Chapter 495

Jin Gang didn't know how Qin Shuhuai knew that there was a Ruijin Banner in his formation, but since it was revealed, he didn't refute it.

As a result, the soldiers on both sides were angry.

They all thought that the other party broke the agreement first, and harbored evil intentions to put themselves to death!
The soldiers in the Ming army were all thankful. Fortunately, our commander is Lord Qin Hou, who saw the devil's trick at a glance and arranged an ambush early!Otherwise, none of us will be able to escape!

And the soldiers in the Demon Cult formation were even more furious, this Qin Shuhuai is really a villain who doesn't believe what he says!It's really puzzling that this kind of person can become the leader of the martial arts alliance and seduce so many masters to come to die!Or, these martial arts people who claim to be famous and upright are also a bunch of villains in the first place!It's only natural for them to be in the same boat!

Zhao Wuhen held a long knife (since he was captured, his iron claws were naturally "confiscated" by Qin Shuhuai), Jin Ge pointed at Qin Shuhuai sternly, and shouted, "Little thief, I will ask you one last time. Are you going to let the Great Apostle go?"

Qin Shuhuai said sharply, "Out of the best of goodwill, this Marquis let go of the five apostles you taught, as well as you, an old man. But you want to repay your kindness and insist on killing us all. Ask the soldiers behind me Ladies, do they agree to let him go?"

When Qin Shuhuai's soldiers heard this, they roared in unison, "I disagree! I disagree!"

Zhao Wuhen was furious, "If you don't let my great apostle go, today I will ask you 5 to [-] people to be buried with the great apostle!"

At this time, how could Qin Shuhuai lose his momentum, and immediately shouted, "Old man, do you really think that the [-] soldiers of our Ming army are dead? Since you insist on fighting, then this Marquis will fight with you!" Wei, where is the head of the Demon Cult's ambassador?"

After hearing this, Meng Wei immediately pulled out his waist knife, and slashed across the apostle's neck like a flash of light, and the apostle's head flew up in an instant.

Meng Wei then threw his head at Qin Shuhuai and shouted, "Here is the great apostle's head!"

Qin Shuhuai casually slapped in the air, and a gust of wind suddenly arose, blowing the head of the great apostle under Zhao Wuhen's horse, and rolling several meters away.

The Demon Cult formation suddenly exploded.


Exclamations in the Demon Cult formation continued one after another.Several demon soldiers ran up quickly and picked up the head of the great apostle, distraught.

After killing the great apostle, a bloody battle is inevitable.

Zhao Wuhen waved his knife and pointed, and shouted violently, "The whole army is ready to attack!"

But before he finished speaking, a gorgeous firework rose in the sky.

Red, like blood.

Afterwards, countless bows and arrows shot towards the Demon Cult's formation, as if poking a hornet's nest, densely packed, roaring towards them.

The Demon Cult did not expect that Qin Shuhuai had set up an ambush here, and there were so many ambush soldiers.They didn't have many large shields on both sides of the team, so they suffered heavy losses all at once.

In this case, the best way is naturally to kill him immediately and get entangled with Qin Shuhuai's army, so that the Ming army's arrows will be useless.

Zhao Wuhen waved his knife and roared, "Kill!"

The Demon Cult soldiers rushed towards the Ming army like a tide.

In the front row of the Ming army, four to five hundred shield soldiers were arranged, and these shield soldiers immediately stood side by side in the middle of the road, blocking the Demon Cult like a breakwater.

The road was about six or seven meters wide, and it was all blocked by densely packed Ming army shield soldiers.So the demon soldiers immediately spread out to both sides of the road, extending to the weeds and shrubs at the foot of the mountains on both sides, intending to surround the Ming army on both sides.

The Ming army was not stupid either. Under Cao Wenzhao's calm command, they also quickly spread out to both sides, blocking the impact of the Demon Cult.

No matter how strong the Demon Cult was, it couldn't break through the Ming army's defenses in an instant.

Soldiers from both sides on the front line fought fiercely on the road and in the grass!Naturally, Zhiren, Shang Shui, Wang Datong and others were not idle. Seeing that the shield soldiers on the road would not collapse for a while, they all went to help the Ming army in the grass.With their participation, the Ming army in the grass will naturally be able to hold on for a while longer.

In short, as soon as the battle started, the soldiers of the Devil's Cult wanted to rush forward, but they were stopped by the Ming army.

This action of the Ming army is crucial.

Because the front was blocked, the soldiers behind the Devil's Cult couldn't go up, and they crowded together.What's more serious is that after they moved from three columns to five columns, the personnel became even denser.

The archers, crossbowmen, blunderbuss soldiers of the Ming army, and those who threw thunderbolts were happy.

Facing the dense crowd of Demon Cult soldiers, they almost didn't need to aim, and they shot one by one.As for those who threw thunderbolts, it was even more enjoyable. A thunderbolt went down, and with a bang, a circle of demon soldiers fell down.

If the Demon Cult knew that there was an ambush on both sides, they would not be placed in this formation even if they were killed.Of course, if the Demon Cult was still led by Jin Gang, it probably wouldn't be so miserable.It's just that Zhao Wuhen was humiliated consciously, eager for revenge, and forcibly seized the command, which led to the current situation.

"Swoosh!" "Boom boom!" "Boom boom!"

In the Silinggou surrounded by four mountains, the passionate massacre music echoed.

The ambush soldiers of the government army were not in a hurry to attack. They could harvest demon soldiers in patches with just using arrows, blunderbusses and thunderbolts, and they fought happily.

In the Demon Cult formation, Rui Jinqi was not equipped with their standard weapon, the crossbow, in order not to let Qin Shuhuai see it. There were only 5000 archers out of [-] people.The eight hundred archers immediately found a suitable position and immediately launched a counterattack to the densely populated Ming army.

The Ming army did not fight with iron, and arrows fell one after another.

However, as soon as these Demon Cult archers showed their power, they were "taken care of" by Ming army archers and Pili Lei. With a burst of arrow rain and thunderous explosions, these archers fell down one after another, and the firepower was quickly suppressed .

Among Hong Chengchou's 5000 troops, there were [-] skilled archers and [-] crossbowmen. Among the [-] soldiers brought by Qin Shuhuai, there were [-] archers, [-] to [-] crossbowmen, and about [-] soldiers. Bird gun soldiers, most of them ambushed on both sides of the road.If fired in one volley, more than [-] bows, arrows, and projectiles can be shot. It is not difficult to imagine its high density and strong lethality.

Some people think that the lethality of archers will not be too strong, and they will not be able to break armor.This is a misunderstanding.If the shooting range is appropriate and the bow is condescending, when the bow and arrow draws a complete parabola, the force of the dive is enough to break the armor.

Not to mention the strong crossbow, the strong crossbow of the Ming Dynasty would surely break armor within 100 meters.

Therefore, when ambushing, the Ming army must let the crossbowmen ambush at the foot of the mountain, and the archers ambush at a higher position, so that the double-layer firepower can be the strongest.Generals with a little knowledge of military know this.

In addition to bows and crossbows, the thunderbolts brought from Lanzhou were regarded as stones by the soldiers of the Ming army, and they were thrown down for free.It is condescending, and it is effortless to throw it down.

The demon soldiers behind had no choice but to attack the mountains on both sides against the rain of arrows, bullets and thunderbolts.Otherwise, after the Ming army's archers, crossbowmen, blunderbuss soldiers and thunderbolt fighters finished fighting, the Demon Cult could simply admit defeat.

Naturally, the Ming army would not rush down too early. Before the Demon Cult came up, they just shot arrows and fired.

When the Demon Cult charged up the mountains and came into close contact with the Ming army, they had already suffered at least 4000 casualties!To put it bluntly, no matter how strong a soldier is, he is only a mortal body after all.

(End of this chapter)

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