East Factory Governor

Chapter 721 Chain reaction of 302 salary

Chapter 721 The Chain Reaction of Two Opening Salaries 30

Qin Shuhuai ordered that the [-] troops stay in place for three days.

At the same time, the salary will be issued as usual.

This time, the pay was as high as 30 taels per person, which was unprecedented, regardless of whether it was a demon sect soldier, a court soldier or a martial arts coalition army, it was treated equally.

150 million taels of silver were issued, and the morale of the army was boosted.

But the side effect is that there is an atmosphere of generosity in the army.

The soldiers have basically never been to the Western Regions, but they have heard about the Western Regions for a long time. Quicksand eats people, sandstorms eat people, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts are everywhere in the desert, and they even want to eat people.

And the Duke of the country actually gave each person 30 taels of salary as soon as he made a move, which was fully worth two years of military salary!
what does that mean?It means that the Grand Duke wants to buy our lives!
It's just that going to the Western Regions is a boundless life and death, so what's the use of these 30 taels of silver?
As a result, these soldiers began to use the 30 taels to "arrange funeral affairs".

The demon soldiers didn't say anything else, after collecting all the bank notes, they sent a few reliable people back to Guangmingding, specifying that they were for the brothers who were disabled in the previous war to support them for the rest of their lives.

After the court soldiers got the money, most of them sent it back home through the bank, which was regarded as the final filial piety to their parents or to support their wives and children.As a result, for several days in a row, in the money houses in the counties near JYG, there were a large number of soldiers with red eyes and even crying tears to send money. .This made the shopkeepers and shopkeepers of the bank feel sad. Many shopkeepers of the bank said that if the expeditionary soldiers sent money home, they would not take a penny, and they would definitely hand it over in full.

The soldiers of the Wulin coalition army were very open-minded, except for a few who also sent money home, most of them took the money and went to the nearby towns to spend time and drink, and had a good time.

Not only was he happy, but many coalition soldiers even brought imperial soldiers and even demon soldiers to "have fun" together!
The soldiers of the coalition army originally came from the rivers and lakes. They thought that they had escaped death here, and they were more bold and unruly. In addition, they had money in their hands, so anyone who wanted to go out with them, no matter whether they knew each other or not, they would take whoever was pleasing to the eye to drink with them Be happy, but make every effort to spend the salaries equivalent to two years of imperial soldiers' military salaries within three days!

On the contrary, the coalition soldiers, demon soldiers, and court soldiers quickly became one.Many coalition soldiers and demon soldiers met on the battlefield more than half a year ago, but after a few drinks, they immediately became good brothers "to die together"!
The series of effects caused by the 150 taels of salary made Qin Shuhuai really unexpected, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Who said that if you hit Yarkand, you would be close to death?I didn't say to let you die!It's just that the expedition to the Western Regions is too hard, and I'm giving you extra allowances!

On July [-]th in the fourth year of Chongzhen, it was sunny.

The sky is clear and cloudless.

5 martial arts allied forces, [-] official troops, and [-] Demon Sect soldiers, a total of [-] horses, gathered at the JYG entrance, waiting for Qin Shuhuai's order to march west.

These 5 people can be called the strongest army in the Central Plains.Needless to say, the Wulin Allied Forces and Demon Sect Soldiers, even the [-] official troops were mostly veterans who had withdrawn from Lanzhou before, absolutely elite.

The expeditionary force consisted of Lu Xiangsheng, the former governor of the three sides, as the commander, Li Dingguo and Mei Yinzhi as the deputy commanders, Zhang Xiao, Meng Wei, Jin Gang, Wu Lie, He Renlong, and Du Wenhuan as the deputy generals, as well as Shen Xi, Buer Sanren, Three apostles, five apostles, six apostles, Meng Hu, Lai San'er, Chen Jing and other masters went out with the army. It can be said that there are many talents and masters gathered.

The banners are hunting, and the strong men are like tigers.

Qin Shuhuai stood proudly on the top of the wall, looking at the dark soldiers below, his heart was surging.

The war to conquer Siyi begins today!

The Western Regions have been suspended outside the Great Wall since the founding of the ancestors, and the Ming Dynasty has never had an effective rule.With the budding of capitalism, more and more merchants and cavalcades of Ming Dynasty traveled to and from the Western Regions, but they were bullied, blackmailed and even met with unexpected events because of the chaos in the Western Regions and hostility towards Ming Dynasty.

Once upon a time, the Silk Road passing through the Western Regions was so glorious.However, until now, the merchants of Ming Dynasty were forced to abandon the land route and open up the Maritime Silk Road instead.


The country is weak!
The way to a strong country lies in subduing others without fighting.In the past, Ban Chao pacified the Western Regions with 36 horses. Is it because he really came down to earth?No!It's just that there is a powerful man behind him, so that he can stir up the situation in the Western Regions with a single word.

Daming, we must also have the power of heaven!
The only way to allow Daming to go to the west and export commodities, culture and values ​​must be controlled by Daming in the future!
In other words, even if the system did not give the task of surrendering the barbarians and coming to the dynasty, he must still go on an expedition to the Western Regions!

Thinking of this, his blood was burning, his tiger body shook, and he pointed to the vast yellow sand plain outside the pass and said, "Soldiers and soldiers! Since the Wanli Year, the Mobei Mongolia, Monan Wala, and Liaodong Tartars have repeatedly violated our Ming Dynasty. , The wolf’s ambition is not enough to eat! Fortunately, our soldiers rose up loyally and bravely, building a Great Wall of flesh and blood with utter loyalty and bones, so that the invading enemy will not be defeated! However, although the surrounding Siyi have temporarily stopped their flags and drums, they are dead. The heart will never die. Why? Daming is rich!"

"In the Central Plains, they want silk, gold, silver, jewelry, and beautiful women! Since ancient times, the Central Plains was strong, and the Siyi were as docile as sheep, but when the Central Plains was weak, the Siyi would become man-eating wolves! During the Han Dynasty This was the case in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and it was still the case in our Ming Dynasty!"

"So, why are you going out today?"

"I want you to tell them, tell them eight words: the whole world, is it the land of the king! Where is my Ming's national prestige, wolf ambition must die! My Ming's soldiers pointed out that the state of disobedience will be punished! Let them know, Daming The strength cannot be violated, and the power of Ming Dynasty cannot be bullied!"

"Let them submit to Qiang Ming's feet from now on, and never dare to violate the Central Plains! This is the meaning of your expedition!"

"Surrender to the barbarians, starting from the Western Regions! All soldiers, go! I am here waiting for you to come back!"

The sound is like thunder, shocking, and the sound transmission is endless!
The [-] soldiers were all excited and excited!

Qin Shuhuai didn't tell them how opening up the Western Regions would benefit Ming's economy, because many big soldiers might not understand.

But tell them that they dare not come again after hurting a few neighbors who were eyeing tigers. Everyone understands this truth!
Since Wanli, the national power of Ming Dynasty has been declining day by day, and foreign aggression has continued. Barbarians from outside the pass invaded the Central Plains to plunder, just like visiting their own back garden. Who would want their home to be robbed every now and then for no reason?

As a soldier, who wants to go to war with his head up?
So, taking advantage of the Ming Dynasty's strong soldiers and horses, go to the homes of these "old neighbors" to show off your power, so that they will stop thinking about robbing again in the future. They want to do this kind of thing, and they are willing to do it!

Because of relief!More because of the supreme glory!
Standing behind Qin Shuhuai, Lu Xiangsheng and Li Dingguo were also full of enthusiasm and pride!
Lu Xiangsheng drew out his sword and shouted, "Surrender to the barbarians begins from the Western Regions!"

All the soldiers in the city roared in unison!

"Surrender to the four barbarians! Surrender to the barbarians!"

The roar was so loud that it went straight to the sky, and the JYG defenders who didn't need to go out couldn't help being enthusiastic and generous, so they roared.

The sun rose higher and higher and began to scorch the earth.

Qin Shuhuai pulled out the Yitian sword, pointed the sword into the distance, and said loudly, "The whole army, let's go!"

Cars rattle, horses rustle, strong men go out!
On the top of the wall, Lu Xiangsheng, Li Dingguo and others bid farewell to Qin Shuhuai.

Lu Xiangsheng said boldly, "My lord, the Western Expedition is invincible, and I won't return it for a day! Lu Xiangsheng, let's go!"

Li Dingguo solemnly bowed to Qin Shuhuai, and then said concisely, "Dingguo will not disgrace the mission, please rest assured!"

Li Dingguo knew very well that Qin Shuhuai asked him to go on an expedition, and for the first time ever let him be a subdued general as the deputy commander of the expedition army. This was to give him a chance and protect his future!
From the defeated general of the army back then to the deputy commander of the army, he remembered all the past in his heart.Especially when Qin Shuhuai was seriously injured that day, the scene of entrusting him to the Jianghe Gang and the Wulin Allied Forces was even more unforgettable for him!
He knew that the current self was not worthy of being treated so courteously by the Duke.

So he can't wait to prove to the whole world that the Duke is right!He, Li Dingguo, is qualified to conspire with the Duke of the country for a grand hegemony!
Li Dingguo had this idea, so why not Lu Xiangsheng?

Qin Shuhuai smiled lightly and said, "You two must remember that safety comes first in everything, and don't be impatient and aggressive."

Li Dingguo and Lu Xiangsheng nodded in agreement, and then hurriedly went down the city wall.

Shen Xi and others from the Devil's Cult also left at random.

The rest is for Jiang He to help others.

Qin Shuhuai kicked Lai San'er lightly, and said, "Remember, everything is under command, if you dare to turn around again, I will take your skin off."

Lai San'er didn't have a playful smile like usual, but managed to put on a sneer and said, "Got it. Leader, Lai San'er has been away for at least a year and a half, and no one will run errands for you in the future. You have to... ..."

Qin Shuhuai kicked him again, and laughed and cursed, "Are you the only one who knows how to run errands?"

Then he said to Chen Jing, "Jing'er, you are the youngest here, you have to take care of yourself when you are away from the expedition."

Saying that, she took out a kit and handed it to him, "Your sister gave you the peace talisman, I hope you can come back safely. I, too, hope so."

Chen Jing's eyes turned red slightly, he nodded and said, "This subordinate knows!"

After instructing Meng Wei and the others one by one, everyone went down the tower.

Qin Shuhuai stood on the city wall and watched the army go away.

Until the last person disappears on the horizon.

Then, turn around and go back.

He was going south, where there was a more important thing waiting for him to do.

(End of this chapter)

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