East Factory Governor

Chapter 763 Bombarding Ash Niulu

Chapter 763 Bombarding Ash Niulu
In view of the strong walls of Ashniulu, Qin Shuhuai did not order a storm, but besieged the city first.

Among the [-] troops, [-] were used to besiege the city, and the other [-] were distributed in the north, west, and south of the city. Between the two rivers, if reinforcements from the Tartars wanted to come, they would have to come directly from the north, or they would have to cross the river if they came from the south and west, so the ports along the river were naturally the focus of patrolling.

After the siege, besides sending back Fan Wencheng to humiliate Mang Gurtai, Qin Shuhuai also sent a member of the city every hour to speak out loudly with his "invented" "trumpet".

"Listen, Manchus, Hans, and Mongols in the city, you have been surrounded! The Aixinjueluo family is gone, and they will suffer the disaster of extermination! The Son of Heaven is kind, as long as you open the city and surrender, you will never be blamed! There are old and young, so why die with the Aixinjueluo family? Quickly open the city gates and surrender, and the soldiers will not be killed!"

There are three versions of the content of the call, Chinese, Manchu and Mongolian.Of course, there are still some soldiers from the Western Regions in the city. There is really no one to shout for Qin Shuhuai. The dialect of the Western Regions is too difficult to understand. How can the old man learn this?

After shouting for a full day, Qin Shuhuai didn't know the effect. Anyway, it's psychological warfare, and idleness is idleness.

But having said that, the Mongolian soldiers in the city are fighting with the Han people, and their fighting spirit is indeed not so strong at the moment.Of course, the Han people don't need to say, what did the Mongolian soldiers come to rescue the Tartars in the first place?Isn't it because the powerful Eight Banners Army of the Tatars can defeat the Ming Army, so that the Ming Kingdom will lose its heart to conquer the grassland?

What now?The Manchus obviously couldn't defeat the Ming army, how could they have no idea?

They yelled all day during the day, and at night Qin Shuhuai wrote a letter of persuasion and threw it at the top of the city. The content was to persuade Mang Gurtai to abandon the city and surrender.

Mang Gurtai sneered when he received the letter of persuasion.

Although he had conflicts with Huang Taiji, but let him surrender as the leader of ZLQ?What a joke!

Yes, Daikin is indeed at a disadvantage right now, but is this war certain to lose?

not necessarily!

On the second line of defense, he wanted to use himself as a bait to bite Qin Shuhuai hard!
Qin Shuhuai performed for a day and a night, but seemed to get nothing.

However, this is a necessary performance. The most taboo of military strategists is the army that fights PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Qin Shuhuai's actions can easily give the soldiers in the city the illusion that the other party doesn't want to kill them all.

Once a person has a retreat, even if it is a retreat that he thinks is not exact, he will not fight desperately again.

This is the reason why any army in history would persuade and shout after besieging a fortified city.

However, releasing goodwill is one aspect. If you want to win Ashniulu, you have to speak with strength.

Qin Shuhuai doesn't want to waste too much time here, because the longer the time, the greater the risk for his 6 horses-not to mention that the Tartars have enough time to send troops to help, but it is said that winter is coming, and supplies will be exhausted by then. is the problem.

On the second day, he finally showed his fangs.

The ten red-clothed cannons accompanying the army began to bombard Ashniulu City.

Although the red cannon was one of the strongest cannons at that time, it was a front-loading cannon after all, and the shells were still round. If you want to smash it down, it is made of bluestone strips, rammed earth and bricks mixed with chicken blood and glutinous rice. It is still very difficult to record the city wall.

However, it is more than enough to bombard the opponent's city wall, but it is more than enough to flatten the buildings in the city.

After all, whose walls would be as thick as city walls?
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Huge cannonballs crossed the city wall and began to wreak havoc in the city!

Ordinary wooden houses can collapse with just one shot!
A larger brick and tile "mansion" will raze you to the ground in at most three shots!
Most of the residents in the city are Manchurians——Ashniulu, this is obviously the settlement of the Eight Banners Niulu, because the Eight Banners are a mixture of soldiers and civilians, that is, all the people are soldiers. As long as there is a need, all residents in the city are soldiers. So Qin Shuhuai did not stop the artillery from bombarding the houses,
However, after some experiments with residential houses, the artillerymen of the Ming army finally adjusted the "parameters" such as the angle of the muzzle and the amount of gunpowder loaded, and started to get down to business.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ten cannons bombarded the Tazi's military grain depot in the west of the city with precision, and the grain depot was instantly bombed down, and thick smoke billowed, causing a fire.

How did the Ming army know where the Tartar grain depot was?

It's very simple, there are quite a few White Lotus believers in the city who have been lurking here almost a year ago. Where is the granary and they are not clear?
Not to mention the granary, basically all the important buildings in Ashniulu City, such as the yamen, the armory, etc., had been drawn as drawings and sent out as early as a month ago.

As long as the artillerymen of the Ming army followed the marks on the map, they would be able to shoot one by one.

Let's say that after bombing the opponent's granary, the artillery of the Ming army still did not move the muzzle and continued to bombard the granary.

Now the Tartars were dying, the granary was blown down, and a raging fire was ignited, this can be saved!

But the opponent's ten red-clothed cannons bombarded there as if they didn't want money, and the huge shells fell like raindrops, who could bear it?

Firefighting?Save the ass!

The artillerymen of the Ming army bombarded the granary for more than an hour, and they didn't know how many shells were fired. In short, the granary was blasted to pieces.

After blasting the granary, the artillerymen continued to turn their muzzles to bombard the armory, and soon blasted the armory to scum.

The Tartars could only be in a hurry, since they couldn't reach the artillery of the Ming army, and they couldn't bear the huge shells, so couldn't they just be in a hurry?

Although there were only ten red cannons, the Ming army used their power to the extreme.

After bombarding the armory, the artillerymen of the Ming army began to bombard Niulu Yamen again.

In the end, all the military targets were bombarded, and civilian houses began to be bombarded aimlessly.

Bombed for a whole day! At least [-] shells were fired!

There are enough shells. When we set off, we brought a full [-] shells. How can we usually use so many shells?

There is no need to consider whether the barrel can withstand it.One is that the barrel of the red cannon is made of iron, which is much more reliable than the previous copper one.On the other hand, the standard rate of fire of the red cannon is a bit more than one round per minute. In addition, the power of gunpowder at that time was not as powerful as that of modern gunpowder. Naturally, the damage to the barrel was not that great, so you can’t hit it at this frequency. Bad barrel.

The artillerymen were almost deaf from the beating, and many artillerymen had several layers of cotton stuffed in their ears.

The city of Ashniulu suffered disaster.

This city is big, but it is relatively "big", and the actual total area is only a little over one square kilometer (the perimeter of the city wall of Ningyuan City is only 3200 meters, which is less than one square kilometer in total). There are more than 2000 large and small buildings in the building, and now half of them have been bombed out-no matter how large or small the family is, as long as the family is hit by shells, they cannot escape the end of a family being destroyed.

What's more terrible is that many buildings are made of wood. After being hit by the gunfire, a raging fire was ignited immediately. Now the city is full of smoke and the fire is spreading continuously. The broken bones, the cries of children, women and children, and the shouts of men mixed together, like a purgatory on earth.

Qin Shuhuai was about to raze the city of Ashiniulu.

(End of this chapter)

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