East Factory Governor

Chapter 816 Are You Really a Demon?

Chapter 816 Are You Really a Demon?
He Long quickly ran out of the tent, only to see wailing everywhere in the camp, at least [-]% of the soldiers in his sight were already lying on the ground, and everyone was bleeding from all seven orifices.

Although the remaining [-]% ​​of the soldiers were safe for the time being, they were screaming in despair and fear. Some stood still like wooden figures, while others ran like crazy, fearing that the next person would die so horribly. , is themselves!
Even though he has a calm temperament, his hairs stand on end when he sees this scene.

"The Ming army cast a demon spell! Run!"

"Witchcraft, the witchcraft of the Ming army!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Please forgive me!"

There were such screams everywhere in the camp.

The "witchcraft" of the Ming army is not over yet, because soldiers who were fine just now are still falling down.

He Long took a step back unsteadily, muttering to himself, "Witchcraft... the Ming army really knows witchcraft? Is that Ming monster real?!"

He didn't believe that there would be any witchcraft or sorcery in the world at first, but at this moment, he really believed in it!
Obviously, this is the effect of the "Thousands of Poisons and Thousands of Gu Xuanzhong".

Why are most of the poisoned people guarding Talong's direct line of guards?
The reason is very simple, because the ranks of the Dongwu soldiers are strict, and the [-]-line imperial guards around him have the highest status, so they eat first.

After they finished eating, the next batch of military rations was cooked, although the water from the same water source was still used, but the dose of the "Thousands of Poisons and Thousands of Gu Xuanzhong" had been greatly reduced, and most of them had no effect.

Therefore, it happened that most of the guards who did not participate in the battle were poisoned.

From the point of view of the Dongwu people, they had no contact with the Ming army but died inexplicably one by one, and the death conditions were so horrible, what is it if it is not the sorcery performed by the Ming army?
Thalon and several important ministers were lucky, because they were distinguished, and the water they used was brought from the deep well of the palace, so they were not poisoned.

But they are unfortunate, because without these soldiers, they will have no capital to make a comeback.

Besides, the Jinyi guards who were staring at the enemy's camp from a distance were also taken aback when they saw the soldiers in the Dongwu camp fell one by one - because they didn't know that Qin Shuhuai had gone to poison him.

However, they were astonished as they were, and they immediately told Qin Shuhuai the news.

At this time, Qin Shuhuai's victory in the northern battlefield was decided. After hearing the news, Qin Shuhuai immediately called Li Daliang. The two of them led a total of more than a thousand people. After breaking through the chaotic enemy formation, they went straight down the mountain.

To be honest, Qin Shuhuai was puzzled at first, but it's almost time, why didn't the cave black soldiers die of poison?

Unexpectedly, the group of black soldiers who were poisoned happened to be the ten thousand people around him.

Hey, this is really a blessing, I was afraid that Talong would run away with the remaining ten thousand people.

Qin Shuhuai and Li Daliang led the people to run wildly, the two of them and a dozen or so experts with high cultivation level used lightness kung fu to charge forward, and the rest of the soldiers followed closely behind, but they soon lost track of them.

Let's say that after Qin Shuhuai and a dozen people arrived at the enemy camp, they found that there was no living person in the enemy camp except for the densely packed corpses that made people's scalp tingle.

It is expected that he has already run away.

At this time, Jin Yiwei, who was in charge of keeping an eye on the enemy camp, came up and said, "I want to report to the Duke of the country, he is running north with more than a hundred riders! We have a few brothers following behind, and we will make marks along the way."

Qin Shuhuai saw that there were still many horses in the camp that had not been poisoned to death, so he said, "Get on the horses and chase them!"

So a dozen or so experts went up together and followed Qin Shuhuai to catch up.

He Long ran very fast, but the Jin Yiwei behind him had made marks along the way, so don't worry about the direction.

But after running for more than 20 miles, the mark was interrupted.

At the same time, the body of a Jin Yiwei was also found, presumably it was discovered and then silenced.

There was a fork in the road ahead, and there were horseshoe marks on both of the forks. It was obvious that he divided his troops into two groups, trying to confuse the Ming army's pursuers.

At this time, there was no time to think about it, so Qin Shuhuai immediately said, "Da Liang, you and I will go each way!"

Li Daliang shouted, "Your subordinates obey!"

Then he took five or six masters to one of the side roads.

Qin Shuhuai took another five or six good men to another side road, and chased them for more than [-] miles. The horses were so tired that they couldn't run at all.

Qin Shuhuai thought, since our horse is tired from running, he must be tired too.

So a group of good men were dismounted, and everyone chased forward with light kung fu.

Qin Shuhuai's lightness kung fu is so superb, his speed is faster than that of a fast horse.

During the leap, he had already left the several masters he had brought with him far behind, and finally, after running for ten miles, he saw a group of people in front of him.

The team of about four to fifty people looked extremely tired, and the horses couldn't run anymore, and they were walking slowly.

As for the person in the middle, he was full of dignity, with anxiety on his brows, but he couldn't hide a trace of majesty. That person was none other than He Long.

At this time, all thoughts of his long were completely disheartened. Although he was moving forward, he didn't know where the road ahead was at all.

But at this moment, he saw a person descending from the sky.

The young man in Jinyi, holding a long sword, was like a god descending from the earth, silently landing in front of the team, in the middle of the road.

The cave black soldiers were dumbfounded.

"Is he there, the lord of Dongwu?" Qin Shuhuai asked lightly.

Although Dongwu is not a Ming country, many dignitaries also study Sinology, and several of them know a little bit of Chinese.

Someone asked, "Who are you?"

"Ming An Guogong, Qin Shuhuai."

With a bang, the four or fifty people immediately exploded.

"The demon of Daming! It's the demon of Daming!"

A knight next to Talong turned around and ran away without saying a word!

Immediately afterwards, the second, third... Hulala, four or fifty people ran halfway, and they couldn't stop them!
The remaining [-] or so people were his loyal loyalists, and they tightly protected him in the middle!

At this time, Talong had lost all hope.

He said a few words to Qin Shuhuai in Dongwu language, and then glanced at an official beside him.

The official translated, "Your Majesty asks you, are you really a demon?"

Qin Shuhuai smiled slightly and said, "What do you guess?"

King Talong asked again, "Do you want my life?"

Qin Shuhuai shook his head, "I just want you to go to Daming and plead guilty to my emperor."

He Long laughed, "Then we have to see if you have the ability!"

Determined to fight to the death, Talong drew out the machete inlaid with rubies from his waist.

Seeing this, his subordinates immediately drew out their swords and rushed towards Qin Shuhuai.

Qin Shuhuai's long sword came out of its sheath, and the blade of the sword suddenly trembled, turning blue and red in an instant, and then swept away with a bang.

The green and red sword energy gushed out, like a roaring dragon, flying towards the oncoming cavalry.

Sword energy pierces armor and penetrates the body!

Nearly twenty cavalrymen who rushed to Qin Shuhuai were all cut into two and fell under their horses.

He Long sat on the horse in a daze as if he was frozen, holding a knife in his hand, his face was blown by a scorching wind, blood was dripping, his hair was blown flutteringly in the wind, and he was wearing a hideous figure.

This sword had completely destroyed the will to resist Ta Long and the remaining three ministers around him.

Even, Qin Shuhuai saw them trembling slightly.

At this time, a group of masters who had fallen behind Qin Shuhuai finally arrived, they had no choice but to point to the acupoints of Ta Long and the others boringly, and then tied them up.

He stared at Qin Shuhuai with a strange look from the beginning to the end.

He couldn't believe that this person was real.

He even couldn't believe that his dream of empire was shattered so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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