East Factory Governor

Chapter 456 The Imperative

Chapter 456 The Imperative
Even though Qin Shuhuai experienced life and death, he took a lot of things lightly.But at this moment, his blood is still burning with passion and his heart beats faster because of the words "Martial Arts Leader".At this time, his mentality is no different from that of ordinary people, and he definitely does not have the attitude of being a high-ranking person who is indifferent to fame and fortune, but only his ever-expanding ambition and desire for power!

I want to become the leader of the martial arts alliance!I want to have supreme power!I want to order the world to bring peace to this troubled world!
Going around and working hard for so long, now that the position of leader is within reach, how can he not be excited, how can he not be filled with emotion?
After the excitement, he immediately took a dark breath to calm himself down quickly.

Afterwards, Feng Danyun resigned lightly, "Everyone loves you. How can Qin, He De, be the leader of the martial arts alliance? This is absolutely impossible."

Resignation is not only an expression of modesty, but also a kind of etiquette, which is a major feature of Ming Dynasty culture.In many cases, the emperor rewarded the ministers, and the ministers had to go through three refusals before accepting it, which is so graceful.The same is true among the people and in the martial arts.

However, at this time, no matter how he declined, it was already confirmed.

Master Shangshui said, "The leader of the Qin clan should not be too modest. The world is in chaos and the situation is pressing. The martial arts urgently needs a hero like you to lead the heroes. For the sake of the martial arts and the people of the world, you have to shoulder this heavy responsibility! "

"Master Shangshui is right!" Cheng Wendong continued, "Looking at the martial arts, only Chief Qin is the most suitable to take on this important task. I implore Chief Qin not to refuse any more!"

Wang Datong also smiled and said, "Master Qin, you just follow everyone's wishes."

"That's right, it won't kill you." Zhiren followed with a smile.

In the end, Zhiyuan made a final decision, "Master Qin, I and all my fellow martial arts believe that your words of 're-creating a prosperous age' are not lies! But you need to prove it to everyone! Therefore, the position of the leader of the martial arts must belong to you." .”

Speaking of this, Qin Shuhuai felt that there was no need for him to refuse any more!

He immediately got up, straightened his body, clasped his fists at everyone, and said solemnly, "Qin is so talented and unlearned that he is not worthy of a great responsibility, but he is flattered to be loved by everyone. In view of the urgency of the situation, Qin will make mistakes and take the place of this martial arts for the time being." The position of leader. But we have something to say first, if you find a more suitable candidate, Qin will give up immediately."

Everyone naturally knew that what Qin Shuhuai said was kind.To be the leader of martial arts, you have to invest real money. Who would quit half of the job if they have nothing to do?

At this point, it is imperative for Qin Shuhuai to become the leader of the martial arts alliance.With the strong support of the five major sects and the three major gangs, even if some sects in the martial arts are not convinced, they can only reserve their opinions.What's more, Qin Shuhuai's reputation has always been good, and the sects can hardly find any reason to oppose him.

After dinner, each faction returned to their rooms.It didn't take long before the Jianghe Gang's east and west wing rooms began to have an endless stream of martial arts professionals shuttling between them.

In the martial arts world, every famous sect has its own sect, or to put it bluntly, there are many sects who are attached to them and seek shelter.Like the Emei faction, its loyal allies include more than a dozen sects such as Tangmen and Tiedaomen, and most of the Huashan faction and Kongtong faction are also like this.They made a lot of important decisions during the dinner. At this time, in order to unify their thinking and avoid complications, they naturally had to greet their allies.

Why do you want to do this?Just imagine what the five major factions and the three major gangs have already agreed to at the dinner party. If a younger brother from their camp jumped out to object, who would be hit in the face?Would other sects, even Qin Shuhuai, think that they deliberately sent their younger brother out to oppose them, playing tricks behind their backs?At this time, none of the five major factions and the three major gangs wanted to be misunderstood and isolated by the martial arts alliance.

This means that these sects have recognized the value of the martial arts alliance, and also recognized that it is inevitable for the martial arts to raise troops to crusade against the demon sect!
In this way, everything will fall into place!

The Jianghe gang found a craftsman overnight, and carved the seal of the martial arts leader with high-quality white marble.And the seal of the Presbyterian Church has already been engraved.

The next day, the establishment ceremony of the Wulin Alliance was held on time at the Jianghe Gang!

A total of 120 three sects, more than 1000 famous people from the rivers and lakes, gathered in the Jianghe Gang!
The main venue was set up in the large yard in front of the Jianghe Gang's Juyi Hall. There were huge crowds of people, colorful flags waving, and it was extremely lively.In front of the Juyi Hall, not only was there a banner signboard with the banner "Celebration of the Establishment of the Wulin Alliance", but also a larger and more conspicuous four words: Recreate the prosperity!These four characters are said to be written by Master Zhiyuan himself. The font is round and orthodox, strong and powerful, and has a three-pointed feeling!
After everyone was seated, Qin Shuhuai, the leader of the Jianghe Gang as the host, walked up to the stage and delivered a welcome speech.

The welcome speech of thousands of words was impassioned by him.From why the martial arts alliance was established, to the operation mechanism of the martial arts alliance, and how to realize the vision of "rebuilding the prosperity" of the martial arts alliance, the explanations were detailed and well-founded, which attracted applause from the audience.

Afterwards, Wudang faction, Shaolin faction, Emei faction, Huashan faction, Kongtong faction, the head of the Beggar Clan or the head of the beggar gang took the stage to speak one by one, and the core was one, supporting the establishment of the Wulin Alliance.

In the end, Qin Shuhuai brought the heads of several major factions to unveil the "Wulin Alliance" plaque.This link was thought up by Qin Shuhuai himself, and it is similar to the corporate unveiling ceremony in later generations, that is, a piece of red cloth is covered on the plaque of "Wulin Alliance", and then the heads of several sects lift the red cloth together.

It works surprisingly well.When the golden plaque revealed its true face, there was thunderous applause from below!

From this moment on, the rules of martial arts have changed!The law of the jungle will no longer be the only rule. The five major sects and the four major gangs (the beggar gang, the Cao gang, the giant whale gang, and the Jianghe gang) guarantee that no matter whether it is any sect inside or outside the alliance, if they dare to bypass the martial arts alliance without authorization All sects that attack the alliance will be destroyed! ,

This kind of guarantee may be doubted from other sects, but it is unquestionable from the mouths of the five major sects and four gangs headed by Shaolin and Wudang!
To end disputes and coexist peacefully, this is the most urgent requirement of all small and medium sects at present!If this demand is met, the Wulin Alliance will receive the widest support!
Afterwards, Qin Shuhuai announced that he would take [-]% of the income from the canal (the original plan was [-]%, but because of the need for money and food for the crusade against the Demon Cult, and the establishment of the Wulin Alliance was a certainty, it was changed to [-]%) to help those who had difficulty in surviving. sect.This gold dollar offensive blew up the entire audience—except for Yunfeng and Cheng Wendong's faces that were not very good-looking.

So far, the Wulin Alliance has been formally established.

What follows is the election of members of the Council of Presbyterians.

Qin Shuhuai first announced the candidates, namely Zhiyuan, the abbot of Shaolin, Wang Tianyang, the great elder of Wudang, Shitai Shangshui, the head of Emei, Xuan Wu, the head of the Kongtong faction, Zhao Huaishan, the head of the Huashan faction, Wang Datong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, and Cheng Wendong, the leader of the Cao Clan. , the leader of the Giant Whale Gang, Yunfeng, and the eight elders.

(End of this chapter)

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