East Factory Governor

Chapter 407 Set Taiyuan

Chapter 407 Set Taiyuan ([-])
Qin Shuhuai absolutely cannot take soldiers to seize the power of the battalions, he has thought about this a long time ago, otherwise he would not have invited Hong Chengchou over.

Suppose he took the Wuyuan camp out of the city to seize the military power of the Guguan army led by He Huchen, then the Dark Cloud Sect would definitely provoke, instigate, and even directly hold He Huchen hostage to order a war with the Wuyuan army, and the consequences would be disastrous.

First, when the Guan army and the Wuyuan army went to war, no matter what the reason was, He Huchen never turned back. From then on, he could only fight Qin Shuhuai forever.Even if Qin Shuhuai defeated him, as long as He Huchen survived, he would take his remnants to join Zhang Xianzhong, because if he surrendered to the court, he would definitely die.

Second, after the war between the Guan army and the Wuyuan army, all loyal generals of the Donglin Party will receive the wrong message that Qin Shuhuai will completely wipe them out.At that time, as long as someone provokes a little, they are likely to directly rebel!You must know that there are many places for rebels to go now!

So he couldn't give Dark Cloud Sect, or the brainless fans of Donglin Party this chance, so Taiyuan City had to be defended.As long as the troops outside can't get in, there won't be a fight!

Of course, Taiyuan City is so important, Qin Shuhuai will definitely not only pin his hopes on Chu Fu alone, he just wanted to tell Chu Fu that he trusts him very much, and let him work for himself with peace of mind!
After hearing Qin Shuhuai's "heartfelt words", Chu Fu knew that he was acting a bit, but he could also sense that Qin Shuhuai really wanted to take him for his own use.

This is naturally a good thing for him.If he could help Qin Shuhuai in the process of calming down the three sides, then his future would naturally be more secure.

Chu Fu said again solemnly, "Don't worry, Qin Shaobao, the final general will fulfill his mission. The final general will guarantee the head of the project, and he will stay in the city!"

Qin Shuhuai nodded, and said loudly, "Okay! Then General Lao Chu will be there. If the three sides are settled in the future, this imperial envoy will make a plea for the general and all the soldiers present in front of the emperor. The heavens will bear witness!"

Qin Shuhuai's status is prominent and his reputation is so high that no one doubts that he said these words!
All the soldiers were shocked.

"Thank you Qin Shaobao!" Chu Fu bowed and clasped his fists, feeling much more at ease in his heart.

After Qin Shuhuai came back from the south gate, he ran to the north gate himself, opened the gate of the north city first, and let the [-] Wuyuan camp soldiers outside enter the city.Then he announced the decree to the general guarding the north gate and ordered the north gate to be closed tightly. Naturally, the soldiers did not dare to disobey the order.In addition, the city guard Chu Fu later sent someone to pass on the general order to prevent them from letting any soldiers into the city, so they dared not open the city gate.

As for the south gate and the north gate, Qin Shuhuai would not go there in person. Anyway, if Chu Fu really wanted to guard Taiyuan, he would definitely pass the order.

Taiyuan City is a big city, beyond the outer city wall, and the inner city wall.Qin Shuhuai concentrated all the soldiers in the inner city. As for the four gates of the inner city wall, they were controlled by people from the Wuyuan camp. In this way, if Chu Fu turned his back and let people in, he still had a layer of protection.

At this time, the people of the Dark Cloud Sect were five miles south of Taiyuan City, anxiously waiting for the Guguan Army to catch up.

Originally, they wanted to rush to the city to kill Qin Shuhuai, but halfway there they received the news that Yang He was dead and the gate of Taiyuan City was closed, so they had to stop and wait for the Guan army.

After Qin Shuhuai took care of everything, all he had to do was wait for the troops from all walks of life to come to his door.

In the inner city, all the [-] soldiers who were chasing him were kidnapped by Li Jingting in the name of assisting in the defense of the governor's mansion.As soon as they entered the inner city, they were ordered to rest where they were, while the generals were called into the Governor's Mansion to "discuss important matters together."

In fact, Li Jingting put all these generals under house arrest.Because obviously, these people are loyal to Donglin.He couldn't say clearly that it was wrong for them to arrest the assassins, so he had to put them under house arrest.

Taiyuan City has a total of [-] defenders, of which [-] are directly commanded by city guard Chu Fu, and of the remaining [-] soldiers, half are commanded by neutral generals, and the other half are commanded by generals loyal to Donglin. These generals loyal to Donglin and their soldiers are basically here.

After Qin Shuhuai entered the governor's mansion, he immediately dismissed them on the ground with the reason that they "failed to fulfill their duties and the governor was martyred".

Each of these generals had a bitter mouth, as if they had eaten yellow lotus.What do you mean by "failure to fulfill your duties so that the governor was martyred"?Didn't you kill the governor?In terms of failing to fulfill their duties, those who knew that the governor was assassinated and did not move, I am afraid that they are really dereliction of duty, right?Why don't you catch them?
Hey, winner and loser, I knew we would stand still, but now I don't know how he will deal with it!

Afterwards, Qin Shuhuai immediately sent someone to invite all the other generals in the city over.Most of these generals are neutral factions, so after the announcement of the decree and the explanation of the powerful relationship, they all said that they would follow Qin Shuhuai's orders.

The city was finally rectified.

Qin Shuhuai came to the back hall and saw Meng Hu, Lai San'er and the Bailian Sect members who had been "captured".At this time, they have all been untied, and they have received a large amount of medicine and are undergoing treatment.

Meng Hu and Lai San'er suffered flesh and blood wounds. After bandaging themselves, they began to help the most seriously injured Bailian disciples.

The eyes of both of them were slightly red, because their lives were bought by more than 180 lives of the White Lotus Cultists.

Seeing Qin Shuhuai coming in, everyone saluted him, but they called him differently.

"See the helper!"

"See the leader!"

Qin Shuhuai said, "Get up, it's important to heal your wounds."

Meng Hu and Lai San'er already knew about his accepting of the White Lotus Sect, so they didn't find it strange.

Interestingly, Meng Hu knew about it, but Chongzhen didn't.

Qin Shuhuai said to the short and strong man, "What's your name?"

The short and strong man hurriedly said, "Report to the leader, who belongs to Wen Zhendong, and is the leader of the Taiyuan sub-rudder of my teaching."

Qin Shuhuai nodded, and said, "Master Wen Duo, thanks to you this time, your Taiyuan branch has lost a lot of brothers in the sect, right?"

Wen Zhendong nodded, and said calmly, "A total of 180 nine brothers have ascended to the kingdom of heaven to serve the old mother without birth."

There was no trace of sadness in his expression.It seems that the White Lotus believers have their own unique views on death.

Qin Shuhuai didn't give any comfort.

After pondering for a while, he said, "By the way, how did you know that I was going to assassinate Yang He, and how did you summon so many brothers to help in such a short time?"

Wen Zhendong smiled, but he looked even uglier.

"Master, there are over a hundred of our brothers in the Taiyuan sub-helm mixed with the army, and one of them is Wang Hannian's personal guard. Two days ago, he heard Wang Hannian tell a general in the room that he wanted to deal with the newcomers. The imperial envoy, so I immediately told the news to my subordinates. Our Taiyuan branch has received the news from the main helm before, saying that you will arrive in Taiyuan as the imperial envoy, so the subordinates thought about it. They will hold a Hongmen Banquet in Taiyuan City, lure you here and kill you, so they immediately issued a summoning order, asking my disciples from all over Taiyuan to come to Taiyuan to protect the teaching. Unexpectedly, only two hundred people were called, and you came here gone."

As I was talking, suddenly someone came outside to report.

"My lord, the Guan army has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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