East Factory Governor

Chapter 544 Capture of the East Gate

Chapter 544 Capture of the East Gate
The real fight began.

The archers of the Ming army first suppressed the rogues on the city wall, so that the rogue archers had to counter-suppress, otherwise they would not be able to raise their heads at all-you must know that there are [-] archers on the high platform, and there are at least three or four hundred archers. Ignore the protection of the archers from the wall stacks, so the hit rate is extremely high, and often a single concentrated shooting can destroy a whole area. Who can hold their heads up if they don't fight back?
The rogue archers went to suppress the Ming army archers, and the life of the Ming army soldiers underneath was much better.They swarmed up the ladder like ants, because most of the people rushing in front were the allied forces of martial arts, and everyone knew how to practice lightness kung fu. Just a few steps!

Swish Swish Swish!Dozens of martial arts masters rushed to the city wall first, and then began to fight with the rogue soldiers at the top of the city.Among the rogues, there are also many down-and-out martial arts fighters, and their combat effectiveness is not weak. These people immediately rushed to encircle these masters.

Seeing that there were more and more Ming soldiers under the city, the rogue soldiers began to dump kerosene and asphalt, and then ignited a fire. Soon, raging fires ignited in many places under the city. Many soldiers of the Ming army had no time to avoid it. Screaming, rolling and dying.

But the rogues obviously didn't have that kind of fuel, and they ignited all the hundreds of meters under the city wall.Where there is no fire, the Ming army is still surging up like a tide.

Under the crazy counterattack of the rogues, the officers and soldiers paid a heavy price.However, all the generals of the Ming army believed that these rogues were just struggling before their death, and as long as more officers and soldiers attacked the city wall, they would surely collapse!

He Renlong saw that part of the martial arts allied forces had already attacked, and immediately said to the soldiers behind him, "Soldiers, can you bear the shame of Weinan?"

"No! No!"

"Do you want revenge?"

"Think! Think!"

These soldiers were all the direct descendants of He Renlong who had retreated from Weinan. At this moment, all of them were pale and their eyes were red!

He Renlong immediately yelled at them, "If you want revenge, kill me with me!"

After all, he raised his saber and was the first to rush out!The wound on his buttocks hasn't healed yet, and when he ran and tore the wound, blood quickly seeped out from the back of his buttocks, which looked quite indecent.

But none of the soldiers thought it was indecent!On the contrary, the blood dripping down is their last blood!
General He fought hard!
General He wants to avenge his shame!
Everyone's blood boiled immediately, they roared like wild beasts, roared, and rushed up!

"Kill! Avenge my brothers!"

"Shame! Shame!"

Shocking shouts resounded through the sky, even the people in the city could hear them clearly!
Zhang Miaoshou is also quite famous among the rogues. He was called "Zhang Miaoshou" because of his skill in training soldiers.In this battle, it is his soldiers who can fight the most.

Standing on the city wall, he saw a man in a general's helmet leading troops to kill among the enemy troops, and immediately recognized that it was He Renlong, the general soldier of Shaanxi.So, he ordered the soldiers around him to set fire to attack He Renlong!

For a moment, projectiles, bows and arrows flew around He Renlong, and they all swished past him. There was a lot of danger!Seeing this, the guards around him used shields to block around him.In order to protect him, many personal guards were shot by arrows and bullets, and fell on the way of charging.

But one soldier fell, and another soldier immediately picked up and continued to protect He Renlong desperately.For those who have never been on the battlefield, it is hard to imagine such determination to protect the general with their own lives!

Who said that the army is bloodless?There were not many bloody generals and bloody soldiers in the late Ming Dynasty!
On the east side of the city, even though eighty or ninety martial arts masters had climbed to the top of the city, Zhang Miaoshou's troops were still fighting back in an orderly manner, causing great damage to the officers and soldiers.Moreover, with the joining of many rogue masters and rogue crossbowmen, the masters of martial arts who climbed the city wall were killed one by one.
He Renlong rushed to the bottom of the city, took a shield from a soldier, and prepared to charge the wall himself.However, the soldiers behind him grabbed him tightly and prevented him from rushing up!

He Renlong's eyes were furious, and he raised his saber as if to cut down the soldiers who blocked him.He had already planned this time to attack the city, either he would be the first to attack the city wall, or he would die, otherwise he would not be able to wash away his shame that day.

At this moment, ten figures suddenly appeared in the night sky!They were as silent as ten ghosts.

The phantom skipped over, spewing out bursts of fine "flying dust".

The "flying dust" fell gently with the wind and landed on the heads of the rogues guarding the city. Some of them were inhaled into their lungs, and some of them touched their eyes, nose and mouth.

After the ten figures sprinkled the fine powder, they left quietly and quickly disappeared into the night.

Soon, the rogue soldiers on the city wall covered their mouths and coughed violently. Some people suddenly felt their throats become salty, and then they looked at their palms and found a bright red blood stain!
Immediately they howled in terror.

"Cough cough... blood, I'm coughing up blood! Help me, save me!"

"Ah, my eyes, my eyes are blind!"

"Cough cough...it hurts, my chest hurts so much!"

Tang Sect's secret snake and scorpion powder has worked!Qin Shuhuai and the others sprinkled three handfuls of snake and scorpion powder on each of them, which was enough to poison three or four hundred bandit soldiers, and even a dozen or so masters of the allied martial arts army who had rushed to the top of the city.

The rogue soldiers who were poisoned would not die immediately, but would suffer severe pain all over their bodies and become blind. Under the great pain and fear of blindness, they ran around the city like crazy or rolled on the ground. In this way, the other rogue soldiers were completely overwhelmed by them!
The Ming army took advantage of this opportunity to swarm up the city in one go, climbing up the top of the city from the ladder.Some ladders were left unattended at all, which was equivalent to turning on the faucet of the valve, and the Ming army rushed to the top of the city like flowing water.

One hundred, one hundred fifty, two hundred... As more and more Ming troops rushed up, they controlled more and more ladders, which enabled more Ming troops to go up!
Once this virtuous circle is formed, it means that the situation is finally opened!
Zhang Miaoshou resisted tenaciously and commanded the soldiers to fight to the death with the officers and soldiers.In the city, batch after batch of rogue soldiers are gathering, constantly adding to the city wall!However, the official army has already controlled forty or fifty ladders, and their replenishment speed is no slower than that of the rogue soldiers, and there are a large number of martial arts experts in the official army, whose combat power is far stronger than that of the rogue soldiers!
The capture of the East Gate is a foregone conclusion!
At this time, in the west of the city where Hong Chengchou was in charge of attacking, and in the north of the city where He Kegang was in charge of attacking, the war was still going on.

(End of this chapter)

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