East Factory Governor

Chapter 576 Unlucky Zhang Desheng

Chapter 576 Unlucky Zhang Desheng
Early the next morning, that is, at three o'clock in the morning on the sixth day of the seventh month of the third year of Chongzhen, Qin Shuhuai led [-] martial arts coalition troops to march northward.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of Shaanxi, came to see him off with his subordinate civil officials and generals at all levels. At the same time, many people in Weinan city also spontaneously came to see him off after hearing the news.

Knowing that Lord Qin's team was going north to fight the Tartars, the most famous old man in the city was elected to offer wine to the soldiers.

This kind of wine is unavoidable, Qin Shuhuai drank several bowls in a row before the crowd moved out of the way, and sent the soldiers out of the city with the roar of mountains and tsunamis.

The common people are afraid of the Tartars, and there are rumors that the Tartars are demon kings who cannibalize people, so they hope that the officers and soldiers can defeat the Tartars, and everyone will be safe. For this reason, they are willing to donate money and food—even if the tax is already very high, but Their own masters are always better than Tartars.

This is the simplest truth, and common people recognize it.Since ancient times, Chinese common people have a very high tolerance capacity, as long as they are not beyond the point of survival, their hearts are always toward the imperial court.

The army set off from Weinan, and the expected route was to pass through Taiyuan, SJZ and then go straight to BJ.In BJ, Qin Shuhuai will meet with Chongzhen and Sun Chengzong. In addition to reporting the results of the bandit suppression in Shaanxi, the more important thing is to get more information about the situation in Jizhen.

In this expedition, in addition to the martial arts coalition forces, there are also 2000 cavalry led by He Kegang.He Kegang was originally a general of the Guanning Army, and he was temporarily seconded to Shaanxi to suppress the bandits this time, so now he happened to go back with Qin Shuhuai.When he came, he brought three thousand Guan Ning Jingqi, but later he fought until there were only less than one thousand left.In order to express his gratitude, Hong Chengchou selected more than [-] cavalry to supplement He Kegang.

From Weinan to the capital, it is nearly two thousand miles.According to the rapid marching speed of 160 miles a day, it will take at least 12 days to walk.However, soldiers are not machines, and it is impossible to march in a hurry for more than ten days in a row, so it is estimated that it will take at least half a month to arrive at the capital.

Long-distance marching is extremely boring, especially in July when the sun is shining, people walking on the road are like being in a steamer, and they will sweat profusely after a short time. As long as they walk for a quarter of an hour, the whole person will feel like they have just been fished out of the water Same.Although the army avoided marching during the hottest noon and late hours, many soldiers suffered from heat stroke on the road.Fortunately, there are some qigong masters in the martial arts allied forces, and they will be fine after a few massages. There is not a single case of heatstroke injury or death among more than 6 people.

Eight days later, the army arrived in Taiyuan.

Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of the three sides stationed in Taiyuan, took Taiyuan city guard Chu Fu and others out of the city to meet them in person.Lu Xiangsheng already knew that he was suddenly promoted to the governor of the three sides because of Qin Shuhuai's strong recommendation, so he always regarded Qin Shuhuai as his bole - even though Qin Shuhuai was not much older than his son, who in the world would take Qin Shuhuai now? Look like a kid?

The army rested overnight in Taiyuan and replenished some supplies.During this period, Lu Xiangsheng introduced to Qin Shuhuai the situation of bandits suppression in Shanxi in detail.

At present, under the joint encirclement and suppression by He Huchen, Du Wenhuan and others, Zhang Xianzhong's troops have less than [-] troops left, while the total number of other miscellaneous bandits is less than [-].It can be said that the banditry in Shanxi has also been contained to a large extent.Lu Xiangsheng said that as long as Zhang Xianzhong's lair can be found, the government and army will definitely defeat him in one fell swoop and completely put down the banditry in Shaanxi.

If the banditry in Shanxi and Shanxi is pacified, then the bandits in the other areas of the three sides will not be a concern, and the three sides will really be stabilized.

Qin Shuhuai thought of Zhang Desheng in Taiyuan City, this guy should be mixed into the caravan smuggling grain for Zhang Xianzhong, so he asked Lu Xiangsheng if such a person came to him?

Lu Xiangsheng said in surprise, "Master Hou, the Zhang family of the 'Dachang' firm was really the foreshadowing you planted? Oh, this is really..."

Qin Shuhuai said, "What's wrong?"

"After the governor came to Sanbian, the first thing he investigated was the source of money, grain and weapons of Zhang Xianzhong's department. After investigation, it was found that there were eleven merchants in Jinzhong, Shanxi and Northwest Shanxi that secretly smuggled food, cloth and even weapons to Zhang Xianzhong. In order to cut off Zhang Ni's logistics resources, the governor sent people to arrest these merchants, including the Zhang family. A few days ago, the Zhang family came to complain, saying that they were sent by Lord Hou to mix with the bandit caravan. The supervisor asked him what evidence he had, but he couldn't produce it. He only said that he had given the password of Lord Hou, so... so the supervisor thought he was making excuses and beat him up. Now the Zhang family's grandpa, boss, The old man and several shopkeepers are in prison."

Qin Shuhuai thought about it, it seems that he really didn't give Zhang Desheng any warrant at the beginning, and this Zhang Desheng can be regarded as a passionate person, he gave up his life to help him with just a few words.

What a Shanxi merchant!In a word, they regard promises as more important than their lives. Even if there is no written contract, as long as they promise, they will definitely do it.

Thinking of this, Qin Shuhuai said, "Lord Lu, the Zhang family of the 'Dachang' was indeed sent by the Marquis to join the bandit caravan, because the Marquis didn't think carefully and didn't give them any warrants, so they can't come up with anything. The evidence is here. Lord Lu, please look into this matter."

Lu Xiangsheng immediately said, "Since the Marquis has personally testified for them, there is no need for the governor to investigate again. The governor will release them tonight and return all the seized properties. Please rest assured, Marquis."

Qin Shuhuai thought to himself, Mr. Lu, can you simply return the property?If it is in later generations, it will require compensation from the state.It was also in this era that the common people were tossed to death by the government, and the government finally found out the unjust case and released them. They still have to thank Lord Qingtian, and they dare not mention the word "compensation".

No, you can play like this, but I can't.If the game continues like this, the hearts of these Shanxi merchants who are determined to serve the country will be chilled, so they still have to go.

Qin Shuhuai intends to support the germination of capitalism in the late Ming Dynasty, so that the future Ming Dynasty will also drive a powerful fleet to venture around the world to find gold, so he naturally wants to adopt a gentle policy towards businessmen.

So he said, "Lord Lu, this matter happened because of me, so I should personally go and apologize to the Zhang family, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

Lu Xiangsheng was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Qin Shuhuai, who is a master and a bachelor, should be so polite to a group of businessmen?No wonder.Although Lu Xiangsheng was a rare great talent in the late Ming Dynasty, the idea of ​​emphasizing agriculture over business and officials over the people is still deeply rooted in his mind.

Qin Shuhuai didn't expect Lu Xiangsheng to understand his thoughts immediately, he just stood up and said, "I would like to ask Mr. Lu to send someone to lead the way for me."

When Lu Xiangsheng saw that Qin Shuhuai was about to go in person, how could he not go?So he immediately said, "Speaking of which, the governor was also negligent in this matter. In this case, the governor and Mr. Qin should go together."

(End of this chapter)

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