East Factory Governor

Chapter 546 Recovering Shangluo

Chapter 546 Recovering Shangluo
The soldiers of the Ming army suddenly discovered that the enemy's firepower was much less, and the difficulty of rushing up the city wall was greatly reduced.

The arrows, guns, and artillery of the rogues suddenly became dumb, and many ladders were left unguarded. The officers and soldiers climbed the ladders as easily as they climbed their own house beams.What was even more unexpected was that after they climbed the city wall, they found that these rogues could either run faster than rabbits, or "die" as soon as they touched them, and at most two out of ten dared to resist.

Only then did they become convinced that the bandits from the North Gate were still collapsing!

Under the encirclement and suppression of the Five Elements Banner of the Demon Sect by the martial arts coalition forces and the top ten masters, there were only more than 100 left in a short time.Without being able to form a formation, to put it bluntly, they are just a group of third-class Xuantong Realm experts, and Qin Shuhuai and other masters aside, there are also many third-class Xuantong Realm masters in the Wulin Allied Forces. Cheap!
The Five Elements Banners of the Devil's Sect watched these rogue soldiers fleeing in all directions, who were unable to support the wall with mud, and couldn't help sighing: It's a shame that my majestic Sun Moon God Sect is in the company of these mobs!
But things have come to an end, now that they are surrounded, they can't run even if they want to. Anyway, so many brothers have gone, so let's fight to the death and go with them.

I am a member of the Sun Moon Cult, I will die without surrender!

When the Five Elements Flag erupted with its final energy for a desperate battle, a large number of bandit soldiers withdrew from the top of the city along the steps of the wall.The supervisor team below killed a few to stop them at first, but the rogue soldiers on the city wall rushed down like running water, and the supervisor team was rushed to pieces.Why?Because the supervising team is also afraid!
As a result, the supervising team and the deserters ran together soon.

At a quarter o'clock in the morning of June [-], on the sixth day after Weinan's disastrous defeat, the government army attacked Gao Yingxiang's old nest, Shangluo City, from the west, north, and east.

At this time, Li Zicheng, Liu Guoneng and a group of rogues in Weinan City had just assembled and were about to rush to reinforce Weinan.

Gao Yingxiang in Shangluo City never dreamed that the official army could invade Shangluo City overnight.Panicked, he immediately arranged for a large army to fight in the street to block the surging official army.

But at this time, the morale of the rogues in the city has collapsed, and they are not opponents of the official army, so how can they have the courage to fight to the death with the official army?Leaving aside the bandits who died at the top of the city, there were nearly [-] soldiers and horses left in the city at this time, but the ones who were really fighting to the death were only Zhang Miao's more than [-] direct descendants.

But most of Zhang Miaoshou's people were concentrated in the east of the city. After He Renlong's troops captured the east wall of the city, they opened the city gate not long after, so that Zhang Miaoshou's more than [-] people had no time to deploy their defenses, and could only confront the officers and soldiers head-on. , it is conceivable to take over.After fighting for less than a quarter of an hour, He Renlong's group of wolf-like soldiers had already surrounded Zhang Miaoshou's troops, and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign with a destructive force.It didn't take long for Zhang Miaoshou to realize that the general situation was over, so he had to organize a team to break through.

And other rogue troops are even more unbeatable, often surrendering to the official army without a few resistances!

Gao Yingxiang, who was somewhere in the city, knew that the situation was over, and hurried out of the city through a secret road. Because of the emergency, he only took out more than 1000 soldiers and horses. Unfortunately, the officers and soldiers learned the lessons of Ankang City and spread horse posts outside the city. , After more than 1000 people left the secret passage, they were discovered by the horse sentry not long after they left the secret passage.

The horse whistle ran to report to Hong Chengchou, Hong Chengchou said nothing, and immediately sent two thousand cavalry to chase after him.All fools know that after Gao Yingxiang leaves Shangluo, there is only Weinan city to go to, so the cavalry just chase south.

Gao Yingxiang's troops came out of the narrow secret passage, naturally without horses, because they were overtaken by cavalry in a short time!

One thousand infantry meets two thousand cavalry, and the result can be imagined.The cavalry soldiers of the officers and soldiers dispersed Gao Yingxiang's troops with a single charge. These people immediately dispersed and ran towards the nearby hills.

Fortunately, it was not yet dawn, and the night made it easier for them to escape.Under the protection of more than 200 loyal personal guards, Gao Yingxiang also fled into a Zhongshan in a hurry.

The commander of the cavalry is Zhang Xiao. How could he let go of this good opportunity to make great contributions and avenge his brothers? He immediately ordered all the cavalry to dismount and search for them in the mountains. More soldiers and horses come to search the mountains!
Under the protection of his personal guards, Gao Yingxiang dragged his fat body and ran desperately up the mountain.The officers and soldiers were also very experienced. Although they couldn't see who he was when he entered the forest, they believed that he was Gao Yingxiang based on the fact that he had the most guards around him, so they gathered the main force and chased him.

Catching the leader of the bandit, Gao Yingxiang, is a great achievement. It can be said that whoever catches him will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of his life, so the officers and soldiers are desperate like wild dogs that have run loose.

Gao Yingxiang was a little fat, so he couldn't run very fast, so his bodyguard had to run with him on his back.

But even so, the official army still caught up.In order to delay the official army, some of the guards stayed to stop the official army with the determination to die.

Relying on the desperate guards of the personal guards, and the fact that Gao Yingxiang's troops have been entrenched here for a long time, and are more familiar with the terrain of this place than the officers and soldiers, Gao Yingxiang finally got rid of the officers and soldiers' pursuit.However, at this time, there were only four or fifty people left around him!

The situation in Shangluo City quickly calmed down.Originally there were more than 4 bandits defending the army, about 6000 people died in battle, more than 5000 people disappeared or escaped, and the remaining 3000 people all surrendered and became prisoners.

It was the first time that the officers and soldiers had captured so many surrendered soldiers, and they didn't know how to arrange them for a while.Later, Hong Chengchou ordered that all these surrendered soldiers be disarmed first, then their hands were tied with ropes, and then they were gathered under the city of Xicheng, surrounded by [-] officers and soldiers, waiting to be dispatched.

At this time, the fire in the city was getting bigger and bigger. Since most of the buildings in the city were made of wooden structures, it quickly spread to the houses. Fighting the fire became a more urgent matter than looking for fish that slipped through the net.So Qin Shuhuai immediately ordered to allocate [-] soldiers to put out the fire.But at this time, the method of extinguishing the fire with water was no longer feasible, so we had to use the method of demolishing the buildings on the edge of the burnt zone to create a isolation zone.

For a time, more than 2 soldiers broke into the homes of the residents like wolves and tigers, and at first they dragged out all the people inside regardless of the situation.Then they began to dig up the house, and if they could not be pulled out, they would be blown up with dynamite.The people in the city didn't understand what was going on, and scolded the officers and soldiers everywhere. Fortunately, Qin Shuhuai strictly ordered the officers and soldiers not to beat the people, otherwise these people would have to be beaten by the officers and soldiers.

After the "forced demolition", the fire was finally brought under control.In order to reassure the people, Qin Shuhuai quickly sent people from house to house to count the losses. He would pay 1.5 times the market price for all affected households.After a rough calculation, the compensation was three to four hundred thousand taels, which made him feel distressed again.

However, he soon felt relieved.Because of Meng Wei's report, a huge secret room was found in Gao Yingxiang's mansion, which was filled with silver, gold and various jewels, worth at least 100 million taels!In the bank in the city, more than 30 taels of military pay were also found.It turned out that Gao Yingxiang left in a hurry and had no time to move these heavy treasures, so he left them all to Qin Shuhuai.

(End of this chapter)

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