Chapter 533
There were more and more people in black, and soon reached thousands.There is no doubt that these men in black are members of the Five Elements Banner of the Demon Sect.

After the thousands of five-element flags stood on the top of the city wall, they quickly killed the three or four hundred Jianghe gang Baihutang brothers who had rushed up the city wall earlier to only about a hundred.Although these Baihutang disciples were all elites of the Jianghe Gang, they were still far from being opponents in front of the Five Elements Banner.

Although they knew that Chen Jing and Lai San'er had been taken away, and that the opponent's Five Elements Banner was far stronger than their own, they didn't dare to take a step back before receiving the order to retreat, so they had to bite the bullet and hold on.

And the Five Elements Flag of the Devil's Cult wants them to hold on.In fact, with the ability of the Five Elements Banner, it is possible to wipe out all the remaining 100 Jianghe gang members, but they deliberately did not do so in order to allow more Ming troops to rush up so that they can continue to slaughter.

As a result, the Ming army and the Wulin coalition army continued to rush to the top of the city, but they were always in a state of being outnumbered, and almost one died when they went up, and one pair died when they went up.

The rogue defenders on the top of the city launched an orderly counterattack under the leadership of the Five Elements Banner. They always kept the top of the city to a hundred people. It seemed that they could break through, but they couldn't break through.

More and more Ming army and Wulin allied forces rushed to the city.

Suddenly a puff of smoke rose from the city wall, and when everyone was wondering what was going on, hundreds of thunderbolts were thrown down immediately!
Thunderbolt exploded with a bang, and the soldiers of the Ming army below fell down one by one.

During the siege battle of the Ming army in the west of the city, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the losses were extremely heavy!
In the north of the city, Zuo Guangxian's tactics of bombarding the city gate were not very smooth.First of all, the outside of the gates of Weinan City are all wrapped with thick iron sheets. After the surface of the iron sheet catches fire, the wood behind it may not be able to catch fire.Secondly, the caliber of the three-hundred-pound Flang machine gun is too small. Even if the iron sheet on the surface of the city gate is burned red, it can only make a bowl-sized indentation, which is not enough to blast through the city gate. .

The cannon couldn't be fired, so Zuo Guangxian had no choice but to put his chips on the ladder in order to cooperate with the onslaught in the west of the city.He also formed ten echelons, one echelon of 500 people, and used the method of attacking in turn to attack the city wall.However, about [-] men in black soon appeared on the wall of the north gate, and the Ming army who had managed to kill them and charged up the wall was defeated.

He Renlong became more and more anxious. He never thought that after the city had more than a thousand men in black, it would become so aggressive.

When he heard from the martial arts coalition that these people were demon soldiers, he immediately took a deep breath.

The Demon Sect Soldiers really lived up to their reputation!No wonder they were able to wipe out nearly 6 officers and soldiers in Lanzhou in just a few days, and even Qin Houye had to abandon Lanzhou and run away when he encountered them.With their fighting strength, Hou Ye was able to repel the [-] Demon Sect's army with more than [-] unskilled martial arts coalition troops in Baoji, which is simply a miracle!

At this time, the siege had lasted for more than an hour, and the corpses of the officers and soldiers were everywhere under the city wall, and the charging soldiers would be tripped if they were not careful.

Seeing the reversal of the situation, the rogues in Weinan City immediately boosted their morale, and lost the previous panic, making their counterattack more efficient and fierce.

Fire oil, boiling oil, asphalt, and thunderbolts brought by the Demon Cult turned into weapons of destruction, causing the Ming army to continuously fall.

He Renlong's eyes were full of anger and endless unwillingness, but he knew that he couldn't fight anymore!
If the fight continues, the officers and soldiers will die here.

If you want to capture Weinan, it seems that you have to wait for Lord Hou to lead the troops in person!
He raised his hand unwillingly, and said with a livid face, "Ming Jin! Retreat!"

The officers and troops who could be withdrawn withdrew.As for those who cannot be withdrawn, they can only die for the country.

In this siege battle, the official army paid a full price of more than 5000 people. In addition to the losses of the previous small-scale attacks, the official army has lost a total of more than 9000 people in Weinan.

And the rogue soldiers in the city, with the help of the Demon Cult, only lost more than 8000 people.

What made He Renlong even more depressed was that two of Qin Shuhuai's favorite generals were also captured at the top of the city, and it was said that one of them was Qin Shuhuai's brother-in-law.When he thought of He Renlong, he slapped his thigh straight, thinking that if he knew it earlier, he wouldn't let those two go to bed. This is a terrible situation. When Master Hou wants someone from me later, what should I give him back?
What a shame!It was originally said that they would capture Weinan City and wait for Lord Hou, but now that they are beaten like this, they don't know how to tell Lord Hou!
And now it's getting awkward.The Ming army only has about [-] soldiers left. If they continue to attack the city, they will probably be unable to take it down. If they continue to siege the city, they are afraid that the bandits from Shangluo will come to relieve the siege. It will be difficult to deal with it.

He Renlong didn't know that Li Zicheng's soldiers and horses came out from Ankang, but he thought that Gao Yingxiang from Shangluo might come to rescue Weinan.

Zuo Guangxian also had this worry, saying that he suggested to retreat for the time being, and wait for Qin Shuhuai's army to arrive before coming back.

If He Renlong followed Zuo Guangxian's suggestion at this time, the Ming army could stop the loss.

But He Renlong did not follow Zuo Guangxian's suggestion.

He thought that Shangluo would definitely send troops to break the siege of Weinan, so he decided to continue to pretend to besiege the city, and at the same time set up an ambush somewhere south of Weinan to ambush the reinforcements from Shangluo.

It is the so-called "surround the spot to fight for aid".

If they could win a big victory in the wild, even if they didn't capture Weinan City by then, it would be enough to save face, and they would have to confess to Qin Shuhuai.

Zuo Guangxian didn't agree at first, but after seeing the ambush site He Renlong chose, he became tempted.

The location he chose was Lijiapo, 50 miles south of Weinan City.If Shangluo's soldiers came to reinforce them, they would most likely pass by here.There are mountains on both sides, and there is only one trail in the middle, which is really suitable for ambushes.

Zuo Guang thought about it carefully first, and felt that Gao Yingxiang would definitely send troops to break the siege of Weinan in a short time, otherwise he would have no chance when the official army arrived.

So it's a lot of drama.

So the two decided to gather around to fight for aid.

What they didn't expect was that this decision would make them regret it for the rest of their lives.

One day later, on June [-]th, Qin Shuhuai first received a Tang newspaper from Weinan, which was closer to him.In the Tang newspaper, He Renlong said that thousands of demon soldiers suddenly appeared in Weinan City, so they were unable to attack for a long time and suffered heavy losses.

Qin Shuhuai frowned, thinking how much is "thousands"?However, considering the generals' habit of writing pond newspapers in the late Ming Dynasty, they would usually exaggerate the enemy two to three times before automatically guessing the number—that is, about two thousand?

He continued to look down, and at the end of the pond newspaper, he saw this sentence again.

"It's the battle. The two generals Chen Jing and Lai San'er took the lead and jumped to the top of the city to fight the enemy. The two bravely won the three armies and wiped out hundreds of enemies..."

When Qin Shuhuai saw this, his heart skipped a beat.This lunatic He doesn't boast casually. If he does, it will be unless the battle is a big victory.If it wasn't for the big victory, then these two...

Looking down, I found that Chen Jing and Lai San'er had been captured.

His heart tightened, and he slapped the pond newspaper on the table with a "snap".

Meng Hu behind him saw that something was wrong, and secretly glanced at the battle report, his face immediately changed accordingly.

He shouted involuntarily, "Guangzhu, have Chen Xiangzhu and Lai Xiangzhu been arrested?"

Qin Shuhuai slapped the table and said angrily, "These bastards, have they learned the rules of the military formation? Two incense masters commanded a hall, but they ran to the top of the city by themselves? Is this how the battle was fought? Meng Hu, Zhang Xiao is this how he taught these incense masters to lead troops?"

Zhang Xiao is now the head coach of the Jianghe gang, and all the Xiangzhu masters are learning to lead troops from him.

Meng Hu said helplessly, "Of course Lao Zhang didn't teach it. However, this is the way of life in our gang. When a battle starts, Xiangzhu is afraid that the brothers don't know how to fight, so he always wants to go up and take the lead..."

Qin Shuhuai was even angrier, "Ethos? What kind of atmosphere? What the hell kind of evil spirit is this? The reason for being a general is to let you be brave and ruthless? I don't care for this kind of bravery! Who came up with this first?"

Meng Hu paused, but still couldn't help but said, "Guangzhu, to be honest, didn't you start this?"

When Qin Shuhuai heard this, he was stunned.

Then he smiled bitterly in his heart, didn't he?Isn't it me who does it myself at every turn, never sits behind the scenes and directs, and only knows "the courage of a man"?

At this moment, the Tang newspaper from Ankang City also arrived.

Qin Shuhuai opened it and saw that the Tang newspaper said that Li Zicheng's army had suddenly disappeared and was probably fleeing north, when he was hit again!
Things are going to go wrong for the officers and soldiers in Weinan!
He immediately put down the pond newspaper and said to Meng Hu, "Old Meng, gather all the cavalry in the city immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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