laughing proudly

065 No profit, no early

Song Guang bared his teeth with a bitter look on his face.

Fan Jianqiang held a small leather bag under his left arm, his right arm was placed in front of his chest at a ninety-degree angle, and his fingers were propped up on his double chins. He seemed to be thinking seriously and calculating intensely. The final answer is to sell or not to sell?

After thinking for a long time, Fan Jianqiang said slowly: "I can't say it!"

"Hiss..." Song Guang was discouraged when he heard this, feeling like you're pretending to be a thinker for a long time, just say it's not good and it's over?Fan Jianqiang also saw that Song Guang's face was full of dislike, so he smiled lightly and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, you know that I can't trade in stocks, but there is a stock god who can, why don't you ask?" ?”

"Who?...I recognize?"

Fan Jianqiang nodded, looked at the people around him and said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, now Yang Wei is very good at stocks, and many people in the circle know about it, you can ask him, okay, I'm going upstairs, see you, see you!" Fan Jianqiang finished speaking, and went upstairs holding the small bag with his head held high.

Yang Wei's appearance was repeated in front of Song Guang's eyes again and again, as if in a movie, he repeatedly patted his forehead and felt regretful, because in half a year, although he was the section chief and he was the deputy section chief, but I seldom go to work, and the two of them will not meet more than ten times in total, and the number of times they talk is even less, and there are only a few words outside the house.

How good is this?You can't just open your mouth and ask this and that when you meet each other, right?Especially in today's society, can it be done without some blood?By the way, treat this kid to a meal to connect with the relationship. When he looked up, Song Guangzheng saw Pei Jingguang walking towards him.

Song Guang waved his hand and summoned Pei Jingguang over, then lowered his voice and said to him: "I said, old Pei, I asked Director Fan just now that he is doing so well in stocks now because of a stock god. I know this stock god, so I How about treating this person to a meal to connect with each other? Both of us are like this now, so we bleed a little on average?"

"No problem, how much is it?" Pei Jingguang's eyes lit up, and he said in his heart, it was a matter of putting gold on his face to invite the stock god to dinner. As the reporter said, it’s no problem that the stock god can’t get back the money for a few meals.

The two brothers stood together and chatted endlessly, but Song Guang's eyes looked around. He hoped that Yang Wei would show up early now, and he would be fine, but this worry made his eyes swell and his skin swollen. I was so nervous that I didn't see the shadow of the stock god, and I was in a constant panic, because Hengshui shares are still in free fall downward.

"I'm going to pee, and I urinate frequently when I'm in a hurry." Song Guang said, bending over and running to the toilet.

Pei Jingguang shook his head, sighed deeply, and then walked to the door alone to get some air. The air here was really turbid, and even an old smoker like himself couldn't bear it.

"Isn't this brother Yang Wei?" Pei Jingguang greeted Yang Wei who jumped out of the Zhonghua car from a long distance. I hurried into the stock exchange, I haven't looked at stocks for a long time, time waits for no one.

Watching Yang Wei disappear into the crowd, Pei Jingguang felt very uncomfortable. Anyway, Yang Wei's younger brother has hinted at his business transactions these few times, but it is a pity that he did not listen to people's persuasion and ended up today.

"Old Pei, are you here?" It was Song Guang who spoke, and Pei Jingguang looked at him and asked, "The stock god you mentioned hasn't come yet?"

"I didn't see it!" Song Guang shook his head in disappointment.


In the VIP Room 315, Mi Lier and Yang Wei sat side by side on chairs. They hadn't seen Mi Lier for a long time. Naturally, the meeting was endless. It took more than ten minutes for Mi Lier to push away. Yang Wei wiped the drool off his face, and asked coquettishly, "Hey, is this trip to Japan dangerous or not? I'm so worried."

Did you see that the beauty cared so much about her, Yang Wei's little heart suddenly opened two doors, and the translucence was so bright, "Hey, it's really two lives in an instant!"


Yang Wei put her arms around her and said: "It was also a very coincidence that day, just after we finished our work, we were strolling on a hill when we had nothing to do, and within a minute of going up the hill, we felt that the earth was trembling and the sea was trembling. In howling, dark clouds covered the entire sky, heavy rain poured down, houses in the distance were crackling and falling down, and the sea water was rushing upwards, as high as a ten-story building. Following the somersault, the scene was like the white lady getting angry and flooding the golden mountain. The mountain under my feet was swaying desperately, and we couldn't stand still. Then we fell down. It felt like the end of the world was here, and that person died. ..." Yang Wei said, gesticulating with both hands, Mi Lier's eyes widened, and she couldn't bear to blink.

"Oh my god!" Mi Lier couldn't listen anymore, she threw her head into Yang Wei's arms and covered her ears with her hands. Student Yang Wei was so happy, my little sister was scared like this, I still have to be careful It is enough to comfort her.

Yang Wei gently touched her back with his hands, slowly stroking her back little by little, not to mention the care and love.

"Bang bang," two crisp knocks on the door awakened the two of them from their bliss. They sat up straight and looked at the door. When the door opened, Manager Huang from the securities company pushed the door and walked in. Don't look at his emaciated appearance. , but in good spirits, he ran towards Yang Wei as soon as he entered the room, "Haha, your name is Yang Wei, it is said that you are today's stock god, how is it? Are you interested in applying for an analyst or something? Our securities company Is there a shortage of people?"

"Analyst?" Yang Wei was a little confused when he heard it, and immediately understood that if he wanted to become bigger and stronger in this industry, he really needed to have that little red book. ?”

"Of course!" Manager Huang replied with certainty.

Mi Lier thumped him and said, "Why are you hesitating about such a good thing...Hey, Manager Huang, do you have a textbook?"

"Of course!"

"Then bring the books when you have time, and we'll give you the money!" Miril seemed to be giving an order. Manager Huang chuckled, took out a few thick books from his satchel, and shook them, "Look, these are the books." .”

Damn, these books add up to two inches thick, can you read them in a short time?Yang Wei felt a little dizzy looking at the book in his hand. It's not that he doesn't like reading or studying. It's because time is tight and the task is heavy. He still has work to do, so he can finish the book at that time at night. After reading the content on the website, I still have to remember, I thought I was Chen Jingrun!

In any case, Manager Huang was kind enough. Mi Lier stood up and snatched the book, and threw it into Yang Wei's arms. She raised her brows upside down and opened her almond eyes angrily, "If you dare not take the exam, I will... I'll beat you to death!"

"Hey," Manager Huang stood aside and smiled, but changed the subject and asked very gently: "Brother Yang Wei, I saw that you bought Beiman Special Steel. I want to ask if the ticket is still available?"

It's really useless to get up early!

Just now, I was too busy with sensationalism, and forgot to see how this stock was doing. He casually typed the chart on Beiman Special Steel, and at a glance, my dear, it's already five yuan or sixty cents!

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