East Factory Governor

Chapter 287 Information Network

Chapter 287 Information Network

The moment Qin Shuhuai received the White Lotus Order, he felt as if he had won a Mark Six lottery, and it was the first prize!This is definitely a big surprise!Unexpectedly, when I visited a kiln with Chongzhen, a White Lotus Sect would come to me. It is said that luck can't stop it!

Although the White Lotus Sect is not as tyrannical as the Devil's Sect, there is one thing that is tens of thousands of times stronger than the Devil's Sect, that is, its believers are spread all over the Ming Dynasty and penetrate into all walks of life. The people who teach, and most of these people are die-hard believers, with strong execution ability.what does that mean?This means a powerful and unparalleled intelligence network!
Not even the Demon Sect can do this.Because the Devil's Cult was introduced from the Western Regions, the believers are basically concentrated near Kunlun Mountain, and the core believers gather in Kunlun Mountain for many years to practice martial arts, which is no different from ordinary Jianghu sects.But the White Lotus Sect is different. Its main rudder hardly has many people, and its believers are usually scattered and hidden in all walks of life, all over Daming. This is the premise for it to become an intelligence network!
I really want to come here!Now that I have the all-permeable White Lotus Sect, coupled with Hua Chen, the gossip king of the Jianghu, and a calm and reliable leader, this information network is absolutely top-notch in Daming.

After the ceremony, Qin Shuhuai immediately appointed Elder Yue as the Great Elder of the sect, responsible for handling the daily affairs of the sect.Elder Yue, whose real name is Wu Yue, has been a teacher for 35 years and is highly respected, so there is no objection to letting her take up this position.

In addition, Qin Shuhuai also stipulated that when the leader is away, in case of urgent matters, the five elders shall collectively discuss and make a decision according to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, and the resolution of the elders is the decision of the leader.In this way, it is equivalent to delegating the management of daily educational affairs to the elders, so as not to delay him from doing his own things.

The leader's order is the order of Wusheng's old mother, and everyone immediately accepts the order.

Wu Yue took Qin Shuhuai to a secret house in the manor, and then presented Qin Shuhuai with a stack of thick booklets, saying that it was the roster of the White Lotus Sect members from all over the world.Qin Shuhuai felt that it was inconvenient to carry it with him, so he picked out a roster of the Jiangnan region and a roster of the Sanbian region, and let Elder Yue take care of the others.

At the same time, he said, "Elder Yue, from today onwards, my religion needs to conduct secret monitoring of all sects and government offices in various places. You pass on an order to require believers in all places to report every ten days, and to gather important information from all places to the main helm. At that time, I will send You need to be responsible for this matter, and it must be kept secret and thorough. Especially the person responsible for intelligence collection must be a loyal and reliable person.”

Wu Yue thought for a while and said, "This subordinate must do his best."

Qin Shuhuai heard that there seemed to be difficulties in her words, so he said, "Elder Yue, if there are difficulties, it's okay to say it."

Wu Yue hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Reporting to the leader, it is not difficult to collect information from all over the world, but it is a bit difficult to report every ten days. It is necessary to know that if believers from other places want to report, the road will be long and tortuous, and some may not be able to do it in ten days." Come."

Qin Shuhuai said, "It's okay. For areas with long distances, you can equip several full-time eyeliners. Let them report to the sub-rudder first, then the sub-rudder will gather information, and then report to the next sub-helm that is closer to the main helm. Reduce costs. Each of these informants will be paid five taels of silver a month, and all travel expenses on the road can be reimbursed, and the money will be allocated by the chief rudder."

Wu Yue said more and more embarrassingly, "Master, in this way, my teaching will consume a huge amount of money every month just for this expenditure, and I'm afraid it will not be able to make ends meet."

"Really? How much money is there in the teaching?" Qin Shuhuai asked.

"About 30 taels."

Qin Shuhuai couldn't help but said, "So few?"

Wu Yue said, "My religion believes in lifeless old mothers, and everyone in the world is brothers and sisters. Therefore, all devout believers who have been in the religion for more than five years can apply for relief if they have difficulties in their families. In recent years, there have been frequent natural disasters in various places, and the imperial court has Excessive taxation and extortion, so most of the remaining property in the teaching was dispersed to help those suffering brothers and sisters. Although in recent years, wealthy businessmen and dignitaries who believe in my teaching have continuously increased their donations, and some even donated most of their wealth, but it is still a drop in the bucket..."

Speaking of this, Wu Yue smiled wryly again, and said, "That's why we had no choice but to try to build some industries near the main rudder. Now we have five inns and three restaurants in Jinmen, but the business is not very good. Later I really had no other choice, so I had to try to open a brothel, but I didn’t expect it to be inadvertent. Although the brothel is not popular, the income is always good, and it can help many brothers and sisters who are suffering. I think my mother should not blame us. "

Qin Shuhuai thought, maybe this is also the reason why the White Lotus Sect wants to overthrow the imperial court.To put it bluntly, whether it is the Demon Sect, the White Lotus Sect or ordinary people, if the world is peaceful and everyone has food to eat, they will not do such brain-destroying things.

After pondering for a while, he said again, "Then how much do you estimate the monthly expenditure will reach?"

Wu Yue calculated carefully for a while, and said, "If we want to report every ten days, there must be at least 5000 informants running errands in various places, and the salary alone is 3 taels. Adding in the expenses for the carriage, horses, board and lodging, I'm afraid It costs at least [-] taels a month."

Qin Shuhuai said, "You first build this intelligence network according to the method I just said, and I will ask someone to send the required silver taels. In this way, I will subsidize you with 200 million taels a year, and 50 taels are intelligence funds. You can use the 50 taels to build industries in various places. These industries can make money while serving as our information transfer station, killing two birds with one stone. By the way, since you said that brothels are easy to make money, then you should build more brothels. It is for the livelihood of thousands of brothers and sisters all over the world, and Wusheng mother will not blame us."

At the end of Ming Dynasty, the social polarization was serious, the consumption ability of the rich was astonishing, while the consumption ability of the middle and lower classes was extremely low, so Qin Shuhuai naturally wanted to make money from the rich.At that time, brothels were one of the important places for rich people to consume, so Qin Shuhuai naturally wanted to open brothels.

This brothel will not only open, but also open all over the country until it is monopolized.At that time, I will be the biggest bustard in the country, oh no, Mr. Gui?Ah bah, anyway, he is the biggest brothel boss.

He made up the picture again, is it possible to use Dongguan-style services, 4S service standards and the like?Is it necessary to establish a special training department to improve the service level of "Miss"?By the way, there seem to be many beauties in the White Lotus Sect...

After listening to Qin Shuhuai's words, Wu Yue was immediately surprised and said, "Does the leader support the Jiaozhong with 200 million taels a year? This huge amount of money..."

Qin Shuhuai said, "Elder Yue, you don't have to worry about the money issue. But I can only give it for three years. I hope that after three years, the teaching industry will spread all over the world. At least I can support myself."

Wu Yue immediately burst into tears, and knelt down to worship, "On behalf of the more than [-] brothers and sisters in the whole church, I would like to thank the leader for his great kindness."

"Get up." Qin Shuhuai helped Wu Yue up, and said, "Since I am the leader of the sect, I should do my best for the sect. All of this is just what it should be. Elder Yue doesn't need to worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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