Comprehensive Wu Daming Xiaohou Ye

Chapter 21 Wendou, Washington D.C. filled with gunpowder

Chapter 21 Wendou, Washington D.C. filled with gunpowder
The life-threatening scholar who received the instruction of King Ning mentioned his true energy in his body, stepped forward and slapped the book case, and the book case rushed straight at Mrs. Hua.

Mrs. Hua didn't change her face, she pressed down with her palm, and the book case stopped immediately, and the two were evenly divided.

"Good skills!" The life-killing scholar thought to himself, "It seems that Mrs. Hua is not a simple character!"

He asked himself that there are not many people in Suzhou who can catch his ten-success power, but like Mrs. Hua, there are definitely not many people who take his ten-success move without changing their expressions!

Pressing down on the desk, Mrs. Hua turned her head to Qiu Xiang who was behind her with a smile and said, "Qiu Xiang, come and take a look."

"Yes, ma'am." With Madam Hua's instructions, Qiu Xiang stepped forward to comment: "This peacock painting itself is indeed one of Tang Yin's rare masterpieces, but the peacock is always an ordinary bird, even if it is re-framed to set off It is also useless, any bird is an ordinary bird, and will never fly up to a branch and become a phoenix."

King Ning is the one who is preparing to rebel. If he succeeds, wouldn't it be a peacock flying up to a branch and becoming a phoenix?

Qiu Xiang actually said that, that was slapping him in the face naked!

King Ning was about to lose his temper, Madam Hua didn't want to give him this chance, so she hurriedly stepped forward to interrupt, not giving King Ning a chance to speak: "My lord, this concubine is incapable of discipline, if Qiuxiang offends anything, please forgive me Forgive me!"

This was a great opportunity to perform in front of King Ning, and the life-threatening scholar at the side hurried forward and said, "Hmph! Since the prince's wife said so, they must have collected a better work of Tang Yin than ours!"

Washington originally wanted to prevent King Ning from going crazy, but now that the deadly scholar said this, he was forcing them to submit, so that King Ning would take the opportunity to go crazy.

"That's right!" King Ning realized that this was a good time to go crazy, and he immediately became excited: "Madam, then show it to see!"

"To tell you the truth! We really don't have Tang Bohu's paintings!" Mrs. Hua was also helpless.

"It's unreasonable! You are deliberately teasing the prince!" The life-killing scholar pointed at Hua Taishi and said.

King Ning also sang along with the deadly scholar: "Master Hua!"

Mrs. Hua's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said with a smile: "Oh, my lord, there are no paintings, but Tang Bohu himself is staying as a guest."

King Ning, Duoming Scholar, and Grand Master Hua all took a step back.

King Ning and the others did not expect that Grand Master Hua was waiting for them with such a trump card hidden.

And Taishi Hua retreated because the Tang Bohu in his house was a fake. If King Ning found out, wouldn't it be a good opportunity for him to go crazy!

"Qiu Xiang, go ask Tang Bohu to come out."

"Yes, ma'am!"

After everyone waited for a while, Qiuxiang led a person out.

If Li Xuan had been present, he would have recognized that Tang Bohu was actually Zhu Zhishan.

"Tang Bohu, I want you to draw a picture of a phoenix now for the prince to admire!"

"Okay! I want to see how you draw this divine bird phoenix, it will be better than my peacock! If you don't draw well, your life will be in danger!" King Ning said angrily when he saw that Tang Bohu really came out.

"Tang Bohu, hurry up and draw!"

Mrs. Hua also contributed to the flames. If he drew it, it would be the Tang family who offended King Ning. Anyway, he is the son of a rival in love, so he can take revenge on his rival!
If he can't draw it, they can also have an excuse to shirk that they were deceived by others, and they can shirk all responsibility!

It's really a clever plan that kills two birds with one stone!

Grand Master Hua at the side also understood Mrs. Hua's intentions, and looked at King Ning with a smile.

"It's hopeless to get mad. You said that Tang Bohu was a guest at your house, but you said it earlier. It made me feel ashamed here." King Ning glanced at Hua Taishi, who was in need of a beating, and then at Duo. Ming Shusheng: "You say you are too, give this king this whole thing, even if this king wants to get mad right now, he won't be able to."

But King Ning didn't know that Tang Bohu was not real.


Hearing Zhu Zhishan's strange cry, he picked up the paintbrush and began to draw on the paper.

The brush drew a few random strokes on the paper, and Zhu Zhishan put the brush down.

"You're done!"

Everyone was wondering why Tang Bohu finished the painting so quickly. Could it be that his Danqing skill is really strong enough to make a painting out of ink?

So everyone gathered around, ready to find out.

"Look! This is the divine bird Phoenix I drew!"

What I saw on the paper was a chick pecking at rice.

A mustache behind King Ning saw that the opportunity was coming, and hurriedly stood up and said, "Isn't that right?! This is obviously a chicken eating rice map!"

"Ha! It's still a little bit worse. If you draw a circle of light on the head, it will be a divine bird." Zhu Zhishan looked at the crowd in embarrassment, and wanted to quibble, so he picked up a brush and drew a circle of light on the chicken's head.

"How unreasonable! How dare you tease this king!" Seeing that someone dared to tease him like this, King Ning was about to get mad.

Seeing this, Mrs. Hua quickly pumped up her true energy and slapped the book case, and the book case flew out and hit Zhu Zhishan's stomach in an instant, knocking Zhu Zhishan several meters away.

However, Mrs. Hua also reserved nine points for her great skill, otherwise Zhu Zhishan would never be as simple as simply foaming at the mouth.

After all, if you use him as a shield, you can't use up others and then take their lives, that would be too unkind.

"Thank you, my lord. I have always suspected that this person is a counterfeit. Today, under the majesty of my lord, he really showed his feet? Drag him out!"


Then two servants came and carried Zhu Zhishan out who was foaming at the mouth.

King Ning saw that the calculation just now was in vain, and the only chance to go crazy also ended because Zhu Zhishan was knocked out.

When one plan failed, King Ning came up with another plan: "I have heard that the grand master is very talented, and I have a staff general who wants to discuss with you!"

Mrs. Hua hurriedly stood in front of Grand Master Hua, not to mention that Grand Master Hua could not fight King Ning's staff general.

Hua Taishi is a senior in the literary world after all, and he is in the position of Taishi. Is it right for him to be a little staff general?
If you win, that's called bullying the small with the big!
If you lose, you just don't deserve it!
Since it was a disadvantage no matter what, Mrs. Hua simply stopped Grand Master Hua who was about to answer.

"How can our master bully the small with the big?"

The old grand master is also a genius in the officialdom, when he heard his wife defending him, he immediately reacted: "Yes, yes!"

Xiao Huzi, the staff general of King Ning, didn't want to let go of this opportunity to become famous, and compete with the grand master of the dynasty.
Even if you lose, it is still a loss to the top-ranking Grand Master of the dynasty, no shame!
If he wins by chance, then he will be lucky, and he will be prosperous, rich and prosperous in front of his eyes!
"Literary discussions do not distinguish between seniority!"

King Ning also fanned the flames and said: "That's right, just for fun! But if you can't come out, don't blame me for getting mad! Be right!"

With the support of King Ning, the general staff did not give Taishi Hua a chance to think about it, so he directly published the Shanglian: "There are three masters in one township and two miles. They don't know the four books, five classics and six righteousness. Very bold!"

King Ning was also aggressive: "That's right, why not? If you don't give me face, I'm really going to get mad!"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Let me try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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