East Factory Governor

Chapter 339 Is it okay to change the name?

Chapter 339 Is it okay to change the name?
After leaving Yihua Palace, everyone rested for a few days.In the past few days, they traveled around the south of the Yangtze River, and visited Qixing Layman, telling him that Yihua Palace had been burned to ashes.Layman Qixing was in tears, so it is unnecessary to elaborate on his gratitude to Qin Shuhuai.

After a few days, Qin Shuhuai planned to leave for Beijing.

In the north, there are still too many things waiting for him to deal with.Especially Bei Beggar, it is said that a great shaman from outside the customs has come, his cultivation level is unfathomable. With the help of this great shaman, Bei Beggar has already targeted the Jianghe Gang.In addition, the matter of the martial arts alliance needs to be implemented as soon as possible, so as to avoid long nights and dreams and unexpected changes.

The boat sailed north to Changzhou Prefecture.Changzhou Mansion is the main rudder of the Cao Gang, Qin Shuhuai remembered that the bamboo bars of the Cao Gang had not yet been struck, so he got off the boat excitedly.The Cao Gang had known for a long time that the Giant Whale Gang had been knocked out by Qin Shuhuai for 280 million taels, so they were naturally ready to be slaughtered.

When they arrived at the main helm of the Cao Gang, Cheng Wendong, the leader of the Cao Gang, went out to greet him in person, and it goes without saying that Qin Shuhuai was invited to a grand banquet.During the banquet, Qin Shuhuai unceremoniously offered 400 million taels of "funding" for the Wulin Alliance.After Cheng Wendong listened, he agreed without saying a word.You must know that the Giant Whale Gang was knocked off 280 million taels, and the Cao Gang's income on the canal was more than twice that of the Giant Whale Gang, so their original psychological price was 500 million taels.Qin Shuhuai offered 400 million taels, which was already a great deal of face to the Cao Gang, so Cheng Wendong naturally agreed without hesitation.

Qin Shuhuai and others stayed at the main rudder of the Cao Gang for a day, and Cheng Wendong personally sent Qin Shuhuai to the pier the next day, and did not leave until he boarded the boat, giving Qin Shuhuai enough face.

The trip to the south of the Yangtze River was fruitful, and it can be said that it far exceeded Qin Shuhuai's expectations.

First of all, the cash and bank notes he extorted this time, as well as various jewelry and antiques, add up to no less than 500 million taels of snowflake silver.Here the first 1000 million is given to Chongzhen, and the 500 million is all his own. It can be said that he will not have to worry about the funds of the Jianghe Gang in the next few years.

Secondly, he accidentally became the leader of the White Lotus Sect, and got an intelligence network covering the whole country for free.In addition to the White Lotus Sect, he also brought Huashen, a PepsiCo under his command, so he didn't need to worry too much about intelligence issues in the future.

Again, this time he has collected a large amount of evidence of Donglin party members' corruption. As long as the time is right, he can make these evidence public and launch a wave of fierce public opinion offensive to completely stink the Donglin party!

Other gains are too numerous to mention.For example, Chongzhen has been fighting with the Donglin Party for a long time now, Shaolin eminent monk Zhiren has also been found, and if the coast of Zhejiang is to reopen the sea ban, talents who can act as customs agents have also been found...

In short, the harvest was so full that Qin Shuhuai couldn't hold his tongue from ear to ear just thinking about it.

After staying on the boat for a day or two, I came to Dongchang Mansion in Shandong Province.

The ship will stop in Liaocheng, Dongchang Prefecture for half a day to replenish fresh water supplies.The five of them disembarked, found a restaurant near the pier, and asked for high-class private rooms to eat and drink.

During this day, Zhao Quyou looked sullen, and kept silent while drinking.

Hua Chen couldn't help but said, "Old Zhao, why are you acting like a gourd today? A mouthful of phlegm stuck in your throat?"

Zhao Quyou gave Hua a serious look, and said, "Noisy."

Then he drank by himself.

Only Qin Shuhuai knew what Zhao Quyou was thinking.Among the cities along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Liaocheng is the closest to Songshan Mountain.If Zhao Quyou wanted to go back to Shaolin, he should be in Liaocheng.

However, Zhao Quyou hasn't decided whether to go back to Shaolin or not.

During this journey, Qin Shuhuai always mentioned Shaolin intentionally or unintentionally, and every time Zhao Quyou had a strange expression on his face, thinking that he had already aroused the idea of ​​returning to Shaolin to meet his old friends, but because of various reasons, he could not make up his mind.

After dinner, there was still plenty of time, so Qin Shuhuai excused Hua Shen and the others and sent them to the street to buy some cooked food and bring them back to the boat.

In the private room, only he and Zhao Quyou were left.

Qin Shuhuai poured a cup of tea for Zhao Quyou and said, "Monk Zhao, don't you plan to go home and have a look?"

Knowing that Qin Shuhuai had already guessed his identity, Zhao Quyou smiled bitterly.

"Brother Qin, brother, I want to go back, but I don't know how!"

Qin Shuhuai said lightly, "If Brother Zhao can trust my younger brother, then tell him why, and maybe my younger brother can give you some advice."

He hoped that Zhao Quyou would go back.If Zhao Quyou returns to Shaolin, then he is equivalent to selling Shaolin's favor, and if Zhao Quyou becomes a monk in Shaolin again, then he will gain another layer of relationship in Shaolin, which will be beneficial in the future.Of course, if Zhao Quyou didn't want to go back, there was nothing he could do.

Zhao Quyou drank tea, was silent for a while, and finally said, "The past is too old to look back on! Brother Qin, brother, these things have been kept in my heart for ten years, and I have never mentioned them to anyone. If you listen, don't Joke bro."

"Where did Mr. Zhao go? It's too late for Mr. Qin to admire Mr. Zhao all the way, so why are you joking?"

Zhao Quyou knew that Qin Shuhuai had opened up his heart to him, and he never kept secrets from him along the way, so he had already regarded him as a close friend of Wangnian, and slowly told the story of why he left Shaolin back then.

It turned out that Zhao Quyou, the current Shaolin abbot Zhiyuan, Zhikong and Zhiyun, the head of the Bodhidharma Hall, were brothers. Zhiyuan was the first in kung fu, and Zhao Quyou was the second. After the abbot of Shaolin, Zhao Quyou took over the head seat of the Bodhidharma Academy.However, Zhao Quyou became addicted to gambling on the way down the mountain to deal with disputes in the rivers and lakes, and it has been out of control ever since.Not only did he lose his private money, but he also lost a few pieces of fertile land in Shaolin that he took care of.He felt ashamed and went back to Shaolin, so he wrote a letter to Zhiyun and returned to vulgarity from then on.

Although he asked someone to return the money to Shaolin several years later, he still felt ashamed to face Zhiyuan, so he never set foot in Shaolin until now, and Shaolin Temple couldn't find him everywhere.

Qin Shuhuai couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"I said, Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao, oh no, Master Zhiren, you won't go back to Shaolin just because of this?"

Zhao Quyou stared, and said, "This matter? Do you know the rules and regulations of Shaolin Temple? As the uncle of the disciples, I committed the great crime of greed and insulted the purity of Buddhism. This matter must have spread all over Shaolin now. , what face do I have to go back to Shaolin?"

Qin Shuhuai said, "Old Zhao, let me ask you, now that you have returned to vulgarity, should I call you Old Zhao or Master Zhiren?"

"Of course it's Old Zhao."

"Isn't that enough? Master Zhiren has already returned to vulgarity due to a mistake! You are now Zhao Quyou, the cook of Zuihualou, why not go to Shaolin?"

"This..." Zhao Quyou was stunned, "Impossible. Zhiren has returned to vulgarity, but I am the former Zhiren. If I change my name, I have nothing to do with him? Impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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