East Factory Governor

Chapter 446 One Step Away

Chapter 446 One step away

Qin Shuhuai immediately said, "Great master! The Devil's Cult has a deep hatred with many sects. These sects must be afraid that the Devil's Cult will be unfavorable to them if they win the world, so they will probably choose to fight against the Devil's Cult together with the imperial court. From this point of view , the demon sect's rebellion will inevitably affect the martial arts world, and thus set off a bloodbath."

Qin Shuhuai's words are not an exaggeration at all. On the surface, the Demon Cult's rebellion is aimed at the imperial court, and it seems that it has nothing to do with the martial arts, but if you think about it at a deeper level, this matter will inevitably become a trigger for the various factions in the martial arts to attack each other.

First of all, the sects in the martial arts that have enemies with the Demon Cult will think that they will have nothing to eat after the Demon Cult wins the world, so as to help the court fight against the Demon Cult.And once these sects have suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Demon Sect, their territory will definitely be missed by other sects.Nowadays, most of the martial arts factions are short of money and food. Seeing that there are not many people in the next door, why don't you take advantage of it?In this way, the tide of various sects attacking each other is coming again.Although the Martial Arts Alliance can manage it, if this happens everywhere, how can it manage it?

Secondly, once the Demon Cult rebelled, Ming's livelihood would be even more difficult. The Wulin sect depended on the people to support them, and the people couldn't even support themselves, so how could they support the sect?In this way, in order to maintain their livelihoods, the various sects will compete for each other's territory will become more serious.

Therefore, because of the above two points, it can be concluded that once the Demon Cult gets into trouble, it will inevitably lead to chaos in the martial arts world. It is not an exaggeration for Qin Shuhuai to say that it will cause a bloodbath.

For others, he may need to explain these reasons in detail, but for Zhiyuan, there is no need to say much.As an eminent monk, he can see through it at a glance.

Zhiyuan pondered for a while, and then said, "The chief of the Qin clan came to find the old monk, must have already made up his mind?"

Qin Shuhuai said, "To be honest with the abbot, I did have a plan before I came here, but the matter is so important that I dare not make decisions arbitrarily, so I still want to ask the abbot what he means."

Zhiyuan said, "Governor Qin, but it's okay to say."

Qin Shuhuai nodded and said, "Okay, then I will throw bricks to attract jade. I believe that the Demon Cult has been poisoning the martial arts for a long time, and it is the public enemy of the martial arts. Now that it has rebelled, it will endanger the safety of the martial arts, so the martial arts cannot ignore this matter. My suggestion, At the inaugural meeting of the Martial Arts Alliance, they called on the entire martial arts world to take action to stop the atrocities of the Demon Sect! If this is approved by the heroes, then each sect and faction will send disciples in proportion to form a large army to crusade against the Demon Sect!"

A trace of surprise flashed across Zhiyuan's brows. Obviously, the option Qin Shuhuai mentioned was not within his expectations.

It is unprecedented to unite the entire martial arts world to crusade against a sect.

Zhiyuan was silent for a while with deep brows furrowed, and said, "Governor Qin thinks this matter is good for maintaining the safety of the entire martial arts world?"

Qin Shuhuai said affirmatively, "Uniting the outside world is at least more beneficial than attacking each other. There may be a price to pay for destroying the Demon Cult, but this price is one-time. And once the civil strife breaks out in the martial arts, the price is endless. In contrast , naturally the former is more beneficial, as the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.”

Zhiyuan remained silent, no approval or disapproval could be seen from his face.

Qin Shuhuai said again in a deep voice, "Abbot Zhiyuan, let me tell you the truth again. Only when all factions in the martial arts are involved in this war will they temporarily forget about the territorial grab! Just like the army, war can forge true unity! Only after the baptism of this war can the martial arts alliance establish its authority and truly gain popularity. In the future, for generations to come, the entire martial arts world will have a place of justice! Although there is a price in the immediate future, in the long run, it must be a meritorious service matter!"

Zhiyuan finally nodded slightly.

Qin Shuhuai told two truths.

One is that if the sects do not participate in the war, their attention must be on fighting for territory, and once they participate in the war, they will definitely focus on destroying the Demon Cult.This is the so-called "transferring conflicts". The wars launched in many countries on the earth are to divert domestic conflicts.

Another truth is that if the Wulin Alliance can lead a war, it will certainly be able to establish authority, and the intensity of speaking will definitely be greatly strengthened in the future.

Qin Shuhuai's analysis was very thorough, from the dangers of the demon sect's rebellion to the benefits of martial arts participation, which made Zhiyuan irrefutable.

In fact, what he said was not an exaggeration at all, it was all facts.It is even certain that if Wulin does not intervene in the rebellion of the Demon Cult, the "revolt of blood" that Qin Shuhuai said will definitely occur.

Instead of this, it is natural for the entire martial arts to start a war against the Demon Cult.

Zhiyuan sighed softly, and said, "The chief of Qin's analysis is brilliant and reasonable, and I admire it. However, it sounds simple to let the whole martial arts fight against the demon sect, but it is extremely difficult to do. If you don't say anything else, just say Even if all sects and sects agree, who will be in command? Besides, people in the martial arts are different from orthodox sergeants, they don't know how to march and fight, so how will they command?"

Qin Shuhuai immediately said, "I have considered this matter for a long time. However, any army must have a chief general. He will control the overall situation and arrange troops in order to respond to the ever-changing battlefield situation. Naturally, this general will be a leader of the martial arts. They were sent here for election. However, the Wulin coalition army is not someone's army. In order to prevent the chief general from using his power for personal gain, various sects need to elect several supervising troops. The supervising troops form the Supervising Army Council, which holds the talismans that symbolize the supreme power of the alliance. He is controlled by a highly respected person, and once the Army Supervision Committee deems that the general is no longer fit to lead the army, he can be dismissed with a talisman."

Zhiyuan nodded and said, "This method is feasible to supervise and supervise. It must be convincing if you say it. Otherwise, those sects don't feel at ease if they teach their disciples to one person to command. By the way, I still have another You answer the question, that is, people in the martial arts do not know how to march and fight, but the Demon Cult has used the method of soldiers to train its members for a long time, what countermeasures does Sect Leader Qin have for this?"

Qin Shuhuai said, "The martial arts allied forces don't know how to march and fight. On the one hand, they need to train slowly and use actual combat to accumulate experience. On the other hand, in the early stage, they can mainly be used as an assistant to the official army. It is to clean up the enemy's horse sentry spies. From the point of view of the following, although the martial arts coalition forces cannot fight against the Demon Cult on a large scale in the early stage, they can play a role that will not be less than that of the official army."

After hearing this, Zhiyuan pondered for a long time, then smiled lightly, and said, "I didn't expect that Chief Qin had thought about this matter so thoroughly and far-reachingly. Hehe, it's really rare. No wonder some people say you are a demon of Ming Dynasty."

Qin Shuhuai knew that there was something in Zhiyuan's words.He agreed with his own thoughts, but he was also worried. After all, the most obvious thing about this matter is that the so-called "chief general" of this martial arts coalition army must be him, Qin Shuhuai, and he has the fear of others in the martial arts. Court background.

However, Qin Shuhuai believed that his idea of ​​letting the "Supervisor Association" monitor the general was enough to dispel Zhiyuan's doubts - because he couldn't think of a better way.

As long as the coalition forces are established, he, the chief general, will do his part.

And the "chief general" and the leader of the martial arts alliance may only be one step away.

(End of this chapter)

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