East Factory Governor

Chapter 453 Lobbying the 5 Big Factions and 3 Big Gangs

Chapter 453
The Demon Cult claims to have 30 troops, but according to intelligence, their actual strength is around [-].Among the [-], there are [-] disciples of the Kunlun Sect.

Because the information was transmitted ten days ago, they don't know where they have hit so far.But what is certain is that the local chieftains in Qinghai will definitely not help the court intercept the Demon Cult, and the Demon Cult will not attack the local chieftains. To put it bluntly, the Demon Cult's ambition is not in Qinghai, but in the Central Plains.

The main rudder of the Demon Cult, Guangmingding, is on Kunlun Mountain, 60 miles northeast of Yushu, Qinghai. From there, there are two roads.One is to attack Sichuan, but the attack on Sichuan requires crossing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yellow River. The weather is still cold at this time, and people with a little military common sense would not do this.The other way is to attack Gansu. Although there is a Qilian Mountains, its direction does not lie between the two. There are countless roads leading to Gansu.

Therefore, Qin Shuhuai, Sun Chengzong and others all expected that the Demon Cult would definitely attack Gansu.

It has been ten days since the information was delivered to Qin Shuhuai's desk, and it is possible that the Demon Cult has arrived in Gansu by now.

The Xining and other guards in Qinghai only had 4 troops, so they definitely didn't dare to fight head-on with them, and they must have retreated to the territory of Gansu by this time.The four armies of Guanning, Xuanfu, Datong, and Changping sent by the imperial court to reinforce Gansu, with a total of [-] troops, had only set out for three days, and it would take at least five days to arrive in Gansu for defense.

As a result, Wang Julun, who replaced Mei Huanzhi as governor of Gansu, was under great pressure.One is that his military strength is too small, only [-] to [-], and the other is that the candidates for the governors of the three sides are currently undecided, and it is difficult for the three sides to give him strong support.

The only person who can support him now is Shaanxi Governor Hong Chengchou.Hong Chengchou has far-sightedness, and he will certainly not sit back and watch Gansu fall in order to preserve his strength. He now has [-] to [-] troops (including some soldiers brought over from near Taiyuan), and Gao Yingxiang's troops suffered heavy losses last time. Lord, this also gave Hong Chengchou the confidence to send troops to help Wang Julun.

Qin Shuhuai can only hope that Gansu can stand up for a while longer, otherwise the Demon Cult will fully enter the three sides, and they will have fun everywhere.

At this time, there are still five days left before the opening ceremony of the Wulin Alliance.

On the second day, that is, the No. 11 day after the Demon Sect raised its troops, Chongzhen ordered Qin Shuhuai to go to the capital immediately to discuss countermeasures.Qin Shuhuai didn't want to go at first, because everything that needs to be said has been said before, and there is nothing to discuss if he goes now.However, in view of Chongzhen's anxiety, he decided to go to the capital to cheer him up.

When I arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, I saw not only Sun Chengzong, but also Shen Yongmao, Minister of the Ministry of War (replacing Wang Qia who was imprisoned), Cao Huachun, Governor of the East Factory, Luo Yangxing, Commander of Jinyiwei, and others.

These people got together and discussed for a long time, but they couldn't come up with any good ideas.Originally, the Devil's Cult had just raised its troops, and they didn't know where the other party was planning to fight, so what countermeasures could they have?The only function of everyone sitting together is probably to cheer Chongzhen up and show his determination.

After staying until night, Chongzhen finally let everyone go back.It must have been through everyone's impassioned determination that he felt better.

The Jianghe gang has entered the sprint stage of preparing for the martial arts alliance celebration. Qin Shuhuai asked all the details one by one, down to which sect sits where, how the celebration process goes, and even what to say on stage.

Not even the smallest detail can be missed.

In the past two days, the various sects participating in the founding ceremony of the Wulin Alliance have also come one after another.The Jianghe Gang took over all the inns and hotels in Qingwu Town to entertain them.

By the night before the celebration, people from almost all sects had arrived.

Shaolin abbot Zhiyuan did not break his promise, and personally brought more than [-] Shaolin disciples to the meeting.To Qin Shuhuai's surprise, besides Zhikong, even Zhiren, who was thinking behind closed doors, also came.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Shuhuai understood that Zhiyuan wanted Zhiren to stay and help him!Shaolin has promised to send disciples to help destroy the Demon Cult, so who is the best leader among these disciples?Of course it's Zhiren!Because Zhiren is the most familiar with himself, and his martial arts is also high, he is definitely the best candidate.

When Zhiren saw Qin Shuhuai again, he naturally smiled happily.

At the same time, the Emei School, Huashan School, Wudang School, and Kongtong School also arrived.Among the six major factions, only the Kunlun faction has not arrived.In addition, members of the Beggars' Gang, Giant Whale Gang, and Cao Gang all felt that, and all the gang leaders came in person, which gave Qin Shuhuai enough face.

Qin Shuhuai led the members of the five major factions and the three major gangs into the various wing rooms of the Jianghe Gang's head rudder, and settled down one by one.

During dinner, he also specially brought the bigwigs of these sects to a private room in the Hall of Heroes to entertain them.

It has been half a month since the Demon Cult rebelled, and there were rumors about these heads. The topics discussed during the meeting, apart from the Martial Arts Alliance, were of course the Demon Cult's rebellion.

This is naturally a good time to communicate with the major factions in advance, and Qin Shuhuai will not let it go.As long as all the leaders of the five major factions and the three major gangs present here support the plan to send troops to destroy the Demon Cult, then the matter can almost be said to be a certainty.

After toasting a round of wine, Qin Shuhuai said, "Masters and sect leaders, now that the demon sect is rebelling, it can be foreseen that Huang Taiji from outside the pass will definitely bring the Mongolian tribes south again, and the bandits in the Central Plains are rampant. I don’t feel at peace anymore. You are all Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, what do you think?”

The words made the wine table quiet down, and many people sighed.

The world is not peaceful, and the life of Wulin will naturally not be easy.

Everyone nodded slightly, but no one spoke first.

Qin Shuhuai continued, "Now that our martial arts alliance has been established, we must not do nothing when the world is in turmoil. Otherwise, this alliance is useless. What's the use? Leaders and gang leaders, after the establishment of the martial arts alliance, With your qualifications and prestige, you must be a member of the Alliance Committee, or the Alliance Council of Elders. You already know that the power of the Alliance does not belong to any one person, but to the Council of Elders. It can be said that from now on, everyone’s every Every decision is related to the future of Wulin. And the rebellion of the Demon Sect is the first test for us. Qin urges everyone to speak freely and make suggestions, this is the blessing of Wulin!"

Many people looked at Qin Shuhuai after hearing this.

At this time, Qin Shuhuai reiterated that the Alliance Presbyterian Council is in charge of the highest power, which gave reassurance to many sects who were skeptical.In particular, Yunfeng of the Giant Whale Gang and Cheng Wendong of the Cao Gang, nodded their heads repeatedly when they heard that they could also get a seat in the Presbyterian Council.

The atmosphere is more harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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