Sleeping Arhat

Chapter 4 Red Apricot Thief - Tian Kai

Chapter 4 Red Apricot Thief - Tian Kai
Old man Li sighed again, and said, "You know, old man, I travel all over the rivers and lakes, and every time I encounter danger, I can turn danger into good luck. What is the so-called?"

Wu Xian thought for a long time but didn't know, staring at Old Man Li's white and messy beard with puzzled eyes, he shook his head puzzled.

Old man Li pointed to his gray head, and said firmly: "It all depends on wisdom and legs. Everyone in the Jianghu is licking blood at the edge of a knife. If you offend others unintentionally, if you are a gentleman, then That's all. If you are a treacherous villain, you will definitely hold a grudge against you, and even secretly murder, use evil knives, hidden weapons, poisonous poisons, etc., and use everything to the extreme."

Old man Li sighed, and said: "I still remember when I was 30 years old, my friend and I broke into the place where a senior was buried, and I got this cheat book 'Red Apricot Stepping on Branches' and many jewels. I got the secret book, but I didn’t know that not only the money is touching, but also the secret book is touching. When I was passing through the apricot forest, he pushed me down the hillside. At that time, I grabbed his skirt in a hurry and was afraid, planning to die together. Maybe God Seeing my pity, when the two of us rolled down the hillside, the villain hit his head on the sharp rock, but I survived." Old man Li's face was full of loneliness and an indescribable emotion, whether it was guilt or Solution to hatred.

"Therefore, no one in the world should easily believe that a hero who is so righteous may have dirty blood in his hands, and a knight who seems to be heroic and honest may be treacherous and selfish. Even the closest friends and brothers may Harm you for the treasure of secret scriptures."

"Think more when things happen, give way to small things, the biggest thing in the world is not life, the so-called feelings and face, etc. are all in vain, if the situation is not right, run away immediately."

That night, old man Li talked a lot, and Wu Xian thought in his heart: So the world is not as beautiful as imagined.

Although Wu Xian has obtained the peerless lightness kung fu, but Wu Xian can't understand the words and acupuncture points, so it is extremely difficult to learn.Different from Huimeng Heart Sutra and Sleeping Arhat Boxing, the two seem to be engraved in the mind, and you can master them as soon as you learn them.

Therefore, Wu Xian wandered around the city to beg sometimes, and sometimes hid outside the private school to study. Since the third day, old man Li had a gloomy and depressed face after attending the meeting of the Beggar Clan branch, because although Wu Xian was a beggar, he was not a member of the Beggar Clan. , so he was not allowed to participate in the sub-forum meeting, and Wu Xian didn't know what happened.

After three days, old man Li slowly said: "Recently Zhang Wuxia returned to the Central Plains with his wife and children. All the gangs from Shaolin, Emei, Kunlun, Kongtong, Huashan, etc. went to Wudang to celebrate Zhang Zhenren's birthday. In fact, he asked about the whereabouts of the golden lion king Xie Xun. , and Zhang Wuxia’s son was taken away by traitors, and there was no news, the elders have issued orders to mobilize the disciples of the Beggar Clan to look for Zhang Wuji, the son of Zhang Wuxia.” After speaking, old man Li sighed, and the storm was about to come.

Wu Xian also sighed deeply, as early as listening to the conversations of some people in the rivers and lakes, Wu Xian knew that this was the world of Yitian Tulongji. Now it seems that the plot has officially unfolded. Rely on, so as not to die in troubled times.

Walking all the way from Hebei, Wu Xian has seen too many lives and deaths. Tartars slaughtered villages, robbed treasures, and raped women, which is really hateful. Feeling: I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times.

Wu Xian took a deep look at old man Li, and said with some melancholy: "Old beggar, since the matter is over, where are we going now?"

Old man Li squinted his eyes and thought, frowning heavily, and said: "Nowhere is safe now. There are many monsters, ghosts and snakes in the Western Regions, and there are many storms. The Mingjiao and the six major factions have never stopped fighting each other. There are many disaster victims in Hebei. There are bandits in the mountains, who rob houses; while there are many water thieves and Japanese pirates in the south, the Tianying Sect and the Giant Whale Gang are quite domineering in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and there are also rebels in other areas. The troubled times are troublesome. Let's live at the feet of the Tartar Emperor. You don't need to worry about it. In addition, if you practice your martial arts well, your life should be the first priority, the Central Plains is vast and abundant, and there will definitely be a time for you to show off your skills in the future."

Wu Xian also suddenly felt that if he didn't have martial arts, he could only be slaughtered by others, and his heart became more and more anxious for the red apricot to step on the branches.But first of all, you must be able to read and understand characters, and be familiar with the acupuncture points.

Wu Xian suddenly remembered, fixed his eyes on old man Li, and said, "Old beggar, I read the secret book you gave me, but I don't know many words and many acupuncture points."

Old man Li slapped himself on the head, annoyed that he had forgotten such a thing, and said: "I forgot such a thing, but I am literate, you can ask me for advice, I was just like you when I learned 'Red Apricot Stepping on Branches' , the meridians and acupoints are not clear, and it took a lot of effort to learn it later."

Although old man Li has never learned other martial arts, he has traveled all over the world for so many years, and he also knows that some advanced kung fu often involves "meridians and acupoints" and "martial arts Yi Jing". "Red apricot stepping on the branches" is a kung fu with a total of [-] chapters, all of which are scriptures. Never practice it.

Wu Xian looked at Old Man Li again, and asked the question he had these days: "Old beggar, where is the origin of this lightness skill? It seems to be whirling in the wind, very chic and comfortable."

Hearing Wu Xian's question, old man Li couldn't help coughing twice, his sallow face glowed a little red, it was really difficult to answer this question.

However, old man Li once heard people say that 50 years ago there was a famous flower picker in Jianghu named Hongxing thief-Tian Kai. The red apricot thief Tian Kai was originally from the Western Regions. She is graceful and beautiful, so she came to the Central Plains and committed thirteen crimes in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas overnight, and the thirteen famous ladies who picked flowers were notorious.

And that apricot flower thief—Tian Kai has a quirk. Whenever he commits a crime, he will step on the apricot flower and float away on the nine heavens. He only commits crimes in March and April when the apricot blossoms are in bloom. , Every household, everyone is in danger, so at that time the apricot trees in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were cut down, trying to provoke Tian Kai to leave.

Later, all factions in the Central Plains abandoned their prejudices, and the good and evil factions worked together to pursue the red apricot thief Tian Kai. They encircled and suppressed the red apricot thief Tian Kai more than [-] times. Unable to reach it, he turned danger into safety several times.

The Skynet is not missing. Among the women who were violated by it, a woman of the Yang family had a younger sister who was studying art in Huashan. Knowing that her eldest sister was violated by Tian Kai, she fell into the river and committed suicide. Poison, Yin Tian Kai Water Milk—After the fusion, the poison was passed on to Tian Kai, and both of them died in the end. This story lost the face of the heroes of the Central Plains, so it was not widely spread and few people knew it.

The old man Li coughed twice, and fooled around casually, Wu Xian saw him faltering, but did not pursue it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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