Chapter 512
Qin Shuhuai returned to his room, filled with emotion.

Be it the Devil's Cult or the Chongzhen Emperor, in fact there is no one right or wrong, they are all for the four words "world peace".Even Gao Yingxiang, judging from his current trajectory, it is hard to say that he has no heart for the country and the people.

In Daming territory, the real cancer should be true thieves like Zhang Xianzhong and hypocrites like Donglin Party.

But by mistake, those who want to save the country and the people can't unite together, but instead give the stage for those clowns to perform.

On the ninth day of June, the [-] troops from the South Road of the Demon Sect, led by Zhao Wuhen himself, arrived at Nan'angou.

The ambush location Cao Huachun found was very ingenious. It is located in the middle section of Nan'an Valley. The road in the middle is only about ten meters wide. On both sides of the road are vertical cliffs with a height of eight or nine meters. Obviously, this road was carved out of the mountains by manpower. , called "Kaishan Road".This kind of road is very common in hilly areas, but it is a taboo road used by military strategists.

Zhao Wuhen suffered from ambush last time, so he naturally didn't want to repeat the same mistakes this time.So when he knew that there was a mountain road ahead, he immediately sent more than [-] experts to investigate on the mountains on both sides.

In the silence of the night, these twenty or so masters climbed up the hills on the left and right sides of the road in groups of ten or so, and searched with torches.

They searched very carefully. More than ten people formed a horizontal row of more than ten meters, marched side by side, and carried out a carpet search without missing a bush or a wood.

In the mountains at night, it is easy to hide 200 people, but it is impossible to hide 3 people.

Soon, a Demon Cult expert saw the reflection of armor coming from a bush with the faint light of the fire.With just a quick glance, he could tell that there were a lot of people hiding inside.

He said to the others calmly, "Old brothers, there are many frogs on the mountain, let's find some to eat."

The others immediately understood what he meant, and immediately responded, "Excellent, but it's good to fight the tooth festival!"

After speaking, they immediately turned around and left.

At this moment, there was only a sharp sound of crossbows coming from the grass, rushing towards the place where the flames were shining.These masters all turned their backs to the ambush of the officers and soldiers, caught off guard, and immediately fell five or six.

"Since there are so many frogs, why are you running back?"

Zhao Keli, who was in charge of thousands of households in Dongchang, Li Daliang, the head of the stall, and others quickly rushed out of the grass, raised their knives and went straight to the remaining six demon sect spies.

The East Factory is an old world, so the other party's little trick can't be hidden from them.Seeing that the ambush was discovered, of course they had to jump out and do those people first.

The six spies immediately divided into two groups, two of them ran away, while the other four stayed to resist the Dongchang people.

However, more than [-] experts rushed out of Dongchang all at once, how could those four people be able to stop them?Zhao Keli and Li Daliang left others to kill the four, while the two of them chased and killed the other.

Soon, those six people were all killed, and they didn't even have time to set off the signal fireworks.

After killing the spies, Zhao Keli asked Li Daliang, "Old Li, what should we do next? These spies didn't go back. I think the Demon Cult will know that there is an ambush here sooner or later."

Li Daliang said, "So what, even if the Demon Cult comes up the mountain to beat us, we are not afraid. Stay safe and wait for the order of the Duke."

Zhao Keli nodded and said, "That's right, but brothers need to rearrange their lines of defense. Next, the Devil's Cult can't be stronger than this way, and it's impossible to kill them directly from the cliff. The gentle slope in the south, or the backside of the mountain in the north came up."

Li Daliang said, "You can arrange this matter, Lao Zhao, you are an expert."

In the words of the two, it seems that Li Daliang is superior to Zhao Keli.The fact is exactly the same, even though Zhao Keli is in charge of punishing thousands of households in Dongchang, and apparently only under the governor, Li Daliang's status in Dongchang is still higher than him. If Cao Huachun hadn't sent him to form the Jianghe gang, this It must be Li Daliang who punished thousands of households.Although he is back now, and only as a big boss, no one in the East Factory really regards him as a big boss, and they all regard him as the number two person after Duke Du.

Facing them, the Fifteen Thousand led by Cao Huachun was also discovered by the Devil's Cult spies.Similarly, none of these spies returned alive.

On the side of the Devil's Cult, they waited and waited and saw no spies come back, so they quickly came to a conclusion: there was indeed an ambush on the mountains on both sides of Kaishan Road.

Zhao Wuhen, Jin Gang, Zhao Ju, Yu Zhu and several apostles discussed it and immediately made a contingency plan.

They are going to concentrate their forces and attack the mountain on the right side of the road.The army was divided into four parts, each with 5000 men.Among them, 5000 people came from the gentle slope in the south, and the other 1 people first detoured to the back of the mountain, and then went up in two ways from the back.As for the remaining 5000 people, they lay in ambush on both sides of the gentle slope in the south, because once the Ming army on the left mountain goes to rescue, the nearest way is to go up the gentle slope in the south, so deploy [-] soldiers there. The reinforcements of the Ming army can be cut off, and on the other hand, an ambush can also be used to avenge the last attack in Silinggou.

After the discussion, the army moved immediately.

In order to ensure victory, this time Zhao Wuhen, Zhao Ju, the three apostles, and the five apostles led an army of [-] to circle the back of the mountain on the right.However, because this area is full of hills, there is no other road except the front. They have to enter a valley first, and then turn over a hill before they can get around the hill where the officers and soldiers are ambushing. It takes a lot of time.

Jin Gang, Yu Zhu, the Six Apostles and others led another 1 people and quickly arrived on the gentle slope to the south of the hill.However, they were not in a hurry to attack, but waited for Zhao Wuhen to arrive at the predetermined location before attacking.

Not long after they arrived, the six apostles suddenly heard a slight noise in the grass not far away. He immediately rushed into the grass like an arrow leaving the string, and there was a muffled sound in the grass.

When the six apostles came out again, they had already carried a person in their hands. Judging from their clothes, they could be identified as Dongchang Fanzi.

The six apostles threw the man to the ground, and asked coldly, "Do you want to live?"

Now that he caught a living one, he naturally wanted to ask something, such as how many Ming troops were in ambush and where was the exact location.

I saw the corner of the fan's mouth rise up strangely, and then he laughed out loud. After laughing, he suddenly slapped himself on the head with his right hand, and died instantly.

The six apostles were slightly surprised, and snorted coldly, "He's a man!"

Zhao Keli arranged several spies on the gentle slope in the south. The captured spy was a small stall leader of Dongchang Maoke, and he didn't leave because he wanted to see how many people the Demon Cult had gathered on the gentle slope. Seeing that the Demon Sect came over, it immediately withdrew.

These spies immediately reported back to Zhao Keli, saying that the Demon Cult's army had arrived at Xupo's side, and the number was temporarily unknown.But they stopped after reaching the gentle slope, as if they were waiting for something.

(End of this chapter)

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