East Factory Governor

Chapter 631 Race against time

Chapter 631 Race against time
Zhang Xiao didn't know why, but he followed the guy out of the yard.

The waiter led them to the east chamber, found a house with plum trees in front of it, kicked open the door and entered.The room was a woman's room, and the waiter went straight to the bed, picked up a pillow, and saw a page of paper under the pillow.

Zhang Xiao took a look, and one of them stepped forward and grabbed the piece of paper.

I saw the cloud on the paper: Zhou has gone to Sichuan!

Obviously, this is the room of one of the two beautiful maids sent by Dongchang.Presumably this maid had fled with Zhou Yanru, and it was too late to notify Dongchang, so she could only leave a book under her pillow.

Zhang Xiao was shocked when he saw these four words.

Zhou Yanru's entry into Sichuan was no small matter.If he dared to go to Sichuan, then the military and political power in Sichuan must be fully controlled by Donglin people.The land of Sichuan and Shu is full of natural dangers, and it has been easy to defend and difficult to attack since ancient times. If Zhou Yanru went there and refused to follow the edict and stand on his own in the name of "the emperor was robbed and the country's thieves ruled", it would be like a separatist regime, and the trouble would be big!

When Zhang Xiao thought of this, his back turned cold, and he hurriedly cupped his hands at the head, and said, "Brother, I offended you so much, I will leave it to you first."

The waiter also bowed back, "It's easy to say, let's go and report to the Duke."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Xiao had already rushed out of the room.

He didn't dare to delay for a moment, went out and got on his horse, regardless of the ban, he rode his horse through the downtown, quickly ran to the Hou's mansion, and handed the letter to Qin Shuhuai.

Qin Shuhuai was shocked when he saw it!

Seeing Qin Shuhuai's serious expression, Li Daliang and Luo Yangxing asked what was the matter, and Qin Shuhuai told the truth.

The two suddenly exclaimed in unison, "Zhou Yanru is not allowed to enter Sichuan!"

Qin Shuhuai immediately said, "We must stop Zhou Yanru. Brother Yun Yi and Commander Luo, each of your factory guards sends out a team, and I also send out a team. Let's divide into three groups and go after them together!"

Li Daliang said, "Okay! By the way, if our insiders are still alive, they should leave marks along the way. The marks of our East Factory are two horizontal lines and one vertical line, or white beads scattered on the ground."

"Okay, tell the brothers who are going to chase, let them pay attention."

More than a quarter of an hour later, Dongchang, Jinyiwei, and Jianghe Gang, each with more than a thousand people, galloped out immediately and divided into three groups to intercept the road to Sichuan!

Qin Shuhuai was still worried, so he immediately called Li Jingting and asked him to edit a book on his behalf.The letter was written to Hong Chengchou, the governor of Shaanxi. Qin Shuhuai asked him to lead troops into Sichuan immediately after receiving the letter to deter the troops in Sichuan!
After affixing Qin Shuhuai's great seal, Li Jingting also brought a team of experts to set off immediately!

Sichuan cannot change!

If Sichuan was occupied by Zhou Yanru, once he declared there that he "refuses to obey the imperial edict", then the Donglin Party in other provinces would probably follow suit and echo him.
Qin Shuhuai never expected Zhou Yanru to run so fast.Martial law has already been imposed everywhere in the capital, Jinyiwei and Dongchang had ambushed around the Zhou Mansion two days ago, I thought it would be easy to take him down, but he escaped easily!
In addition to the secret way of the Zhou Mansion, I am afraid that people from the Dark Cloud Sect also came, otherwise Zhou Yanru would not be able to run so smoothly.

Fortunately, although Zhou Yanru ran away, the other Donglin Party officials in Beijing did not.

There are more than 170 Donglin Party officials in Beijing, most of whom work in the six ministries, Honglu Temple, Dali Temple and other places.As for how to identify their identities, it is very simple. Wen Tiren wrote a book "Donglin Disasters for the Country", which recorded most of the Donglin Party members, and there was also a record in Chongzhen, but those who played with Zhou Yanru before, especially It was the one who impeached Qin Shuhuai, and the Donglin Party probably didn't run away!
Inside the capital, there was a bloody storm.

During the whole day, the factory guards rode out everywhere, and the brigade of officers and soldiers went to and from the mansions of the various officials in Donglin. Just shoot to kill.

For a while, the capital was mourning and crying, one after another Donglin Party officials were loaded into prison cars and taken to the Zhenfusi, and the family members of those officials, as long as they were within the three relatives, were all taken away.

Prison cars passed by in an endless stream, making the people dumbfounded.

After a while, An Min announced.

The notice said that Donglin has harmed the country and the people, deceived the emperor and framed Zhongliang, and the emperor has ordered a thorough investigation!Anyone among the common people who knows about Donglin's misconduct, or who has been oppressed by Donglin, can report to the Jinyiwei Office, and the court will seek justice for them!
In addition to these, the notice also said that the recent rumors that Donglin officials framed Chen Lue, the general soldier of Shenyang, have been verified to be true.And, three days later, the emperor will personally preside over Chen Zongbing's memorial service to comfort the loyal soul!
When the people heard about it, they all rushed to tell each other!
This is just like in modern times, when an incident of public indignation ignites the Internet, the authorities deal with the relevant officials quickly and severely, which can arouse cheers from the whole people.

And in this matter, it may not be the victory of Ming Dynasty's rule of law, but it is the victory of Qin Shuhuai and Chongzhen's public opinion!

The public opinion offensive of the past two months has finally paid off!
A large number of Donglin Party officials were arrested and their homes were ransacked. The panic caused by the people was quickly replaced by the atmosphere of justice being done.

If the hearts of the people are not disturbed, the morale of the army will not be disturbed!This is very important!
At this time, whoever wins public opinion wins the world!
If the world thinks that Dong Lin is rebellious, then Qing's name is justified.If the world thinks that Qin Shuhuai is rebellious, then Qing Donglin is an act of Qin Shuhuai's party to fight against dissidents.

At the same time, a large number of strong guards from the palace came out and rushed to all parts of the country.

They all carry Chongzhen's imperial decree, which is for the main generals of the guards in various places. The content is very clear, that is, the governor of Donglin deceived the emperor, and the emperor has decided to rectify it. Generals from all over the country must wait for the imperial order. Do not move a single soldier without authorization, and those who violate the order will be considered treason!
By the time of this day (9 o'clock), according to the unified deployment, the factory guards who had already arrived at county government offices across the country also began to act.

Ninghe County, Changsha Prefecture.

The county magistrate Zhao Qigong had just been promoted and was about to try a cattle theft case when he suddenly heard a commotion outside.He was about to reprimand him, but he was surprised to see a dozen Jin Yiwei rushing in.

The leader took out his badge, shook it, and said to Zhao Qigong, "Master Zhao, Jin Yiwei handles the case, let's retreat first."

Zhao Qigong stood up in a panic, cupped his hands to the man, and said, "Dare to ask this lord's name? This, this officer is trying the case. Are you..."

Zhao Qigong didn't know the person in front of him because the heads of Jinyiwei all over the country had changed recently.

The Jinyiwei said with a smirk, "I'm the new Jinyiwei Baihu Lintang, if you have something to ask Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao should leave the hall first!"

How could Zhao Qigong dare to fight against Jin Yiwei, he hurriedly left the hall, and after the crowd dispersed, he asked again, "I don't know what's going on with Lin Baihu?"

Lin Baihu took out a stack of notices and directly asked him to stamp the seal of the county magistrate, and then posted them in the county government and everywhere in the county.

Why is the county magistrate stamped?Because the local people in the county magistrate are familiar with it and have more authority.On the contrary, the governor's seal and even the emperor's jade seal are unknown to the common people.Moreover, if the announcement is issued with a jade seal, it is inconsistent with the etiquette and law, and the people will not believe it.

Zhao Qigong took the notice and took a look, only to see that the content on it was to announce that the death of Chen Lue, the general soldier of Shenyang, had been verified. Lin Party members and so on.Moreover, the notice also listed a series of crimes by the Donglin Party for framing Zhongliang, deceiving the emperor, disrupting the government, and exploiting the people!

Zhao Qigong is not a fool, he knew at a glance that the emperor was going to clean Donglin thoroughly!

And he himself was born in Donglin, and his teacher was Huguang Chief Envoy Li Min, a senior Donglin native.

He felt chills all over his body, wondering if this thing was real?Because earlier he heard from his superiors that Qin Shuhuai wanted to mess up the government and fight Donglin to the death, so could it be that Qin Shuhuai used the emperor's order to frame our Donglin?

If this is posted, the prefect of Changsha or even the chief envoy will blame him later, I can't afford it!

But Jin Yiwei's murderers are not easy to deal with!
He thought about it, and decided to use drag words.

Putting away the notice, he said to Lin Baihu, "May I ask who ordered Lin Baihu? Generally speaking, notices from above are passed on to the county after being approved by the magistrate, why this time... "

Lin Baihu sneered, and before he finished speaking, he drew out the knife and put it on his neck.

"My lord Zhao, the emperor has ordered a thorough investigation of Donglin's rebellious party. Your magistrate will have our superior Jin Yiwei look for it. As for you, just do your job well. Don't worry, as long as you cooperate obediently, a small county Your Majesty will not embarrass you."

Zhao Qigong hesitated for a moment, rolled his eyes, and said, "Lin Baihu, this matter is not trivial, please show the token again and let the official confirm it."

Lin Baihu impatiently took out the token to Zhao Qigong, and Zhao Qigong knew it was real at a glance.

But he still wanted to be clever.

"Lin Baihu, I can't tell if this token is true or not. Just wait a moment, I will..."

Lin Baihu laughed grimly, "County Zhao, by the order of the emperor, all officials of Donglin who are obsessed with obsession will be killed without mercy!"

After all, the Xiuchun knife in his hand was lifted suddenly, and it directly cut off Zhao Qigong's head!

Zhao Qigong never imagined that he would be murdered just by delaying the time a little bit!
The yamen servants and others present were all stunned, too frightened to even breathe.

Lin Baihu held the bloody knife on the shoulder of the head of the county yamen, and said coldly, "Where is the county magistrate's seal?"

The head book was so frightened that the two trembled, and hurriedly said, "In, in the back hall, students go and get it now, go and get it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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