East Factory Governor

Chapter 572 The Night Banquet

Chapter 572 The Night Banquet
In the huge banquet hall, officers and generals, martial arts heroes, and factory guard chiefs gathered together, and even seriously injured Sun Cheng, Cao Huachun, Wei Chao, etc. also came.The only one who was absent was Chen Changting. He had been hit by the six apostles of the Demon Sect before. Although Qin Shuhuai helped him get rid of the cold poison, his internal organs had suffered a huge blow. He still vomited blood every day and was bedridden. Qin Shuhuai also Helpless, can only see his own life.It has to be said that Dongchang lost at least half of its elites in this battle, and even Cao Huachun had lost all his martial arts skills.

Fighting from Lanzhou to Baoji, from Baoji to Shangluo, and from Shangluo to Weinan, whether it was the government army, factory guards, or martial arts coalition forces, they all paid a heavy price.None of the disciples of some sects in the martial arts alliance survived.

Therefore, this banquet, which is both a farewell banquet and a celebration banquet, is full of sadness and the atmosphere is a bit dull.

But despite this, everyone still drank a lot of wine.This is true for people in the martial arts, and it is also true for people in the army. Whether happy or sad, wine is always the best carrier to vent emotions.Fortunately, Hong Chengchou brought three carts of wine with him when he came, and another cellar of good wine was found in the cellar of General Li Zicheng's mansion, so there is no shortage of wine!

After drinking for three rounds, the officers and soldiers from Shaanxi outside sang the majestic local folk songs of Shaanxi under the influence of alcohol.The voice is powerful and the melody is sad, a bit like the local Qin opera, but not exactly, which makes people feel sad after listening to it.This is their lament for their dead brother.

The singing gradually spread, and more and more soldiers joined the ranks of mourning.Soldiers from Shanxi also sang their own special folk songs, the tunes were equally sad, high and low, fast and slow, like weeping.

Many of the generals and martial artists in the room had tears in their eyes, and Qin Shuhuai couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

Before crossing over, in his book, whenever he saw the huge war records, the only thing that appeared in his mind was an order to order thousands of troops and horses to gallop, and the front of the soldiers pointed to the blood of thousands of soldiers, but he never thought that war is So cruel, so sad.

How many people died in this battle?He still has no exact data.I only know that only 11 of the [-] martial arts army are left, and how many officers and soldiers died?How many demons died?How much did Li Zicheng die?How many innocent people died?He didn't know, he didn't want to know that much.

If given a choice, he would rather be a scholar in a prosperous age and enjoy the time leisurely.If there is a choice, these soldiers must also want to be born in a prosperous age, open a few acres of land, marry a wife, have a few children, and live a peaceful and peaceful life.

Prosperity, prosperity, when can we expect it?

At this time, several generals went out silently with wine, they were going to respect their brothers.Seeing this, Qin Shuhuai suggested that everyone take a jar of wine and go to the big camps one by one to respect the brothers there.

This proposal was immediately approved by everyone, and even Cao Huachun, who was injured and unable to drink, stood up proudly and went out with everyone!

All the generals went to a camp, raised the altar, and shouted "Respect brothers!"
Then he raised his neck and poured wine wordlessly!
There was no impassioned speech, only the sound of pouring wine!There is wine today and drunk today, no one knows how many people will still be able to gather and drink together next year.

Drink until midnight.

After seeing off the generals, Qin Shuhuai went back to the study room, writing vigorously with the help of facts.

Re-open the customs, accept merchants from all over the world, and export the products and culture of Ming Dynasty all over the world!Looking at the world, let China no longer be a frog at the bottom of a well, and not miss every change in the world.

Rectify the administration of officials, reform the government, so that talented people will no longer be underappreciated, make the officialdom more transparent, and let the people at the bottom have more power to speak.

Introduce, imitate, and innovate more western technologies, build a powerful navy and army, welcome the arrival of the great era of great navigation, and let China stand forever in the forest of powerful countries...

As he wrote more and more crooked words, his alcoholism gradually dissipated.

He stopped writing abruptly.

Self-deprecating smile: The world is uncertain, what's the use of talking about it now?The world is settled, I am just a dick in the 21st century, not a politician, can I really govern this country well?How many of these ideas from the 21st century can be realized in this world?What I think, is it a utopia?

Looking at the waning moon outside the window, he rubbed his forehead and smiled wryly.

At this moment, the voice of the guard came from outside the house.

"Master Hou, are you asleep?"

Qin Shuhuai frowned. If there was no urgent matter at this late hour, the guards would not dare to disturb him.

Gathering his thoughts, he said, "Come in."

After the personal guard came in, he said, "Master Hou, Chen Changting is going to die, he wants to see you for the last time."

Qin Shuhuai immediately stood up and said, "Let's go!"

He hurried to Chen Changting's room, but saw that Li Daliang, Wei Chao, Cao Huachun and others were already there.Chen Changting's face was pale, his face was expressionless, and his spirit was like a silk.

Qin Shuhuai went up, sat by the bed and said to Chen Changting, "Brother Changting, I'm here."

When Chen Changting saw Qin Shuhuai, the corner of his mouth grinned slightly, which was considered a smile.

"Qin Houye... finally, ahem, finally waiting for you!"

Qin Shuhuai held Chen Changting's wrist, and seeing that his pulse was extremely weak, he knew that it was impossible to save him.

"Brother Chang Ting, if you have anything to say, just say it, I'll listen."

"Master Hou, the Jianghe gang entrusted you... Chang Ting... I don't regret it."

This is Chen Changting's first sentence.

Qin Shuhuai was speechless and could only nod his head.

"Chang Ting, in the sky...cough cough, in the sky, let's see how Lord Hou...creates and prospers the world!"

Qin Shuhuai nodded again.

Chen Changting opened his mouth wide, inhaled and exhaled continuously, and finally gathered enough strength to speak the third sentence.

"Master Hou! Chang Ting...respect you! Your Majesty... is the Holy King, you..."

He held Qin Shuhuai's hand tightly, but he couldn't say the last few words.

Suddenly, his hand loosened.

The whole person was completely motionless, quietly as if in a deep sleep.

However, his eyes were still open.

Qin Shuhuai knew what he was going to say, so he still nodded.

Then reached out and gently closed his eyes.

Everyone in the house sighed quietly.

Li Daliang had always been gloomy and cold, but at this moment his eyes were flushed.

Cao Huachun looked expressionless, but his face, which was heavily painted with palace powder, twitched a few times unconsciously.

A good eagle dog from Dongchang went like this.He may be cold-blooded and ruthless, he has killed countless people, and the torture he has used is heinous.But he is a good eagle dog, and he is extremely loyal to his master. Even in his heart, he also has a dream of peace and prosperity for the country and prosperity!

(End of this chapter)

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