East Factory Governor

Chapter 508 The Angry Chen Hou

Chapter 508 The Angry Chen Hou
After ordering, the aroma of breakfast wafted in the Demon Cult camp, and the hungry Demon Cult soldiers began to eat in batches.

Because they had to wait for the Demon Cult from the South Road to come over, the Demon Cult from the West Road had no military operations for the time being, so naturally there was no need to hurry in this case.It usually takes about half an hour for the [-] troops to finish their breakfast under normal circumstances.

There is a tradition in the Devil's Cult that when marching, the brothers below are respected to eat first, and the middle and senior generals eat later.It has to be said that apart from reflecting the high level of the Demon Cult's suffering with the soldiers, this tradition seems to contain an unspeakable truth - anyway, the middle and high level generals of the Demon Cult did not eat poisonous breakfast.

While the soldiers were devouring batch after batch, the demon soldiers guarding the pond suddenly discovered a strange thing.

That is, the fish in the pond floated to the surface of the water one after another. At first they opened their mouths weakly, but finally they lost all strength to open their mouths. They floated stiffly on the water with their belly up.

The fish are all dead!

The demon soldiers guarding the pond realized that something was wrong, and quickly ran to report to Chen Hou, the leader of the Houtu Banner who was in charge of the army.Chen Hou was shocked when he heard this, and immediately ordered all the soldiers to stop eating breakfast, and ordered the soldiers to go to the miracle doctor A, B, and C who came with the army.

Demon Sect Miracle Doctor A, B and C is a middle-aged fat man with a big belly and a straw-like disheveled hair. "Reputation.In the early years, he also hung a pot to help the world and saved countless people, but since he joined the Demon Cult, he only saved the Demon Cult members. When people outside the Demon Cult came to seek medical treatment, he always sent a bookboy to reply, "This person has been saved." It's terrible, let's go back." Later, the world gave him a nickname, "I can't save it".

After A, B and C got the news, they immediately went to the pond to check.After carefully studying a few dead fish, his expression suddenly changed, and he ran back to Chen Hou's big tent solemnly.

Seeing that his complexion was not good, Chen Hou felt a little bit in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Genius doctor, how is the pond?"

A, B, and C asked rhetorically, "How many brothers had breakfast?"

Chen Hou hurriedly said, "About half!"

A, B and C slapped their thighs, and said sadly, "Oops! Oops! There is poison in the water, there is poison in the water!"

Chen Hou's head buzzed, the blood vessels in his eyes burst out, and he hissed, "Is the doctor sure? Didn't the fish in the water suffocate to death in the cold air in the morning?"

A, B and C said loudly, "When the fish dies, the eyeballs turn white, the gills of the fish are red with white, and there is a stench from the smell. The suffocated fish is definitely not a symptom of this, it is obviously poisoned!"

After hearing this, Chen Hou was dizzy for a while, forced himself to calm down, and hurriedly asked A, B and C, "Genius doctor, do you know what is poisonous in water and how to cure it?"

A, B and C said, "There are people from the Tang Sect in Baoji City, so if Qin Shuhuai wanted to poison him, he would definitely use the Tang Sect's poison. And if the Tang Sect wanted to poison him, he would definitely use the world's number one poison in their hands, Thousand Poisons, Myriad Gu Xuan Bell'! Judging from the lack of response from the brothers who had breakfast, I can be sure that this is the 'Thousands of Poisons and Thousands of Gu Xuanzhong'! It's a pity that the solution to this poison is extremely complicated, and no one in the world has ever cracked it. The old man is powerless for a while!"

"This, what should I do? Divine doctor, no matter what, you have to think of a way!"

"This poison will explode in six hours, old man... Even if this old man has the ability to reach the sky, he can't figure it out!"

The news that the breakfast was poisonous, and it was the world's most extraordinary poison, "Thousands of Poisons and Thousands of Gu Xuanzhong", spread like wind throughout the Demon Cult's camp, and the mood of despair spread rapidly.

The whole camp was dead silent.

After receiving the news, the demon soldiers who were in charge of guarding the two ponds all chose to commit suicide as an apology.

However this didn't work.

The soldiers who had eaten breakfast knew that time was short, and after spending the most desperate minutes, they began to say goodbye to the brothers who had not eaten breakfast one by one.

After a while, Chen Hou received a report from the guard outside the door, "Report to General, there are brothers petitioning outside the door!"

Before Chen Hou could agree, seven or eight demon cultists broke in from outside.

After these people came in, they knelt down in front of Chen Hou with a plop, and said resolutely, "General, please allow me to fight and attack Baoji City!"

"General, we are all dying, please let us die in the city of Baoji! As a member of the Sun Moon Sect, we should devote ourselves to the great cause of our sect and die! Rather than waiting to die, it is better to die in battle for The brothers in the back rush to open a bloody road, and it is not in vain for the lives and deaths of the brothers!"

"Yes, we would rather die in battle than wait to die! General please allow! Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one!"

Outside, countless Demon Cult soldiers sang loudly.

"The raging fire, burn my remnant body! What joy is there in life, why bother in death..."

Chen Hou's heart was pierced like a knife, tears glistened in his eyes. At this moment, he wished he could immediately enter Baoji City and cut that Ming monster Qin Shuhuai into pieces!

Qin Shuhuai!Back then, I taught you to help you drive out the Tartars and let you soar into the sky, but now you use such indecent means to poison my teacher, you are simply a despicable, shameless villain!What face do you have to call yourself the leader of the alliance, and what face do you have to call yourself "the great man of chivalry"?From today on, I, Chen Hou, will never die with you!

However, anger is useless. If even the miracle doctor A, B, and C are helpless, then nearly ten thousand brothers will surely die!
They are right!Rather than being poisoned to death, it is better to attack Baoji City!Even if he could only kill one enemy, he would still be buried with his brothers!

Thinking of this, he patted the table heavily, and screamed almost crazily, "Order! The whole army is assembled! Attack Baoji City!"

When those people heard this, they immediately shouted with tears in their eyes, "Obey!"

In the tent, the two apostles who were also shocked stood up and reminded, "General Chen, Guardian Zhao's order is to wait for the brothers from South Road to arrive before attacking the city. You have to think twice!"

Chen Hou roared angrily, "Second apostle! I, Chen Hou, are in charge of the army. If I disobey Zhao Hufa's military order, I will be punished at that time! If anyone in the army disobeys this general's order, I will let him beheaded now." Land!"

Chen Hou is only the owner of the Five Elements Banner, and his status is lower than that of an apostle.However, he is now the commander of the army, so naturally he has the final say on everything in the army.

It was the first time for the second apostle to be contradicted by the people below, but he also understood Chen Hou's feelings in this situation, so he didn't care too much.

He sighed helplessly, and said, "Since General Chen is determined to do this, the apostle will not stop him. However, although the general is not allowed by the military order, he should also take into account the overall situation. General Chen can send that to be used too early." Nearly ten thousand brothers from Shan are going to Baoji, as for the rest of the brothers, you need to stay here and wait for the friendly troops from the South Road to arrive before you can act."

Chen Hou sneered and said, "Second apostle, can't we send these brothers for a ride? You let them go to attack Baoji by themselves, and watch them die, how can you feel at ease?"

(End of this chapter)

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