Sleeping Arhat

Chapter 12 The Gathering of the Beggar Gang

Chapter 12

The Beggars' Gang is indeed a big gang in the past, with countless members in the sect. The young man on the stage, about 15 years old, is very skilled in beating dogs with one hand, and the lotus palm is also proficient. Those who challenge him have already Knock down four people, and only one person can complete the five-person beheading.

Wu Xian's thoughts came back from this, and he remembered that he once asked old man Li what martial arts mentality can be learned by the disciples of the Beggar Clan. Old man Li only said "Huntian Kungfu". Hunyuan Kung Fu is as powerful, and Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Cheng Kun is the cornerstone laid by Hunyuan Kung Fu.

But Huntian Kungfu is really a common thing, it is not considered a powerful mental method, as long as the disciples of the Beggar Clan can practice it as long as their martial arts reach a certain standard, Huuntian Kungfu is useless to Wu Xian, it is just tasteless.

The Beggars’ Gang is a gang, not a sect. Most of the gang members bring their skills to the beginning, and most of the sources of martial arts are different. There is basically no relationship between Kung Fu teaching and martial arts inheritance among the gang members, so there is no martial arts training. mechanism, and cannot train reserve talents on a large scale by itself.

The disciples of the beggar gang have always practiced the mental method, either to be appreciated by the elders and high-level people, to get their private martial arts skills, or to have adventures in the world, so everyone in the beggar gang cherishes their own brooms, and only when they become gang leaders and elders can they learn one and a half strokes. Eight palms, dog-beating stick method.

Wu Xian came back to his senses and looked at the stage carefully, but the young man picked off two people one after another, and then tried his best to pick off the competition stage.

"Which young hero has self-confidence and dares to stand on stage to defend the ring." A beggar guest host said, his eyes were furtive and his thin face had a mustache, making him look like a villain.

"Then let me do it." A young and thin figure jumped onto the ring. He looked upright and peaceful, and his first impression gave people a sense of honesty and sunshine. He cupped his fists and said, "I'm Xia Mengyi, I have met all my uncles." The Beggars' Gang is originally a Jianghu gang, and there are not so many rules.

And Meng Yi's words, neither humble nor overbearing, humble and polite, coupled with his upright face, can win the favor of everyone.

"Meng Yi." Wu Xian murmured, looking at the humble figure on the stage, Wu Xian felt that he was quite humble and polite, and had his own temperament and demeanor, but he didn't know what his skills were, and what school he was a teacher of.

Meng Yi is really a young hero. He is not only proficient in martial arts of the beggar gang, but also possesses unfathomable kung fu. He is also polite, heroic and generous. All the elders of the gang praised him and valued him very much.

In the end, the beggar gang meeting came to an end. Among them, there were 67 outstanding rookie disciples, all of whom were taught high-level martial arts. Of course, Wu Xian was not included. The sword is just for laying the foundation, it is impossible to use Sleeping Arhat Fist against just anyone.

Moreover, Wu Xian lives in Sleeping Dream Arhat Boxing and Returning to Dreams, as well as the Red Apricot Stepping on Branches taught by the old man Li, which is basically enough for Wu Xian to polish himself for five or six years. When he thinks about it, he should be seventeen or eight years old. , should be able to protect himself under the hands of second-rate masters.

"Master Li, why are you in a daze?" Wu Xian said looking at old man Li who was staring blankly at the crescent moon. He couldn't help lamenting and was very distressed. Old man Li smiled wryly and said, "My old friend may be in an accident. Yes, he usually likes to be lively and has many friends, he will never miss every beggar gang meeting, today..."

Wu Xian patted the old man's back to make him feel better. Old man Li looked very lonely and sad at this moment.

Wu Xian thought for a while and said, "Master Li, that friend of yours usually likes to go together, but he still walks alone." Old man Li said: "Although his martial arts are ordinary, he is righteous and sincere. He said that the three religions, nine streams, and black and white are his friends, and wherever others go, there are his friends."

"Then your friend must go smoothly. If he dies unfortunately, the leaves will return to their roots and be buried in the soil, and he will never be exposed to the wilderness. You don't have to worry about it. With an old friend like you who always misses him, he will also die." You can smile at Jiuquan." Wu Xian comforted old man Li, but he was thinking about his own way in the world, whether he would die of hatred in the world and expose his corpse to the wilderness.

It was winter, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the weather was cold, and heartbroken, old man Li was wrapped in a thick cotton coat, but he couldn't stop coughing, the coughing was very violent, as if he was coughing out the lobe of his lungs.

Wu Xian felt a pain in his heart. Old man Li was not in good health. Wu Xian knew it. The old man didn't have deep internal energy, and he drank like water, ate more vegetables and less meat, and was exposed to wind and rain. When you get old, your body will lose weight visible to the naked eye, getting worse day by day.

Wu Xian's heart trembled, he had to take old man Li to see the doctor, otherwise old man Li might not survive this winter, Wu Xian quietly revealed the pearl hairpin in his sleeve, and the pearl hairpin was hidden in the interlayer of his sleeve, after all, this It is the most valuable thing in my body, the hope of seeing a doctor for the old beggar.

Seeing the pearl hairpin, Wu Xian thought of that little girl. Fortunately, she gave him the pearl hairpin at that time. Otherwise, he could only be like an old beggar, "begging" for money to cure his illness, but I am afraid that if he got the money for nothing, the old beggar would die of illness. , and will not use that money for medical treatment.That incident has become a heart disease for old man Li.Wu Xian laughed, although the little girl made fun of him, I'm afraid I still have to thank the little girl back then, otherwise I could only watch old man Li dying of illness and unable to recover. Thinking of this, Wu Xian is full of hope for tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Wu Xian woke up early and took the reluctant old man Li to a pawn shop in Jinan City to pawn the pearl hairpin. Do not know at all.

"Master Li, you have been coughing badly recently, you have to go to the doctor to get medicine." Wu Xian stared at old man Li very seriously and said, his tone was serious, not like a discussion, but an unquestionable and affirmative tone.

Old man Li shook his head, grinned and said, "I'm in good health." After finishing speaking, old man Li beat his chest with his hands, and then knocked Wu Xian on the head and said, "Don't curse me, old man."

Wu Xian felt uncomfortable, and secretly hated Old Man Li for avoiding medical treatment. With tears in his eyes, Wu Xian raised his head to look at Old Man Li and said, "If you grow old, I will be the only one left."

Old man Li originally planned to play tricks and fool around, but when he heard Wu Xian's words, his eyes were sour, his heart couldn't stop the pain, and at the same time, there was a little bit of happiness, he stood for a while and said: "Okay, Grandpa listens to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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