Chapter 644
On round head hill.

Two young men in ragged clothes stood on the tree and saw the coalition troops rolling in.

The faces of the two of them turned pale all of a sudden.

One of them said, "Quick, go and report to General Zhang!"

Another scrambled down the tree, then scurried out like a monkey.

He quickly ran to a well-covered cave, ran in for a while, and finally came to a bright and spacious stone cave.

"Report, report to General Zhang, the officers and soldiers are back, back!"

Zhang Xianzhong stood up abruptly, his eyes widened like copper bells.

Li Dingguo on the side, seeing his adoptive father's eyes for the first time, showed a frightened expression.

"Don't light the lamp and tell the truth?" Zhang Xianzhong said to himself with a solemn expression.

Li Dingguo immediately said, "Father, quickly lead the brothers to set up defenses! We have more than 1 people. If we can persist until dark, we can break through."

At this time, another person hurriedly came from another cave.

"General Li is right. Since Qin Shuhuai turned around and came back, he must already know where we are hiding. It's too late to run now, so we might as well fight with them according to the favorable location!"

It was Li Zicheng who spoke!
Since his defeat in Shaanxi, he brought his nephew and more than a dozen people to defect to Zhang Xianzhong.Although Zhang Xianzhong vaguely knew that he killed Gao Yingxiang, but considering Li Zicheng's reputation is not small, if he has him, it will be more convenient to recruit soldiers and horses in the future, so he took him in.

Zhang Xianzhong subconsciously looked at Luo Rucai again.

Luo Rucai, nicknamed "Cao Cao", has always been known for his resourcefulness.It was he who came up with the idea of ​​"tuning the tiger away from the mountain" before.Unfortunately, Qin Shuhuai saw through his trick so quickly that they hadn't had time to evacuate (although the [-] army had traveled five or six miles, Yuantou Mountain was still very close at the end of the team, Zhang Xianzhong had to wait at least ten miles for the coalition army to walk out) It took several miles to evacuate), and was surrounded again.

Luo Rucai also looked depressed at the moment, but he still gave Zhang Xianzhong a positive look.

The reality is clear.

If their [-] troops were still nesting in the cave, then Qin Shuhuai would be able to find it by searching slowly as long as he sealed off the mountain.And once they were found, they would be like turtles in the urn, not only unable to run away, but even difficult to resist.

Only by sending a large army to stop the coalition forces until dark can they break through.

Zhang Xianzhong thought for a while, and said, "Okay, since the kid surnamed Qin won't make a living with us, let's fight with him! If we die, we'll have revenge one day!"

Soon, the rogue soldiers from various caves were brought out.They defended according to the terrain and the danger.

After Qin Shuhuai's central army arrived, Zu Dashou and Zhang Xiao's left and right armies also arrived.

Three armies, each sending 6000 people, killed them from three trails.The rest of the troops were waiting at the foot of the mountain to prevent the bandits from breaking through.

They originally wanted to find the cave where Zhang Xianzhong was hiding, but they never expected that the army led by Zu Dashou would be ambushed as soon as they reached the mountainside.

Zu Dashou immediately ordered people to set off fireworks to notify the whole army.

He had just raised the signal, and the signal was also raised on the mountain road that Zhang Xiao was passing by.

Qin Shuhuai smiled slightly when he saw the fireworks rising one after another from the foot of the mountain.

This time, Zhang Xianzhong should not be able to escape.

On the mountain road on the west side of Yuantou Mountain, Zu Dashou's 6000 people were ambushed by about [-] bandits on the narrow mountain road.The rogues were on both sides of the path, and they first harassed the coalition forces with boulders, bows and arrows, etc., causing certain losses.

However, the rogues had very few bows and arrows, and they disappeared after a few salvos.Moreover, the soldiers of the coalition army are well-equipped, and there is no shortage of large shields and armor, so the losses caused by bows and arrows are very limited.

Compared with bows and arrows, the boulders prepared by the rogues were even fewer, only a dozen in total.Most of the soldiers of the coalition army will work lightly, and it takes time for the boulder to roll down, and most of the soldiers have already avoided it by the time it rolls down.

Because Zhang Xianzhong couldn't stand anywhere now, he didn't plan to make Yuantou Mountain his lair.As a result, his defensive facilities around Yuantou Mountain are naturally pitiful.

Therefore, in this wave of attack, the coalition forces only paid the price of dozens of casualties.

The coalition soldiers immediately launched a counterattack.

Relying on their lightness skills, they rushed to the high ground quickly, and then began to fight with the rogue soldiers.

Zhang Xianzhong's rogue soldiers ran here and there for a long time, and there was a shortage of food, so they were no match for the soldiers of the coalition army in terms of morale and physical strength.As for tactical recuperation, individual capabilities, and military equipment, they cannot be compared with coalition soldiers.

This is a showdown between two armies that are several ranks behind.

Without any suspense, the battle was overwhelming from the very beginning.

Before the coalition soldiers on the trail had fully rushed to the high ground on both sides, the rogue soldiers on the high ground showed a state of fleeing and surrendering on a large scale.

It is such an army that it will collapse at the touch of a touch.

The battle lasted only about a quarter of an hour before it was almost over.Of the three thousand bandit soldiers, nearly half surrendered, one or two hundred fled, and the rest were all wiped out.

The coalition soldiers only suffered more than 200 casualties.

Zu Dashou smiled and asked his subordinates to count the results of the battle.

After a while, several soldiers under his command tied up and brought him over.

"General Zu, caught a big bandit."

Zu Dashou laughed, "How big is it?"

"According to other rogues, he is Zhang Xianzhong's adopted son Li Dingguo."

Zu Dashou chuckled, "Hey, he's not young yet. Take him down the mountain and wait for the Duke's punishment."

Li Dingguo's eyes were red, and he growled with disheveled hair, "Something will kill me, some will kill me!"

It also has a bit of backbone.

But he was immediately beaten by coalition soldiers.

Like Zu Dashou, the progress of the other two roads is also very smooth.

Zhang Xianzhong deployed about 3000 people on each of the three roads up the mountain, relying on dangerous places for echelon defense.Naturally, he didn't expect to be able to hold Round Head Mountain, but hoped to drag it until dark.

These soldiers are all old subordinates of Zhang Xianzhong, who have fought many tough battles, and are equipped with the best equipment among the Shanxi rogues.

Zhang Xianzhong believes that there is at most one hour before dark.Relying on the geographical advantage, it is no problem for the [-] army to drag it until dark.

But Zhang Xianzhong seemed to have forgotten that his soldiers hadn't had enough to eat for a long time.Even if the Zhang family's caravan brought some food over a few days ago, Zhang Xianzhong didn't dare to let them eat it openly.In addition, the group of "elite soldiers" under him no longer have much confidence in him.

And what he was facing was an army that had fought against the Demon Sect and the Tartars, and was no less inferior to the top infantry in Asia.Even, this army now has a psychological advantage when facing the Demon Cult and the Tartars.

It took the coalition forces less than half an hour to completely defeat all the rogues on the three roads.The so-called destruction and invincibility are nothing more than that.

The sun was about to set at this time, but it had not yet set.

(End of this chapter)

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