Chapter 457 Negotiation
Chapter 32 Negotiation

(Thanks to Jin Sheng Xing Huang for the reward!)
Zhao Junyong actually didn't want to make Cang Fei an enemy. In the past when Cang Fei went north to Huaibei, he even thought of taking refuge in Cang Fei. At that time, Cang Fei was Yin Tianzheng's prospective son-in-law, and he had a good relationship with Xie Xun, and he was very kind to Mingjiao. , It’s not bad to say that you are half a Mingjiao.

But who knew that this world was so dramatic, Cang Fei and Xie Xun suddenly had a falling out, and later Cang Fei attacked his father-in-law, defeating Yin Tianzheng and his son in front of the battle, and then beheaded Monk Peng and Taoist Tie Guan, even Yang Xiao He also died in the hands of Cang Fei, so Cang Fei and Mingjiao would be like fire and water.

Zhao Jun Yong really regretted why he didn't follow Cang Fei that day, but at this time he was trapped in the Ming army.

He has no confidence in this battle. He is not a pure warrior, and his martial arts are not even second-rate. He is a proper third-rate character, but he is a military adviser of the Huaibei Ming Army. His words are more important than sesame seeds. , the prestige is only half a chip behind Zhou Dian.

As a martial artist, Zhou Dian was not familiar with marching and fighting, so most of the affairs in the army were handled by Zhao Junyong.

A guy with a high position and authority, who is also extremely smart, really doesn't want to be defeated by Cang Fei like this.

But at this time, the relationship between Mingjiao and Cang Fei is so bad that there is no room for turning around, but he has no choice but to be hostile to Cang Fei. As for surrendering to Cang Fei, it's not that he hasn't thought about it, but this thought has been erased by him long ago .

It has to be said that Mingjiao is an extremely attractive sect, full of ideal ideas. Mr. Zhao was brainwashed with such a smart person. After some struggles, he decided to live and die with Mingjiao.

Of course, in addition to the so-called belief, there is also affection.

His relatives and friends are all in the Ming army, if he chooses to betray, he will only end up in a situation of betrayal, which he absolutely does not want.

The Mingjiao side, whether they were willing or not, chose to continue fighting Cang Fei in the end.

On the side of the beggar gang, it is obviously much more shaken.

Shi Huolong, who has always been decisive, frowned and asked the other gang members: "Brothers, what do you think?"

Under the pressure of Cang Fei, he, who is usually a talkative guy, also became worried.

Zhangbo Longtou first said: "In fact, we have nothing against Cang Fei. Before we competed with them for Huainan, it was just for the sake of fighting for the world. At this time, he has already captured Jingxiang. We missed the opportunity. There is no need to continue to fight with him. Go on. And speaking of it, he healed your injury, leader, and he has done us a kindness for our beggar gang, so let us retreat as a repayment for his kindness."

Zhang Bolongtou once went to Jinling to meet Cang Fei and begged Cang Fei to heal Shi Huolong, but Cang Fei agreed immediately. He has always been very grateful for this. When the gang met not long ago to decide whether to attack Huainan with Mingjiao, he He resolutely opposed it, and it was only in the end that the main combat faction gained the upper hand, so he had no choice but to accept the reality, and now he naturally began to advocate for peace and retreat again.

"Cang Fei has a kindness to our beggar gang, but this time involves fighting for the world, which is related to the interests of every gang member in our beggar gang. The gang leader also said that day that we should not disregard our own beggar gang because of his personal reasons. Cang Fei is a man, we all know very well that this man will take revenge, thinking that Yin Tian is his father-in-law, and we have not seen him show any mercy, if we offended him, would he take it lightly? What about revenge?"

The person who said this is the elder Chuangong, he is the most determined person in the main combat faction, his martial arts and status in the beggar gang are second only to the gang leader Shi Huolong, and he has a great influence on the decision-making of the gang , when Shi Huolong hesitated and couldn't make up his mind, he would often adopt his suggestion.

"That's right!" The law enforcement elder also nodded, and said: "Cang Fei is a hypocrite. In the past, he pretended to be a good person, but he just wanted to show favor and power to our beggar gang, and to repay the favor. If we really If you retreat, you will really fall into his trap, we must not make such a mistake."

The martial arts and status of the law enforcement elder in the gang is second to that of the Chuangong elder. He is above the two leaders and has a very good relationship with the Chuangong elder. Those who are also on the side of the main combat faction.

Among the five giants of the beggar gang, the leader of the gang is neutral, the leader of the bowl is the leader of peace, and the two elders of law enforcement and martial arts are the main battle. For the time being, the main fighter has the upper hand.

The remaining one of the five giants, who is the leader of the stick, has the lowest status and martial arts. He will never take the initiative to speak up, and it is the same at this time. After all the opinions have been expressed, he opened his mouth and said: He is cruel and ruthless, even an expert like Zhang Zhenren was brutally killed by him, such a public enemy of martial arts, we really should not compromise with him."

Regarding Zhang Bang Longtou's answer, not only the Beggars' side, but even Mingjiao's side were not surprised.

After getting acquainted with Zhang Bang Longtou, you will know him as a person, just a gentle character, without half of his own opinions.As long as one side has the upper hand, he will increase his weight in the end and choose that side, so what he expresses is always the mainstream opinion, and everyone just asks his opinion habitually. After all, he is one of the five giants of the beggar gang. We all know his answer, but we can't ignore him.

Everyone is a little shameless about this, but they have to admire his wit. His position as the leader of the stick and his martial arts are both in an embarrassing position in the beggar gang.

Anyway, he's just doing the finale. People he supports won't embarrass him, and those he opposes don't bother to get angry with people like him.

The way of survival of the weak is vividly interpreted by Zhang Bang Longtou.

Shi Huolong nodded slightly, he knew the opinions of the giants of the Beggar Gang, and he already had an idea in his mind.

However, he didn't make a decision right away, but glanced at a young disciple of the Beggar Gang, and said, "Master Chen Duo, do you have any comments?"

He has a gentle tone and kind eyes, completely different from his usual majestic appearance, just like looking at a younger generation of his own.

This young disciple of the beggar gang was only in his early twenties, but his expression was calm and composed. Even at this critical juncture, when he was questioned by the gang leader, he didn't panic at all, and said: "Guild leader, as far as I understand, then Cang Fei is extremely arrogant. We have already fought against Qin Bing. Even if we apologize to him now, I am afraid it will be useless. At this time, we might as well fight Qin Bing. Maybe there is still a chance of victory. However, this is just a mere opinion. Don't take it to heart."

Although he was calm, he had a respectful demeanor. He not only mentioned his own opinion, but also did not make people feel that he was actively intervening in the important affairs of the gang, making it difficult for people to find fault.

Others looked at him with different expressions. Shi Huolong kept a kind look all the time. The two elders who passed on the skills and enforced the law remained motionless, as if they didn't catch this Duozhu Chen in their eyes. , he was obviously a little unhappy, but he didn't say it out.

Everyone in the Mingjiao saw all this in their eyes, but chose to stand on the sidelines and did not make any comments.

Everyone in the Mingjiao knew about this Chen Tuozhu, he was the leader of the Beggar Clan's Great Wisdom Division, called Chen Youliang, and he was regarded as a leader among the younger generation of Mingjiao.

I heard that Chen Youliang was recommended by a deceased elder of the Beggar Clan, that elder was kind to Shi Huolong, so Shi Huolong regarded Chen Youliang as his nephew, and he always cultivated him carefully.

Chen Youliang is also very competitive. Although his martial arts are not too high, he is resourceful and has made a lot of contributions to the Beggars' Gang. He is definitely considered a high-level person, otherwise he would not be able to attend such a meeting, and even everyone in Mingjiao knew him.

But for Chen Youliang, there are still many people in the Beggar Clan who have little words. First, although Chen Youliang is very clever in his actions, he often uses unscrupulous methods and is disliked by honest people. Second, Chen Youliang is too much. Young, not very strong, but his status in the gang has soared rapidly.

The promotion of Chen Youliang's status mainly depends on his military merits, he used his wisdom to plan for the rebel army, and won victories one after another. His strength is definitely at the bottom among the rudder masters of the beggar gang, but his status is absolutely no one among the rudder masters. As far as he can tell, even many senior elders have already been overwhelmed by his sharpness, coupled with the importance of the gang leader Shi Huolong, so even such a meeting has the opportunity to speak.

This kind of power has even begun to reach the five giants. The two elders who are as stable as Mount Tai, Chuangong and Law Enforcement, can still look at it indifferently, but Zhangbolongtou and Zhangbanglongtou inevitably have some lumps in their hearts. They feel that Chen Youliang will be a threat to them. Sometimes they even target Chen Youliang regardless of their status.

As an ally in the same region, as both cooperative and competitive, the Mingjiao people are also very clear about Chen Youliang's ability, knowing that Chen Youliang can easily resolve the difficulties that Chen Youliang made against the palm-bowl dragon head and the palm-stick dragon head, in the eyes of the Mingjiao people , this Chen Youliang is definitely not someone who is waiting for nothing, he is extremely difficult to deal with.

But as an ally, Chen Youliang is a very good helper. Because of this, there are many people in the beggar gang who are dissatisfied with Chen Youliang, a young star, but Chen Youliang still lives happily and thrives in the beggar gang.

After receiving Chen Youliang's suggestion, Shi Huolong finally made up his mind, saying: "Cang Fei is the public enemy of the martial arts, and is not tolerated by the world. Our beggar gang is the largest gang in the world, and we are also a member of the Righteous Way Alliance. Of course we cannot compete with Cang Fei." A villain like Fei compromised, for the justice of the martial arts, our beggar gang decided to fight this villain to the death, wipe out this scourge, and return the world of martial arts to a bright future!"

How grandiose it is!
When Shi Huolong said these words, he didn't feel ashamed at all, he was full of energy, he looked like a righteous man, and he seemed to be different from the Shi Huolong who was hesitant to ask for the opinions of the gang just now.

Everyone in the beggar gang applauded one after another, what kind of gang leader is wise, that villain Cang Fei will die, and so on, they are nothing more than flattering Shi Huolong while belittling Cang Fei. Gang will be able to win a big victory, Cang Fei will be defeated.

Mingjiao people listened to these words, and their expressions remained unchanged. It was not the first time they had encountered such a scene. The nature of the high-level beggar gang was like this. It is called the Devil's Cult, but they still have self-knowledge and pay attention to seeking truth from facts, but the Beggar Gang obviously has no bottom line, and they dare to speak out any big words. Not even the six major factions of the righteous way.

In fact, the beggars’ gang has been very useless these years. It’s okay if Shi Huolong was not there before. As a result, after the uprising, they failed to realize their due potential. During the uprisings in various places, they were either wiped out in an instant, or were annexed by other rebels.

This is undoubtedly an extremely embarrassing thing. If it was beforehand, absolutely no one would have thought that it would be such a situation.

In the world of martial arts, Mingjiao is the largest sect, Shaolin sect is the largest sect, and Beggars' Gang is the largest sect. They are all giants that have stood in the martial arts for hundreds of years.

After the Mingjiao was founded, there were uprisings in all dynasties, and it was even called the Devil's Cult by the court, and it was suppressed wantonly. However, it has been banned repeatedly for hundreds of years. The threat of the world erupted with terrifying power.

The Shaolin School is the head of the righteous way in the world. Not to mention the eminent monks and martial monk disciples in the temple, many of the lay disciples are famous towns all over the country after returning to the lay world. It can be seen that even Zhang Sanfeng once studied as a teacher in Shaolin Temple.

After the Shaolin sect raised the banner of rebellion, all the righteous people in the world responded and regarded it as their own banner. Even other famous sects respected it from a distance. That's why the Wudang sect supported Zhu Yuanzhang, who was selected by the Shaolin Temple, and promised to be in the Shaolin Temple. The fact that Wudang Mountain held the Alliance of Good and Evil event triggered a series of conflicts.

The world's largest religion, Mingjiao, and the world's largest sect, Shaolin Sect, have both played their due roles, but the Beggars' Gang, the world's largest sect, is obviously much more down and out.

Raising the flag of rebellion was even much earlier than the Shaolin faction, but in the end it was only a contest with Zhou Dian in Huaibei, and it would be embarrassing to speak out.

The members of the Mingjiao looked at the self-important members of the Beggar Clan, they couldn't see it on their faces, but they couldn't help showing disdain in the depths of their eyes.

This is not only due to the stupidity and arrogance of the members of the beggar gang, but another reason is ungratefulness.

Shi Huolong, the leader of the beggar gang, was healed by Cang Fei, but the beggar gang easily forgot this kindness. Such a person, even the Mingjiao people who are regarded as evil and heretics feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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