East Factory Governor

Chapter 671 It's Too Late

Chapter 671 It's Too Late

Wu Yutian's camp was only five miles away from Chengdu City, and the army quickly arrived at the west gate of Chengdu City.

The gate of Ximen City was closed tightly, and there were many rejections. It was obvious that Cao Guozhang had been prepared for a long time.

It has to be said that he was very fast.

Wu Zhao slapped his horse forward and shouted loudly, "Brothers at the top of the city, Vice Commander Wu is about to enter the city, open the city gate quickly!"

But someone above shouted, "Wu Zhao, do you have the guts to go back to Chengdu, you bastard who sells you for glory? Go back and ask your master, Wu Yutian, who was just a pawn at the time? Who promoted him to the position of deputy commander? Ask him again, when his old mother was seriously ill, who gave him money and found the best doctor to treat him? When he led troops to suppress bandits and changed military orders without authorization, Who begged to save him? Now he is avenging his kindness and helping the evil, and he has the audacity to join the traitor of the Qin surname and fight back against the governor who has been so kind to him. Such a shameless person, what face does he have to live in the world? "

Wu Zhao raised his head to take a closer look, and vaguely saw that it was Cao Guoqing in the light of Chuo Chuo's fire, and he felt bad all of a sudden.

It seems that Cao Guozhang acted first and decisively transferred Cao Guoqing's troops to guard the outer city, and the original [-] Wu Yutian troops in the outer city were probably transferred to the inner city.

In this way, Cao Guozhang is actually very dangerous, because once the 3 people in the inner city turn their backs, Cao Guozhang will have no power to resist.

But at the same time, this is relatively the safest way.

Because if the 3 troops are still stationed in the outer city, even if Cao Guozhang withdraws and replaces all the generals, as long as Wu Yutian orders to attack the city, they will never fight hard—because these soldiers and horses are all Wu Yutian’s direct descendants, how can they be willing to work hard? Hit your own people?Moreover, as long as Wu Yutian captured the outer city, these soldiers and horses would surely be under Wu Yutian's control again.

So Cao Guozhang had no choice but to separate the [-] soldiers and horses from Wu Yutian.

Inside the governor's yamen, Cao Guozhang's face was gloomy and tense, while Zhou Yanru's expression was completely terrified, which could not be concealed at all.

At this time Zhou Huaian came in.

Zhou Yanru hurriedly asked, "Zhou Huaian, what happened to the [-] soldiers outside? Can you control them?"

Zhou Huaian said, "Back to Prime Minister Zhou, according to the orders of the governor, Zhao Rui, the commander of the Chengdu Guard, has been ordered to replace Wu Linfeng, the former guard of the outer city, to lead the [-] troops. In addition, we also killed dozens of them. , replaced by our people, we can control the soldiers at the grassroots level."

Zhou Yanru asked again, "Where's Mr. Qian? What about those generals? Why didn't you kill them? These people were all brought out by Wu Yutian, so we can't keep them!"

Cao Guozhang immediately said, "Teacher, don't worry. These things are always reserved by the students."

"Oh, Guozhang, you are so confused, why do you keep these people?" Zhou Yanru asked anxiously.

Seeing Zhou Yanru's stateless and frantic appearance, Cao Guozhang had a hundred eyes on him.

If Zhou Yanru hadn't been his mentor, he would have told him to get out of the governor's office a long time ago.

But after he took a deep breath, he explained patiently, "If all the generals are removed, those soldiers will have nothing to worry about, which will make accidents easier. And leave some generals and chief executives, and our masters will Controlling them, when the time comes, these generals and President Qian will issue orders, which is far more effective than ours. Teacher, if you don’t understand the way to lead troops, don’t worry about it!”

Zhou Yanru was speechless by Cao Guozhang's words, and had to admit that what Cao Guozhang said was right.

So he said to Zhou Huai'an, "Huai'an, you must send the most capable people to control those generals. In addition, you must be decisive in dealing with things. Anyone who disagrees must be killed without mercy, and there must be no mercy for women. This battle can It is related to our Donglin, oh no, it is the rise and fall of the emperor and the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhou Huaian said, "Don't worry, Prime Minister Zhou, everything has been properly arranged. All the generals and Mr. Qian have at least two experts who are always by their side, and they will not dare to make mistakes!"

"By the way, that Qin Shuhuai, are you sure he didn't go to Wu Yutian camp?" Zhou Yanru asked again.

Zhou Huaian nodded, "My subordinates are sure. There were only two people who went to Wu Yutian's side."

"Do you think he is dead?" Zhou Yanru said joyfully but uncertainly.

"As far as my subordinates know, he was seriously injured when he fled. Moreover, according to the news from the outer city, he was shot with another arrow when he left the city. There is indeed a possibility of serious injury and death."

Zhou Yanru stood up with a groan, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"He's dead! He's dead!" Zhou Yanru's eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, "As long as this thief dies, we will have hope, hope..."

Zhou Huaian reminded, "Zhou Xiang, this is just a subordinate's guess, not..."

"Huai'an, he is dead!" Cao Guozhang said, "Ben Fu has already informed the brothers that Qin Shuhuai is dead!"

Zhou Huaian understood.

Immediately said, "What the Governor said is absolutely true, Qin Shuhuai is dead!"

outside the city.

Wu Zhao quickly reported back to Wu Yutian, saying that the outer city had been controlled by Cao Guozhang's department.

Wu Yutian flicked his horsewhip angrily, and said angrily, "It's still too late!"

Then he looked at Tian Bonian and asked, "What is the military strategy?"

Tian Bonian thought for a while and said, "Outside of Chengdu, there are thousands of Tsingyi troops who secretly entered Sichuan. These Tsingyi troops are from Ruoqiang. It is said that they are very powerful. They were suppressing various factions in the martial arts before. If you know Chengdu is under siege, so we are bound to come back and attack our army on both sides with Cao Guoqing, which is very bad for our army. Therefore, it is better to attack the city sooner rather than later!"

Wu Yutian hesitated, and asked, "We only have 2 people, can we attack?"

Tian Bonian said firmly, "Cao Guoqing's troops are mediocre, and now the Donglin Party is gone. The soldiers in the army are not fools. They knew that the troops in Sichuan could not defeat the imperial court. If the general resolutely revolted, Shuzhong would be trapped internally and externally. They don't even believe that Cao Guozhang can defeat the imperial court. Therefore, our army only needs to attack the city with all strength, and the rebel army will surely be defeated without a fight. As long as the outer city is captured, the inner city will be our brothers. The general only needs to raise his arms With one call, they are bound to return."

Wu Yutian pondered for a while, and said, "The military commander is right! Then, I will first order the siege of the city, and then order my brothers to make ladders, and then go to the camp to fetch some supplies, and start attacking the city after dawn."

Tian Bonian said, "The general is wise!"

Wu Yutian quickly arranged for the soldiers to make ladders from nearby materials.In addition, he sent part of the army back to the camp to get armored vehicles, heavy armor, large shields and other heavy weapons.

Seeing this, Cao Guoqing on the city wall quickly sent someone back to report to Cao Guozhang, saying that Wu Yutian was about to attack the city, and asked him to send more experts from the Dark Cloud Sect to help.

He dared not lead his troops to take the initiative to attack.In comparison, Wu Yutian's combat effectiveness is much stronger than his subordinates. More importantly, the morale of his soldiers is very unstable now. It is rumored in the army that after Wu Yutian rebelled, Zhang Lizhen would also rebel. Shuzhong must not be guaranteed.

And the only thing he can do is to keep spreading the news that Qin Shuhuai is dead to boost morale.

Indeed, at such an important moment, Qin Shuhuai's absence was enough to be the best evidence of his "death".

This is the best way to boost morale!
Why is the imperial court strong?Isn't it because of this invincible Daming demon?

(End of this chapter)

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