East Factory Governor

Chapter 568 Restoration of Weinan

Chapter 568 Restoration of Weinan
He Renlong, who was in charge of the attack at the south gate, immediately reacted: Li Zicheng wants to run!

He now has about 1000 soldiers, of which more than [-] are attacking the city wall, so he only has [-] to call.And because of the siege, he only had [-] cavalry in his hands.

But he decided immediately to take everyone to chase after him, and at the same time send someone to notify Qin Shuhuai immediately.

He Renlong's disastrous defeat in Weinan was an indelible humiliation in his life, so when he saw that Li Zicheng was about to run away, he tried his best to stop him!
He Renlong's infantry could not catch up with Li Zicheng's cavalry, but it was no problem to catch up with the opponent's infantry.The infantry of both sides then began fighting two or three miles south of the city.Originally, if Li Zicheng led the cavalry to fight back, the infantry of the officer army would definitely not be his opponent, but Li Zicheng was eager to escape, so he didn't care about the infantry, and ran away with only [-] cavalry!

Seeing that the commander had abandoned him, Li Zicheng's infantry were deeply desperate, and they no longer wanted to fight. Those who could run ran away with their heads in their hands, and those who could not escape simply surrendered.

He Renlong led [-] cavalry in hot pursuit.He was not afraid that Li Zicheng would turn around and kill him, because he would be able to hold Li Zicheng back.

What he was afraid of was that Li Zicheng would ignore him!
Of course Li Ziguo ignored him!Let him chase after him, just keep running forward.

While chasing, He Renlong ordered his men to throw helmets and the like on the ground at intervals so that the cavalry of the officers and soldiers who came to help them could find their way.

After Qin Shuhuai got the news of Li Zicheng's breakout, he immediately ordered Meng Wei, Chen Jing and others to chase after him with [-] cavalry.

Let's talk about the defenders on the city wall at the south gate. Seeing that Li Zicheng, who was clamoring to leave the city for a decisive battle, ran away without a trace with his cavalry, he immediately knew that the situation was over.Although they were very loyal to Li Zicheng, they had no fighting spirit at this time and chose to surrender.

On the North City side, after more than half an hour of fighting, the winner has been decided.Bai Jiu'er and Chong Tianzhu suffered more than half of the casualties, and the whole army collapsed. Those who surrendered and those who fled escaped. Bai Jiuer and Chong Tianzhu were also captured by the masters of the martial arts coalition.But Heisha God's army was even worse. His 9000-strong army was ambushed by [-] officers and almost completely wiped out. His bandits had nowhere to run, and Heisha God was directly shot dead by the officers.

At this point, there is no suspense about the recovery of Weinan City.

Li Zicheng's troops guarding the east and west of the city chose to surrender after hearing that the army had entered the city and Li Zicheng had fled.

At five o'clock, the sky was already bright, and the battle was coming to an end.

Residents living near the General's Mansion heard the sound of loud hoofbeats and neat footsteps.Seeing that the shouting and killing had stopped, they bravely pushed open the window and looked out from the gap.

However, on the street leading to the general's mansion, officers and soldiers in yellow and black military uniforms lined up neatly on both sides of the street, staring at each other with awe.

Not long after, a large group of soldiers and horses came slowly from a distance.Among this group of soldiers, there are many banners and flags, with official plates such as "Imperial Envoy Governor Tripartite Counselor", "Pingnu General", "Wuyingdian University Fellow", "Prince Shaobao", "Emperor Zhongyong Tongzhou Marquis" and other official plates.

And in the middle of the team, there was a young man dressed in brocade clothes and a red horse, with a long sword, a python robe with a silver edge, and black official boots. Under the guard of a group of soldiers like wolves and tigers, he walked slowly with the team.

The common people were all shocked, could it be that this person is Qin Shuhuai, the invincible First Minister of Ming Dynasty in the legend?What a majestic and majestic young man, he should be born like this!
A young man who was not stingy couldn't help opening the window, and shouted at Qin Shuhuai, "Master Qin is mighty!"

Qin Shuhuai looked at the man and nodded to him kindly.

Immediately, the fear of the people was swept away, and they opened the windows one after another, shouting "Hello, Lord Hou!", "Greetings, Lord Hou!"

With a smile on his face, Qin Shuhuai nodded to them. This approachable behavior made more people let go of their guard. They went out one after another, boldly came to the side of the street to welcome Qin Shuhuai's arrival.The originally quiet street suddenly became lively.Especially the wealthy households in the city, under Gao Yingxiang's rule, were often extorted by bandits. Now that the officers and soldiers had arrived, they smiled happily. Under the arrangement of the patriarch, they brought out wine to reward the troops.

Seeing this, He Kegang had to send additional manpower to maintain order.

Qin Shuhuai arrived at the General's Mansion, and after dismounting from his horse, all the soldiers who had been waiting here knelt down to pay respects.

"My subordinates are waiting to welcome Lord Hou!"

Qin Shuhuai was in high spirits, and entered the General's Mansion with his head held high!
In this battle, more than 300 officers and soldiers were killed or injured, but more than 6000 defenders of Weinan City were annihilated.Among them, the number of soldiers surrendered in the city reached a staggering [-] (the soldiers of Liu Guoneng, Qilang, and Li Chang suffered a lot of battle damage during the process of suppressing bandits, and finally left about [-].)
This is a landmark battle.After this war, Li Zicheng and Gao Yingxiang's business operations were destroyed for several years, and the banditry in Shaanxi can be said to have basically subsided.And before that, another powerful bandit, the Ma Shouying Department, also suffered almost all casualties in previous battles with the Demon Cult, which is nothing to worry about.Currently, among the three sides, only Zhang Xianzhong poses a slight threat.However, Yang He is no longer the governor of the three sides. Under Lu Xiangsheng's command, Zhang Xianzhong can only flee around in the south of Shanxi.

In this way, he can safely lead the army northward.

The only pity is that Li Zicheng has not been captured yet.In fact, Qin Shuhuai really wanted to meet this person who stirred up the situation in history, and see what was so special about him.

At this time, Li Zicheng was leading his cavalry to rush east. He was going to enter Shanxi to join Zhang Xianzhong.However, with [-] officers and soldiers chasing after him, and there are officers and soldiers stationed in front, it is not so easy for him to enter Shanxi.

In Weinan City, Qin Shuhuai, He Kegang, Zhang Xiao and others discussed how to deal with the surrendered bandits.

Among them, the 3000 men under Liu Guoneng, Li Chang, and Qilang were not killed because of their meritorious service in suppressing bandits.Among them, there were more than 7000 old, weak, sick, and disabled, each of whom was paid 5 taels of silver, and all of them were sent home—even if these people were rogues, they would not be useful.

In addition, among the 3000 people who surrendered from other bandits, more than 2000 were leaders of various sizes, and these leaders were executed first.Afterwards, another [-] strong and simple-looking people were selected to stay, and the remaining old, weak, sick, and slick-looking people were all executed.

In short, the strong and powerful rogues with combat effectiveness must either die or join the army.

In this way, the officers and soldiers immediately took over another [-] elite bandits.

Qin Shuhuai called Liu Guoneng, and said to him, "General Liu, you have made great contributions to this battle of Weinan. This Marquis said that I will definitely reward you heavily. Tell me, what do you want?"

Liu Guoneng never thought that Qin Shuhuai would fulfill his promise so soon.

He immediately knelt down and said, "Liu Guoneng has committed a lot of crimes. It is already the greatest kindness for Lord Hou not to kill him. How dare you ask Lord Hou for any credit?"

Qin Shuhuai smiled and said, "This Marquis has always followed his word. If General Liu doesn't ask Ben Hou for something, wouldn't this Marquis lose his trust?"

 I coded it yesterday afternoon, and I was going to post it at night, but I forgot it at night. This month's full attendance was wasted, wow!

(End of this chapter)

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