East Factory Governor

Chapter 559 1 Go Together

Chapter 559 Go Together
To borrow or not to borrow, that is the question.

The antidote for Shixiang Ruanjin Powder is not even available in the system mall. It would be ridiculous if the Demon Cult took it away and then dealt with the masters of the Ming army.

But if the Devil's Cult can really help him, then the trilateral situation and even the situation of the entire Ming Dynasty will usher in a huge reversal, and his chances of defeating Huang Taiji will be greatly increased!

When Qin Shuhuai thought of this, he became very excited. He had to say that the temptation was too great for him to refuse.

He felt compelled to take the risk.

reason?Because the internal strife in the Devil's Cult had first surfaced nearly half a year ago, he didn't believe that the Devil's Church spent nearly half a year doing such a trick to deceive himself.If they really have such a deep routine, then he will admit it.

Thinking of this, he said, "This poison is called Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, but it doesn't make people weak after smelling it. The usage of this medicine is still very particular. If it is not used well, not only will it not hurt the opponent, Instead, you will hurt yourself.”

Yan Huizhi doubtfully said, "Oh, that's it..." After a pause, he continued, "I wanted to use Brother Qin's miracle medicine, but if this is the case... then forget it. Let's find another way. "

Yan Huizhi said this because he felt that Qin Shuhuai had found an excuse to politely reject him.Thinking about it, he and Qin Shuhuai were originally opposing camps, so it was reasonable for Qin Shuhuai not to lend him this strange poison.If he asks how to use the poison so as not to hurt himself, it will become boring, and it may even arouse Qin Shuhuai's resentment.

Qin Shuhuai smiled slightly, and said, "However, if Brother Yan can trust Qin, Qin can and Brother Yan together capture these four people."

Yan Huizhi frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Qin, what do you mean?"

"You can lure them out of the city, and we'll do it later." Qin Shuhuai said bluntly.

Yan Huizhi shook his head and said, "Daddy has an order that everyone can only help defend the city and not leave the city."

In fact, Yan Wuyue never issued this order, it was just nonsense made by Yan Huizhi.

Yan Huizhi also had his own worries, that is, he didn't want to kill the four apostles at all, he just wanted to capture them unscathed, but if these four people were lured out of the city according to Qin Shuhuai's plan, then Qin Shuhuai's people would kill them what should they do
It's not that he doesn't believe in Qin Shuhuai, he just has doubts about Qin Shuhuai's subordinates, if there is a fight, one of them will not defend and kill someone, it is very possible.If the four apostles were killed because he "colluded" with Qin Shuhuai, then wouldn't he be a sinner who had internal and external enemies?So he will never let the four apostles come out of the city!
Qin Shuhuai smiled faintly, and said again, "Since going out of the city is impossible, then Qin can only go into the city with Brother Yan."

Yan Huizhi was slightly taken aback, "Brother Qin, are you going to go into the city with me to capture the four apostles?" After a pause, he asked with concern, "How many masters are you planning to bring with you, Brother Qin?"

Qin Shuhuai said, "One person from Qin is enough."

"One person?" Yan Huizhi smiled, "Brother Qin, aren't you afraid to invite Jun into the urn?"

Qin Shuhuai chuckled, "Brother Yan believes in Qin, so he dared to come to Qin's camp alone. Now that Qin also believes in Brother Yan, wouldn't he dare to go to Brother Yan's territory? Besides, if Qin doesn't go I'm afraid Brother Yan doesn't know how to use this poison, if I hurt Brother Yan at that time, then I will really feel uneasy."

The reason why Qin Shuhuai dared to go to Weinan City alone was because he had a solid foundation in his heart.Even if this was Yan Huizhi's plan to "invite you into the urn", with his cultivation base, as long as he stays firmly by Yan Huizhi's side, I believe no one would dare to mess around.In addition, his lightness kung fu is also unparalleled in the world, even if the second apostles don't try to catch up, as long as he is careful, it will be fine.

And there was only one reason why he wanted to go to Weinan City, that is, he could only do it if he wanted to poison it.Ten Fragrance Ruanjin Powder is his secret weapon, not to mention Yan Huizhi, he would not give it to anyone else.

After hearing this, Yan Huizhi smiled heartily, "Brother Qin is so brave, I admire you! If that's the case, then follow what Brother Qin said. But let's say something first, we only captured the four apostles, there is absolutely no way to hurt them."

Yan Huizhi agreed without hesitation.He believed that Qin Shuhuai would not hurt the four apostles at this time, not because he believed in Qin Shuhuai's character, but because he believed in Qin Shuhuai's vision.With Qin Shuhuai's great talent, he would naturally know the significance of killing the four apostles at this time, and it is far less important than helping Yan regret his position, so that the entire Demon Cult can help him.

The two discussed in detail the method of poisoning, and quickly reached a consensus.In addition, since Yan Huizhi helped, Qin Shuhuai naturally proposed to rescue Chen Jing and Lai San'er by the way, and this was also agreed by Yan Huizhi.

Move when you say it.

The two left the camp, led by Yan Huizhi, and found a place under the weakly defended city wall in the dark.The Weinan city wall is 12 meters high. Qin Shuhuai originally thought that Yan Huizhi might not be able to jump up it all at once, but he didn't expect him to go up it easily. Qin Shuhuai was shocked when he saw it.

I thought, if I hadn't had a system to help, Yan Huizhi would be the strongest boy in the world, right?His leap just now seemed to have a small cultivation level?Could it be that he really practiced the legendary "Heaven and Earth Kungfu"?
The two entered the city quietly, and first came to a remote place. Yan Huizhi said to Qin Shuhuai, "Brother Qin, wait here for a while, I'll go and get a black suit, so that Brother Qin won't offend Li Zicheng's subordinates if he stays by my side." attention."

That's right, Li Zicheng's subordinates naturally wouldn't suspect that there was a person wearing a Demon Cult uniform next to Yan Huizhi.However, with Yan Huizhi's departure, Qin Shuhuai's plan to hold him hostage to protect himself has come to nothing.

But it's all here, so he had no choice but to say, "Okay, brother Yan, let's go."

After Yan Huizhi left, Qin Shuhuai immediately moved to a tree tens of meters away, and then carefully observed the surrounding movement.

It's not that he's timid, it's just that there are too many masters in the Devil's Cult, if you give him a sneak attack first, or use some kind of trick to trick him, maybe he won't be able to run away no matter how good his lightness kung fu is.Although he generally believed in Yan Huizhi, the mutiny was indeed too unexpected for him, so he would maintain a certain degree of vigilance until the last moment.

Not long after, he saw Yan Huizhi approaching with something from a distance, and then immediately got down, returned to the spot, and stood there pretending to be careless, to show his complete trust in Yan Huizhi .

He suddenly had a strange idea, those heroes who often show others with an unscrupulous and unrestrained image, would they also be like himself when no one is around, sneaking into a certain tree because of a little cowardice in his heart? stand up?

Ahem... It's dark, it's dark.

Sure enough, Yan Huizhi brought a black dress, the style of this dress was similar to his own, it should be the special clothes of the Demon Cultists.

After putting on his clothes, he followed Yan Huizhi and swaggered towards the city.When Li Zicheng's subordinates on patrol saw them, they thought it was the young master of the Demon Sect who came out to cool off at night, and they didn't dare to ask more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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