Chapter 797
Not long after, the team arrived at the gate of Chunhua'er's house. At this time, the Wang's house was decorated with lights and festoons from inside to outside. Although the house was not a good one, it was decorated with joy. Even the paint on the gate and the white walls were newly painted.

However, the door of the Wang family was closed.

At this time, it is time to "knock on the door".

Wang Yuanwai, who is highly respected in the county, presided over the door-knocking ceremony in person. He led a group of old people standing at the gate of Wang's house, with their hands behind their backs, looking arrogant.

At this moment, Qiu Dali entered the stage, exchanged greetings with Wang Yuanwai and others as an elder, and was extremely respectful.

Wang Yuanwai and the others felt that it was almost done, so they nodded slightly.

Qiu Dali immediately shouted, "Groom officer, let's lay the geese ceremony!"

"Etiquette" records that geese are the most loyal animals, and they only marry one geese in their life, which symbolizes the loyalty and unswerving determination of the couple. It doesn't count.

Lai San'er hurriedly held a live goose tied with a red string in his hand, and handed it to Wang Yuanwai respectfully.

Wang Yuanwai chuckled, but the queen of wild geese said, "Wang's family accepts wild geese!"

Lai San'er hurriedly asked, "Then can you open the door?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

The king smiled and said, "The groom is eager, but the bride is still getting dressed, and I don't know when I will be able to come out."

Qiu Dali hurriedly kicked Lai San'er, and scolded with a smile, "It's useless to teach you, hurry up and make up!"

Lai San'er finally remembered that there was still such a link, and immediately raised his eyeballs, desperately recalling the reminder words memorized last night.

But he couldn't hold back a fart for a long time.

Seeing that Lai San'er had forgotten his words, Meng Hu gloated and said, "Speak up, haha, the groom is so scared."

Lai San'er glared at Meng Hu angrily, held back for a long time and finally stammered, "I don't know what day it is today, I urge you to look in the mirror... this, the hibiscus blooms..."

"Hahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter.

Lai San'er blushed like a monkey's butt, wishing he could make a hole in the ground and get in.

Suddenly, I felt that fighting was much easier than this.

Qiu Dali stared at Lai San'er with hatred, then leaned into his ear and said, "I don't know what time it is, so I urged the balcony to get closer to the mirror stand. Who said hibiscus is planted in water? A branch blooms in the bronze mirror. Didn't I teach you last night gone?"

Lai San'er didn't say anything, but felt depressed, who the hell wrote this word, I don't know a single big character, who remembers the word Zou Zou?

It wasn't until Qiu Dali said it several times that he remembered it and repeated it.

When Lai San'er finished the poem, he heard a crisp female voice answering a poem, to the effect that it's not good yet, so what's the hurry.

Under Qiu Dali's prompting, Lai San'er hurriedly read the second makeup reminder poem.

After being urged three times like this, there was a shout from inside the room, "Then come and push the door!"

Wang Yuanwai immediately asked, "Is there someone with good fortune and wealth to push the door? Otherwise, the door will not be opened!"

Lai San'er suddenly chuckled, and said confidently, "I invite the Duke of the Dynasty, the leader of the martial arts alliance, to open the door. Are you qualified?"

Everyone fell silent when they heard it.

Obediently, the groom's official invited the Duke of the country?

Wang Yuanwai's eyes were wide open, and he was stunned for a while before he said, "That's certainly possible, definitely possible!"

Meng Hu immediately shouted, "Your Majesty is invited!"

Qin Shuhuai thought, the only purpose of coming here is probably to open the door for Lai San'er.I'm afraid this kid is resentful for being on duty for me on weekdays, so he wants me to open the door for him today, right?
Thinking so in his heart, he smiled slightly, then dismounted and walked to the door.

Before he reached out to open the door, he saw a large number of villagers, including several outsiders, bowing to him.

"Meet the Duke!"

Several children were even pushed to the ground by their parents, and they were forced to kowtow to the Duke.

Qin Shuhuai hurriedly helped up a few old men, and said, "Don't be too polite, everyone. The main character today is the bridegroom officer. I am here to open the door for him!"

One sentence gave Lai San'er enough face, and made Lai San'er's face even more rosy.

Qin Shuhuai opened the door and finally saw the bride who was wearing a red hijab.

The Jianghe gang who came to greet the bride immediately clamored loudly, full of momentum.

After this reception, Lai San'er really has all the face and face, and a simple "returning home" is not enough to describe his mood at this time.


After such a lot of tossing, Lai San'er finally received the bride, happily welcomed her into the sedan chair, and then went home.

Arriving at Dingbeibo Mansion, it was a more lively scene.

With Lai San'er's current status and Qin Shuhuai's face, this wedding is naturally full of guests.

Almost all schools and sects in the martial arts sent representatives, Zhiren and Zhikong from the Shaolin School, Chang Wuji from the Wudang School, Wang Datong from the Beggar Gang, Tang Sanniang from the Tang School, and other heroes who fought side by side with Lai Saner Many places have come, giving enough face.

In addition to people from Jianghu, a large number of Beijing officials also came, and even Sun Chengzong came to congratulate him in person, and of course people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei were indispensable.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lai San'er's wedding is more lively than Qin Shuhuai's.

When the wedding was just finished worshiping heaven and earth, Li Dehua suddenly came in with an imperial decree.

As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Uncle Lai, the emperor congratulates you!"

It turned out that Chongzhen carefully drafted an imperial decree, naming Lai San'er's wife Wang Chunhua as the second-rank wife.

This was a joy on top of joy, bringing the wedding atmosphere to a climax all of a sudden.

Worship heaven and earth, enter the bridal chamber...

When it was time for the banquet, Lai San'er came out to thank the guests and friends, and it was a lot of trouble.

Lao Dao, Hua Chen, and Meng Hu naturally would not let go of this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, and made things difficult for Lai San'er in every possible way, and finally threw Lai San'er into the water tank when they were happy.

If Qin Shuhuai hadn't stopped him in time, these guys would have tied him up and "tortured him severely" and forced him to ask him how he "hooked up" the number one flower in the village.

Everyone was drunk that night.

In Lai San'er, many people seem to see their future self.

It is the dream of many people to have their wives and children on the kang.

I hope the world will always be peaceful...

Time passed quickly, and soon it was August.

Qin Shuhuai and Chongzhen had originally agreed that they would go out for a "private visit" in August when the autumn weather was clear.

But in early August, an urgent letter from Zheng Zhilong disrupted this plan.

It turned out that Thalom noticed the secret gathering of some Shan people in the Awa area, and began to arrest Shan people who had publicly expressed contradictory remarks on the move of the capital.

Although this action is not big at present, it is likely to continue to ferment. If the resistance forces of the Shan people that have been cultivated with great difficulty are slowly eliminated, it will be a big loss for Daming.

So Qin Shuhuai immediately did two things.

One is to immediately order the [-] Wulin Allied Forces, [-] Demon Sect Soldiers, and [-] Guanning Army stationed near the capital to go south immediately, with Li Dingguo as the commander, and the goal is the Xuanweisi of Laos.

Laos Xuanweisi is the later Laos country, but it is now the territory of Ming Dynasty.

Qin Shuhuai's Dongwu strategy is that the Ming army is divided into two groups, one group lands from the port in the southwest of Myanmar, while the other group enters from Laos and passes through Siam (Thailand) to attack from the southeast.

These two routes can avoid the primeval forest in the north of Dongwu, and as long as you push forward a little, you will soon be able to reach Baigu, where the current capital of Dongwu is located.

Landing from the sea is naturally no problem, but if you want to go through Siam, you have to see if the King of Siam is willing.

Will Siam agree?

Qin Shuhuai thought it was impossible to disagree.

First of all, Siam and Dongwu are feuds. The two countries have fought for the border area for hundreds of years. Now Siam is bullied by Dongwu to death. A large area of ​​land has been occupied by Dongwu and has not been returned. If Daming is willing to send troops to help Siam Luo beat Dongwu and promised to return the lost land to them in the future, which they would definitely wish for.

Secondly, Siam is already trembling in the face of Dongwu. If they reject Da Ming's proposal, one can imagine what fate they will face--Da Ming can easily enter Siam by sending troops from the Laotian Xuanwei Division. .

Small countries have no diplomacy, so they must agree to this even if they disagree, not to mention that Da Ming is helping them fight a feud, and it will be of great benefit to win them, and more importantly, Da Ming has a high probability of winning. It would be nonsense to say no.

At the same time, [-] Wulin coalition troops, [-] Guanning troops, and [-] Demon Sect soldiers immediately went to Weihaiwei to assemble, waiting for the ships to go south at any time.

In order to gather enough ships, Qin Shuhuai ordered all merchant ships to be requisitioned throughout the country, and all warships from various coastal ports were brought to Weihaiwei, and even [-] battleships and [-] small and medium-sized ships were dispatched from the Nanyang Navy.

In addition, he mobilized weapons capable of arming 1 people from the inventories of ordnance offices in various places, and transported them to Weihaiwei together—this will be given to the Awa people at that time.

The huge empire is operating with extremely high efficiency, and the preparations for war are in order.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

In November of the seventh year of Chongzhen.

A total of 90 battleships (some just launched), 230 Junk ships, [-] Galen ships (captured by Zheng Zhilong), more than [-] large merchant ships, and more than [-] small and medium-sized fast ships. Gather near Weihaiwei.

On November [-], Chongzhen decreed to appoint Qin Shuhuai as the governor of Pingnan to be fully responsible for the attack on Dongwu.Give Shangfang the sword and control the troops stationed in Fujian, Yunnan and other places with full power.

On November [-]rd, the day after receiving the imperial edict, Qin Shuhuai was ready to leave for Weihaiwei.

In the room, Chen Qing'er helped Qin Shuhuai tidy up his clothes and asked, "Husband, how long will it take to come back this time?"

Qin Shuhuai thought for a while and said, "About a year."

Chen Qing'er said softly, "Husband, I have been married to you for four or five years, and we haven't spent as much time together yet."

"Ok, I know."

"That's why I have never had a baby, right?" Chen Qing'er suddenly asked seriously.

It turned out that Chen Qing'er felt very stressed recently because there was no movement in her stomach.

Others dare not tell her what to do, but Qi is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and will quietly ask her almost every few days.

In the beginning, she still inquired round and round, but later she asked directly when she became anxious. Every time she asked, Chen Qing'er blushed as if she was steamed.

But Chen Qing'er is also anxious!

It's been almost half a year, and she took one after another of the folk remedies that grandma quietly entrusted someone to bring, but it still didn't help at all.

This made the old lady moan and sigh all day long, and sometimes she muttered to herself that she was sorry for the Qin family and so on.

Chen Qing'er wanted to cry every time she thought of this.

Qin Shuhuai was also stunned when he heard this.

Usually he didn't think much about it, but after Chen Qing'er reminded him, he suddenly remembered that this was indeed a bit abnormal.

In the past two years, I have often stayed at home, thinking that I am quite "hardworking" on weekdays, but Chen Qing'er's stomach seems to have been quiet.

Could it be the reason for time travel?I am not from this world, so I will not leave traces in this world?

But after thinking about it, I will leave here soon, maybe letting Chen Qing'er live the rest of her life completely free is a better choice, right?
Marrying Chen Qing'er back then was purely for the opportunity to gather heroes from various sects, it can be said that it was a last resort.

Although he has been trying his best to make up for it afterwards, he still feels a little sorry for Chen Qing'er.

Even though he avenged her father and gave her endless glory and wealth, he still felt a little sorry.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing. This is the last expedition. When I come back from this expedition, I will stay with you all the time until the day I can't accompany you."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Chen Qing'er hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, why can't you accompany me that day. You are a demon of Ming Dynasty, and a demon can live longer than a mortal like me!"

Qin Shuhuai smiled wryly, "Qing'er is right."

(End of this chapter)

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