East Factory Governor

Chapter 502 No one can help us

Chapter 502 No one can help us
Therefore, Baoji cannot afford to lose.

At this time, Zhiren, Wang Datong, Shang Shui and others all came over one after another. Besides them, Tang Sanniang, the head of the Tang Sect, Ma Sansao, the deputy head of the Cao Gang, and others also came.

There are many celebrities in the martial arts hall, and it is very lively.

However, when Qin Shuhuai explained the situation to them in detail, the huge meeting hall immediately fell into silence.

They are good at fighting, but they are laymen when it comes to fighting.There is only one word difference between fighting and war, but the routine is far from it.

After a while, Wang Datong said, "Leader, you are still good at marching and fighting. Tell me what you should do."

Others immediately said, "That's right, please make the leader's decision!"

Qin Shuhuai thought for a while and said, "The Devil's Cult has two options for attacking Baoji. One is to attack directly, and the other is to encircle and not attack. It's fine if they adopt the first method, and we will defend the city to the death. But if they do not attack, it will be troublesome. Baoji City does not have much food and grass, and if it is besieged, it is estimated that it can last for half a month at most."

Wang Datong continued, "Then according to the leader, what method will the Demon Society adopt?"

Qin Shuhuai smiled wryly, "I don't know either. However, we must prepare for the worst when we fight. We must now believe that the devil will adopt the method of besieging the city. Therefore, if we stick to the city, I'm afraid it will be bad."

Chang Wuji said, "Leader, don't we still have a large army in other places? Can we defend the city first, and then send He Kegang and He Renlong to rescue the city when the Demon Sect besieges it."

Qin Shuhuai said, "Now the total number of soldiers in southern Shaanxi is 10,000 to [-], of which at least [-] cannot be moved, because if Gao Yingxiang is not suppressed, Xi'an and Hancheng must be defended. In this way, we only have An army of [-] to [-]. As you all know, if you are fighting in the field under normal circumstances, as long as the Demon Sect has [-] troops, with the Five Elements Flag, it is enough to deal with our [-]+ people. This is still based on ideal conditions, because the reinforcements The troops can easily be detected by the Demon Sect. If they set up ambushes everywhere and divide them up and wipe them out, it will be even worse. Besides, if Gao Yingxiang is free, he will definitely come to help the Demon Sect. It's even harder."

Zhiren thought for a while and asked, "Can't we ask northern Shaanxi to send some soldiers?"

"Northern Shaanxi is one of the important towns on the nine borders. Although there are many soldiers, they cannot be transferred at will. To transfer them not only requires the approval of the governors of the three sides, but also the approval of the Ministry of War. It will take at least a month to go back and forth. Moreover, Neither Lu Xiangsheng nor the Ministry of War will agree. Because northern Shaanxi now needs to prevent the Demon Cult from going north, and also prevent the Chahar Mongolian tribes from the north from going south. There is absolutely no room for loss. Losing one of them will have a major impact on the overall situation, so they would rather fall in southern Shaanxi than take the risk of sending soldiers from northern Shaanxi. Similarly, northern Shanxi is even more so. And southern Shanxi obviously cannot be transferred because it wants to guard against Zhang Xianzhong He came. The only one who can help us now is Hong Chengchou. But he doesn’t have many soldiers, and he has to keep Pingliang City safe, so he can’t help much.”

"After all, no one can help us?" Zhiren couldn't help but said.

Qin Shuhuai smiled bitterly in his heart.If the imperial court has extra soldiers, do we still need us to form a martial arts coalition?
After listening to Qin Shuhuai's analysis, Chang Wuji said thoughtfully, "Since no one can save us and we can't stick to it, then we can only fight against the Demon Cult in the wild?"

Qin Shuhuai nodded and said, "It's not all in the wild. We can only take the initiative to attack and set up ambushes layer by layer, trying to make the Demon Cult lose almost half of its troops when it reaches Baoji City. When the time comes, they will not dare to attack, and they will be afraid to besiege." When He Kegang waits for the army to come back for help, he can only retreat."

At this time, Wan Yunshan said, "Master Hou, as you said just now, the Demon Cult has 4 enemies in the wild and 10,000+, and we only have more than 6 horses. I'm afraid it's enough to beat them with 2 people?"

Cao Huachun suddenly smiled sharply, and said, "Master Wan, the terrain around Baoji is complex, and it is not impossible to consume the Demon Cult layer by layer. With Lord Qin's wit, I am afraid that he has already made up his mind. Let's do as we please." yes."

Wan Yunshan hurriedly said, "That's it, I will listen carefully to Master Hou's plan."

Qin Shuhuai glanced at Cao Huachun, thinking that the old eunuch was really out of his depth in the palace, nothing could be hidden from his eyes.

The topography of Baoji is indeed complex, with great differences in landforms in the east, west, south, north, and middle. It is surrounded by mountains on the south, west, and north sides, with the Wei River as the central axis extending eastward, showing the characteristics of a sharp-edged opening trough.There are mountains, rivers, and plains here, with mountains and hills as the main areas, presenting a pattern of "six mountains, one water and three fields".

Clearing his throat, he said, "Duke Cao is right. The reason why we have to take the initiative is because the terrain in this area is complicated and there are many hills. What's the advantage of this? One is for us to ambush, and the other is for the devil to attack." He teaches many formations that cannot be used in the hills, so that everyone is more focused on personal cultivation. I believe that in this regard, we martial arts people will not be afraid of him. In addition, now the two armies of the Demon Sect are attacking in two directions. We can still defeat them one by one. But if they reach Baoji City and join forces, we can only fight head-to-head with them, which is absolutely impossible."

The words made everyone nod their heads.

"But now we still have a problem, that is, the other army of the Devil's Cult has not been found yet." Meng Wei reminded.

Qin Shuhuai nodded, "That's right. But the big army either came from the north or the south. The brothers of the factory guard have already expanded the search area, and I believe it won't be long before they can find it."

At this moment, a report came from outside the door.

"Master Hou, there is a person who claims to be a member of the Bailian Sect, and says that he has important military information to report."

"Let him in."

"Follow the order!"

Soon, a member of the White Lotus Sect walked in.This person is a man of about forty years old, and he claims to be Ye Laifu, the leader of the sub-altar in Hui County under the jurisdiction of Tianshui Ruo.The people who came to deliver the information these few times were almost all the bosses of their respective branches and forums, presumably this was specially ordered by Hua Chen.

After checking the identity, it was indeed correct.

Ye Laifu reported that he saw the army of the Demon Cult entering Hui County this morning, and estimated that there were about 2 people.They did not station, but continued to drive towards Baoji.

now it's right.

It seems that another demonic sect is coming from the south.Hui County is still more than two hundred miles away from Baoji. It seems that Guchuan's Demon Cult is waiting for Hui County's Demon Cult.

According to calculations, the Demon Cult in the south will have to wait at least until nightfall tomorrow if they want to rush to Baoji.

Qin Shuhuai still has time to make arrangements.

The first thing to consider is the demon sect in the south.

From the map, the south of Baoji is full of lofty mountains. If you start from Huixian County, the only way is to arrive at Baoji along the line of Fengxian County, Honghuapu, Huangniupu, Guanyin Mountain and Taipingzhuang.

So on this road, you can make a fuss.

It's just that the Devil's Cult, which has already suffered from an ambush once, will repeat the same mistakes?
(End of this chapter)

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