laughing proudly

048 Pixiu Appears Supernatural

Stocks are a thing and not a thing. Many people hate it deeply, because the wealth accumulated through hard work is in vain. This kind of feeling is not good. Otherwise, few people would jump off the building because of it. It's all the fault of the stock market!Of course, some people can be regarded as deeply in love with stocks, and our protagonist Yang Wei is one of them.

Mi Lier and Ouyang left the stock exchange to go shopping, Yang Wei was left alone in room 315, this was a very good quiet time period, no one disturbed, so I could summarize the contents of the stock book with examples , anyway, now he has no shares in his hands and is relaxed.

The jade card was placed on the side of the keyboard, and I was drinking a glass of drinking water. I watched the changes on the board and thought about the future market trend. This feeling has a sense of a master in it.

The first thing Yang Wei looked at was the index chart. He found that although it didn’t take long for the stock market to rise from the low point, the increase was astonishing, as high as 60.00%. Such an increase had occurred a few years ago. But in the past two years, it's really hard to see, hehe, it's all thanks to Internet technology stocks!


Yang Wei looked at the hula and remembered the judgment of the relevant indicators. It is said that the thing can help the stock price trend. Why don’t you try it now. The first thing he thought of was the Bollinger Bands indicator, and he typed boll on the keyboard. The Bollinger Bands instantly appeared on the icon, and Yang Wei was dumbfounded when he saw it!

The book says that when using this indicator, you should pay attention to the fact that the stock price must run between the upper and lower rails. If it is high, it will fall, and if it is low, it will rise. At this time, the Bollinger Bands indicator is useless, because the stock index is far away. Breaking through his upper orbit, like a bird out of the cage, the bird has already flown far, far away, and the cage has become a useless decoration.

Yang Wei moved the chart forward cautiously until 1992. He suddenly found that this situation happened three times in history, and every time this happened, it was the beginning of a sharp drop, especially today. With a large trading volume, it is obvious that a head is coming.

"Is there any news today?" Yang Wei thought about looking at the relevant information, and after searching for a long time, there was no news other than the announcement of the "Securities Law". , these news are nothing more than articles by a certain analyst who is optimistic about the current market, saying that the current 1700 points is just an initial stage, and the market is far from over, etc.; some experts and scholars link the stock market with the economy, saying that it is 3000 points is not a dream, it will be realized soon, for example, look at the current steel stocks that have all fallen into Xianglin's wife.

"Steel stocks?"

Yang Wei put the stock on the steel plate, and slowly searched, slowly searched for related companies.

Look for it!Look for it!

In fact, there are only about [-] steel stocks. It doesn’t take much effort, but it depends on their fundamentals or some serious thinking. Yang Wei found that the steel stocks have a common feature that they have a huge circulation. Liu Shenxian once said If this is the case, don't touch stocks with too much circulation, because the dealers can't afford to speculate, so they can't rise.


Yang Wei continued to search with a skeptical attitude, turning the pages, and suddenly the jade card on the table moved, which made Yang Wei's mouth grow wide and his eyes wide open. When he saw it, he saw that the Pixiu on the jade card seemed to be a little strange. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the eyes of this mythical beast were emitting a slight red light. Of course, you couldn't see it unless you looked carefully.

Looking at the stock in front of him again, it turned out to be a stock of Beiman Special Steel. Yang Wei opened the chart of this stock curiously. He found that the stock was very ordinary, and there was nothing special about it. For good or bad, Yang Wei was bored and leaned on the back of the chair, tapping aimlessly with the fingers of his right hand. He inadvertently touched the keyboard, the chart was shrunk down and down, and Yang Wei's eyes zoomed in and out.

I saw that this stock had been trading sideways for more than a year on the chart. It did not rise when the stock index rose, nor did it fall when the stock index fell. Like a half-dead ranger, he went his own way and was lazy.

Can such stocks also rise?

Yang Wei was surprised, he picked up the jade tablet on the table and put it in his hand to look at it carefully, he saw that this Pixiu was still the same, but its eyes were much redder than before, and they were twinkling. It seems that there is something to tell the master, but the master is not at a loss, and can't understand what the beast wants to say.

Yang Wei also looked at the fundamentals of Beiman Special Steel. Except for a slightly smaller stock market, this stock has no merits. According to the current words, this is a small dinosaur girl. Is this kind of dinosaur girl also Can you find your in-laws?It's really incomprehensible. For now, his time-sharing chart is completely following the trend of the Great Wall. This trend is a sign that no one wants to see.


He just wanted to leave the house and go downstairs for a stroll, but then he thought, why don't I try other stocks and see how this Pixiu reacts!

To Yang Wei's surprise, when he looked at other stocks, the eyes of the beast lost their red light. !

Odd too!Strange too!

Is there really a supernatural theory?Yang Wei felt his little heart beating and beating non-stop. He pressed hard on his chest, then hung the jade plaque around his neck, left room 315, went to the retail lobby on the first floor, and found a Sitting down in an idle chair, he quietly watched the performance of the retail investors in the hall.

When the stock market is booming, men, women, old and young all show up at the exchange on time as if they were going to work, regardless of whether it is cloudy, rainy or scorching hot outside, not to mention whether the turbid air in the hall is harmful to the body , as long as the stocks are rising, there were not many retail investors here in the first few months. Now, the good guys are crowded, because there are more retail investors, and there will be more transactions. The exchange has recently added ten trading machines. Everything is considered for the shareholders!

The trading machine was even more crowded with people. A machine was surrounded by at least seven or eight people. The people in front were trading and the people behind were yelling.

"Dude, can you hurry up!"

"Brother, I won't be able to buy it soon!"

"Big brother, hurry up, old sister can't take it anymore!" A female comrade in her forties uttered a half-nasty remark, which immediately caused a burst of laughter from the surrounding people. The woman shook her head and muttered in a low voice. where the deal went.

"What are you arguing about? I still have 2000 yuan and I don't know what to buy!" The buddies who traded before finally let out an unhappy howl.

When the buddy behind saw it, he grinned and laughed, causing the person in front to look contemptuous, "What are you laughing at? Didn't you see that buddy didn't spend his money?"

The people behind smiled again, and then their faces were full of contempt, "You are so stupid, buy Internet technology stocks, look at Xi'an snacks for 13 yuan, if you don't buy them, it will be too late, stupid!"

It is really a sentence to remind the dreamer that the buddy in front gave a thumbs up and said: tall, it is really tall!Then he bought Xi'an snacks with a "squeak", then stuffed the trading card into his pocket, hummed a little song and left.

As soon as the one in front left, the hula from the back came up like a flood, and it was faster than anyone else.

The huge electronic screen on the wall flashed numbers, more red and less green, and a banner was hung above the electronic screen, which read "The stock market is risky, be cautious when entering the market."

Yang Wei sat quietly on the chair and watched what happened in front of him. Suddenly, a figure flickered in front of him. It turned out that Pei Jingguang came from nowhere. He sat down beside Yang Wei, took out a cigarette and lit it, and vomited Taking a puff of smoke, he said, "Little brother, what do you think of Internet technology stocks? How much more can they go up?"


"Enough? Can't you?" Pei Jingguang showed an ugly look on his face. He rolled his eyes and looked at Yang Wei, thinking in his heart that he had lost so much by selling Qingshan shares, so the Internet technology stocks he just bought would not be compensated, right?However, he found that the little brother had a serious face, and he didn't mean to be joking at all, so he felt nervous for a while.

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ..... (The 5-year super bear market is coming to an end, the day when stockholders turn around is coming, and the days when stock writing is unpopular are coming to an end!)

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