hand on his waist and said, "The old man is the apprentice of the archmage, a powerful righteous mage."

After speaking, he waved the gecko stem again, and two balls of green light shot out one after another, hitting Xia Wuji's armor.

The first green light shattered the power of the armor completely.The second green light hit Xia Wuji's body.

"Ah, I'm green."

Xia Wuji was surprised to find that this green light spread all over his body in an instant, making his whole body glow green.

The green is dazzling.

It's not Gu Tianle, it's better than Gu Tianle.

Moreover, this green light is still dissolving the dark magic in his body, making his undead incarnation gradually disappear.

"This is Dad's justice magic, which can dispel the dark magic on you." Dad showed a proud expression.

"Daddy is the best!" Xiaoyu cheered.

"Father, use magic to deal with this horse." On the other side, Jackie Chan was still being chased by the fiery Erhei, shouting non-stop: "Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky."

The horse is so powerful that Jackie would rather face a dozen Mafia members than fight it.

"Father, please keep this horse, it's really cool, please." Xiaoyu tugged on his father's clothes: "If it's really not possible, just keep it for a day, just a day."

One day is enough for her to show off in class.

"No, this is an evil horse. Leaving it alone can only bring disaster, and we must send it back to where it should go." The old man accompanied his face, showing a serious expression.

Although he loves his niece and granddaughter Xiaoyu very much, he can't be ambiguous about this kind of matter.

After finishing speaking, the old man raised the gecko stem and recited the mantra again: "The monsters and ghosts leave quickly, the ghosts and ghosts leave quickly."

With a sound of "biu~", the magic of righteousness hit Erhei who was chasing Jackie Chan, causing him to let out a long cry, and soon disappeared.

"Jackie Chan, now you know how powerful Dad is. Young people shouldn't be arrogant, and don't underestimate old people." Dad said with a straight face and a slightly smug tone.

Jackie Chan explained: "I didn't underestimate Dad."

As soon as the words were finished, the old man's brain collapsed: "Don't interrupt the old man's speech, but also listen carefully to the old man's speech, because what the old man said are all wise words."

"I know, I know."

Xiaoyu was dejected: "The cool horse is gone."

"Okay, I should call District 13 and ask them to settle the matter." Jackie Chan scratched his head and said with a distressed look: "A lot of gold bars were taken away by that skeleton, this is troublesome gone."

"Are you blaming Dad's righteousness magic for not being strong enough?"

"What are you talking about, Dad? How could I think so."

Pa~ (brain collapse)


"Although you didn't say that in your mouth, you thought so in your heart."

"..." Jackie Chan.

"Oh~ Father, why did you hit me again? I didn't say anything this time."

"Dad taught you, but you didn't say a word. Do you disdain to tell Dad? Young people, don't be too arrogant." With a straight face, Dad kept teaching Jackie Chan.

Old people seem to like to use their own experience to teach young people.

Most young people are quite disdainful, and even walk away.

However, Jackie Chan has a gentle temperament. In most cases, even if he feels uncomfortable, he will choose to obey the old man.

"Don't you call yourself young?!" Suddenly, a dull and oppressive voice sounded.

"Oh, Dad, why are you hitting me again?"

"Jackie Chan, you have learned to talk back to Dad now." Dad said angrily.

"I didn't." Jackie Chan said aggrievedly.

"You didn't? Then what did you just say?" the old man stared.

"Ah, I didn't say anything." Jackie Chan expressed his innocence.

"Oh, you're going to piss off daddy." Saying that, daddy gave Jackie Chan another blow.

Just when Jackie Chan and Dad were about to quarrel, Xiaoyu tugged at Dad's clothes and pointed in a certain direction: "Dad, Uncle Long didn't just say that, just look."

"What are you looking at?" The old man adjusted his glasses, followed Xiaoyu's finger to look over, and couldn't help being surprised: "Oh, why didn't he disappear? Could it be that the old man's magic didn't work? Impossible, isn't he Undead?"

It turned out that although the skeleton undead just now was affected by the magic of righteousness, it did not disappear. Instead, it changed from a skeleton without flesh and blood into a person in a puff of green smoke.

A tall, powerfully built man with flaming crimson hair appeared in front of them.

"Old man, when it comes to magic, I am indeed no match for you. From now on, let's compete in martial arts."

As he said that, the red-haired man twisted his neck, exuding a ferocious temperament like a beast, and walked towards Jackie Chan's trio step by step. Every step he took, the sense of oppression became stronger.

"Jackie Chan, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and beat him up." The old man pointed at the red-haired man and called out to Jackie Chan.

"Ah, Dad, didn't he come for you? You can use magic to deal with him." Jackie Chan scratched his head and said.


"Dad said that magic should be used to defeat magic, but now he is a human being and a master of martial arts. Do you want to beat him with his old bones? If you don't want to, go and beat him."

"I know, I know."

Jackie Chan stopped in front of Xia Wuji, showing a friendly smile: "Hi, friend, hello, what's your name? Martial arts are not for fighting, everyone can live in peace."

"My name is Heihu Afu, you are ready to die!" The tall red-haired man rushed to Jackie Chan like lightning, and raised his arm slightly: "This is the Mantis Fist."

"This is a serpentine step."

"This is the lotus float."

"This is the scorpion's paw."

The shadow of fist wind and palm spread like overwhelming sky and earth.Every punch, every palm not only has a thousand ton strength, but also the speed is as fast as lightning, it is hard for the naked eye not to do it.

Even Jackie Chan, who was blessed by the protagonist's halo, couldn't resist, screaming and screaming after being beaten.

"And flamenco steps."

In the end, Xia Wuji put one foot on Jackie Chan's nose and didn't kick him.

Because at this time, when the point of traditional kung fu is over, Jackie Chan will lose. If he kicks hard, he will break his nose with one kick.

Who knew that Jackie Chan, who seemed honest and honest, didn't talk about martial arts, suddenly grabbed Xia Wuji's unretracted leg with both hands, and threw it hard: "Is this trick telling Xiaozhu to go to the market?"

"Flying Hammer!"

"The cat landed!"

Xia Wuji dispelled Jackie Chan's power in an instant, and then launched another merciless attack.

"The bear's paw strikes."

"The cat shakes the water!"

"Cat turn around!"

"Try my flying crane shrimp."

This time, Zai Xia Wuji showed no mercy and quickly knocked Jackie Chan to the ground.

The last perfect "Mount Tai!" stepped on Jackie Chan's body with a slight force, causing the other party to temporarily pass out and lose consciousness.

"Ah Fu beat Jackie Chan!"

Xia Wuji raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He is not good at magic, but in terms of martial arts, no one is his opponent.

"Old goat, it's your turn."

Xia Wuji looked at his father again.

"Oh, don't underestimate Dad, Dad is very powerful."

The old man's eyes were slightly sharp, and a pair of withered old hands were clenched into fists, ready to fight.He was indeed a master when he was young, even now that he is old, he is extraordinary, and three or five strong men can't get close to him.At this time, he is ready to fight, but he has a bit of a grandmaster's momentum.

But unfortunately, his opponent is Xia Wuji.

"Try my Erlong Xizhu!"

Xia Wuji shot again, stabbing his father's eyes with two fingers like lightning.

"Don't underestimate Dad, oh~"

"Daddy is very powerful. Aww~"

"Stop, don't fight, don't fight anymore. Aww, young man, you don't talk about martial arts."


(End of this chapter)

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