East Factory Governor

Chapter 439 Restless Chongzhen

Chapter 439 Restless Chongzhen

After a while, Sun Chengzong walked in.

Chongzhen said, "Mr. Sun, I still can't ask."

Sun Chengzong sat down on the chair Chongzhen had prepared for him in a senile manner, and said, "The emperor is talking about the White Lotus Sect?"

Chongzhen nodded.

Sun Chengzong said again, "Since you can't ask, it's better not to ask."

"But I really want to know, what connection does Brother Qin have with the White Lotus Sect? Why didn't he tell me about it?"

"The emperor is anxious, I'm afraid Qin Shaobao is also anxious. It's just that he hasn't figured out how to tell you, so he has no choice but to not mention it."

"He told me the truth, what's the problem? I didn't blame him when he cooperated with the Demon Cult back then, did I?"

"Think about it, Your Majesty, is it because he cooperated with the Demon Sect first, that's why he dare not speak about the White Lotus Sect? Qin Shuhuai is a sensible person. He knows that the Emperor has a suspicion of him now. If he talks to you again at this time If you talk about the White Lotus Sect, you probably won't get it right."

Chongzhen let out a long sigh, "What Teacher Sun said is also reasonable. Teacher, just now I had a big fight with Brother Qin, and I felt very uncomfortable."

Sun Chengzong smiled lightly and said, "Does the emperor know why the pre-Qin kings called themselves widows?"

Chongzhen smiled wryly, "Lonely and widowed, Qu Gao and widowed, there is only one person in the world..."

"It's good that the emperor knows."

Chongzhen was silent for a while, and then said, "Teacher, I still believe in Brother Qin. If he has a different heart for me, he will definitely not help me raise money, nor will he help me eliminate the Donglin Party."

Sun Chengzong nodded, "The veteran also believes it. It's just that the emperor, excessive trust, sometimes becomes connivance, or even a trap. A trap that traps both the emperor and Qin Shaobao."

Chongzhen frowned and said, "What's the explanation?"

Sun Chengzong said, "If the emperor continues to let Qin Shaobao go on like this, he will not be far away from the power of the world. If the 'power of the world' is given by the emperor, it may not be a disaster. But the problem is, he The "power over the world" is precisely what he brought down."

"What's the difference?"

"The emperor thinks, you have worked so hard to cook a table of delicious dishes, are you willing to throw them away? Also, he is willing to throw them away, where are the people who cook for him? Qin Shuhuai has a lot of strong men now, and these people can't help but be willing to throw them away in this troubled world. What does the emperor think they are doing after following him to the east and west?"

When Chongzhen heard this, his back felt slightly chilled.

That's right, even if I can trust Brother Qin, how can I trust those people under him?If one day, brother Qin can win the world at his fingertips, will his subordinates add a yellow robe to him?Wasn't that the case with Song Taizu back then?

Chongzhen felt restless when he thought of this.

He hurriedly asked, "Teacher, what should I do now?"

Sun Chengzong twirled his beard and said, "The emperor needs to know two things. First, Qin Shuhuai is a great talent. If the emperor can make good use of him, the world will be pacified and the Ming Dynasty will be rejuvenated. The old minister dare to say that no one can compare with Qin Shaobao in today's Ming Dynasty. Second, Qin Shuhuai values ​​righteousness, as long as the emperor does not give him the conditions to spy on the monarchy, he will probably not have any dissent."


"Probably." Sun Chengzong nodded.

"Teacher, are you asking me to bet on the Great Ming Dynasty in exchange for a prosperous and peaceful world? What if Brother Qin really has other ideas?"

Sun Chengzong's half-closed eyes slowly opened, and then he said word by word, "The emperor is already betting. Now that Qin Shuhuai holds the White Lotus Sect and the Jianghe Gang, and has a deep friendship with the Demon Sect, if he has a different heart now, the Emperor Is there a good strategy?"

Chongzhen's body shook slightly, but he was speechless for a long while.

Now there are rogue bandits in the pass, and the suppression is endless. Outside the pass, Huang Taiji is watching, ready to make a comeback at any time.If Brother Qin led eight thousand elite soldiers from the Jianghe Gang and more than two hundred thousand members of the White Lotus Sect to unite with the Demon Sect to rebel, I... I would have already lost half of the battle!

Therefore, I can only bet that Qin Shaobao will not rebel, that he is loyal to me, that he still recognizes me as a good brother?

Seeing Chongzhen's pale face, Sun Chengzong said with relief, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be too anxious. At least from the current indications, Qin Shaobao has no intention of coveting the world. As long as the emperor does not surrender and send the world to him, the old minister thinks he is There will be no dissent."

"What do you mean, teacher?"

"Eight words: Use it to give power, and take it away. Just like this time, without Qin Shaobao, it is impossible to take back the three sides from Dong Lin so easily. But after taking it back, the emperor will firmly hold the three sides. The land is in his own hands. If there is a war in the future, the emperor can also send Qin Shuhuai to fight, but the military power needs to be separated, and he cannot be allowed to control too many troops. Other major events can also be analogized in the same way."

Chongzhen nodded approvingly, "Teacher, I understand."

After Qin Shuhuai returned to the Jianghe Gang, everyone in the Jianghe Gang was surprised.They originally thought that it would take several months, or even a year or so for the leader to pacify the three sides this time, but they didn't expect to come back so soon.

Several other halls came to ask Lai San'er and the others one after another, asking if the banditry on the three sides was basically cleared up?

But all the people who came back kept silent, and their faces were not very good-looking.

During this three-sided trip, more than 500 people from Baihutang went there excitedly, but they basically didn’t win any battles. They came back after seeing the scenery around them. They were too embarrassed to brag. How could they have a good face? ?
After Qin Shuhuai came back, he immediately sent someone to Tianjin to let Hua Shen and Lao Dao come over to report on their duties, and also met with everyone by the way, drinking and bragging. These two people have been in Tianjin for a long time, so don't have any trouble with the brothers in the gang.

Of course, the more important thing is that he wants to know if there is any noteworthy information recently, so that he can prepare in advance.

That night, Qiu Dali set up a reception wine to entertain the brothers who had returned from the expedition.Qin Shuhuai's mood was waning, but he still attended for a while because of his sympathy, drank a few glasses of wine with his brothers, and then went back to the back hall early.

After returning to the back hall, he went to Qi's room and told Qi that Wang Huazhen had been arrested.

After hearing this, Qi burst into tears.

"Shu Huai, you have to tell the emperor that this man has a bloody debt, and he must be killed in order to pay homage to the brothers who died in Shenyang City that year!"

Qin Shuhuai said truthfully, "This time his case will be heard by the third division. The members of the third division are basically Donglin Party members. It is estimated that he will be sentenced to prison at most and will not kill him."

Qi was furious, gritted his teeth with his crutches, and said sharply, "Undead? How can he avenge the Chen family's injustice if he doesn't die, and how can he be angry with so many soldiers? Shuhuai, you are the Shaobao of the dynasty, a scholar of Wuyingdian, you You must let him die! You must let him die!"

Qin Shuhuai nodded, and said calmly, "Don't be angry, grandma. Don't worry, with your grandson here, he will die if he doesn't die."

After hearing this, Mrs. Qi nodded vigorously, "Okay! Okay! With my grandson's words, grandma can rest assured! Grandma keeps this old life just to see this day!"

After Qin Shuhuai came out from Qi's, he returned to the house.Chen Qing'er had already prepared the water for washing his feet. After soaking for a while, he put all the worries in his mind behind him, then lay down on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

In the evening of the next day, Hua Chen and Lao Dao rushed to the Jianghe gang. When the two met Qin Shuhuai, they didn't even exchange pleasantries, and said bluntly that they had important information to report!

(End of this chapter)

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