Chapter 261
With the end of the war, Chongzhen began to reward meritorious deeds or punish crimes.Those generals who surrendered in some important passes in Jibei, as long as they did not have time to escape with Huang Taiji, were all arrested.Without exception, these people were sentenced to beheading and ransacking their homes, and their heads were handed down to nine sides.As for the soldiers who surrendered, the old, weak and disabled soldiers will all be sent back to their hometowns, and they will take care of their own lives.The able-bodied soldiers were all scattered and enriched to other armies on the nine sides.

Then there are rewards for meritorious deeds.Meng Wei, Meng Hu, and Li Jingting followed Qin Shuhuai in the South and North Wars, made great military exploits, and all of them received heavy rewards.

Chongzhen gave Meng Wei and Meng Hu the ranks of commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief respectively, and prepared to send them to lead the army in Jibei.However, the two immediately expressed their desire to return to the Jianghe Gang and help Qin Shuhuai lead the troops.Chongzhen chuckled, sure.

With the lessons learned from Meng Wei and Meng Hu, Chongzhen simply did not promote Li Jingting to the official position, and let him take the official position of Deputy Qianhu to lead Tongzhou Jinyiwei for Qin Shuhuai.Li Jingting didn't say anything, and continued to work happily as his deputy Qianhu.

These three people were loyal to Chongzhen and cooperated with Qin Shuhuai tacitly, Chongzhen naturally didn't want to break up their combination.

As for the Guan Ning Army, Zhao Lediao, Zu Dashou, He Kegang and others all received awards, but Yuan Chonghuan was the only one who neither rewarded nor punished.Yuan Chonghuan knew that he had committed the crime of being ineffective as a supervisor, and it was very good for the emperor not to punish him, so he continued to guard his Liaodong with satisfaction.

In a few days, the imperial decree of Qing'er's second-rank order arrived, and Qi's old man was in tears, so there was no need to say more.However, she also vaguely mentioned to Qin Shuhuai about rehabilitating her son Chen Lue.Qin Shuhuai just smiled lightly, saying that he knew it well.

The flourishing Jianghe Gang is recruiting people like a raging fire, and all the gangs are trying their best to rush to repair them, or they have good qualifications.The veteran of Zhuque Hall is the oldest incense master in each hall. Naturally, this guy's method of poaching people is not comparable to that of other halls. In two or three days, he recruited three people who are in the profound realm of great perfection. A person who is above the third level of the Mysterious Tongjing Realm will make other hallucinations red-eyed.The incense masters of the various halls didn't even bother to drink their saliva, and they led teams to select candidates in person, and made troubles in front of Qin Shuhuai several times in order to rob people.

On this day, a guy about 30 years old came to the door of the main helm. He had perfected the Mysterious Realm at a young age, and he looked like an excellent seedling.Originally, all the halls were about to roll up their sleeves to snatch people, but they didn't expect this kid to make a noise to see the gang leader as soon as he arrived at the gate of the main rudder, his arrogance has no bounds.

Now the brothers are impatient, don't you just complete the Xuantong Realm?Come up to see our leader?What kind of character is our gang leader, the one you want to meet?
When he was about to drive away, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed old man.The old Taoist met him at the martial arts conference, and knew that this person seemed to be called Hua Chen.

Yes, it was him, and the gang leader mentioned him several times after he came back.

So he immediately turned around and reported to Qin Shuhuai.

Qin Shuhuai is dizzy with busy work in the study, because in a few days he will go out to help Chongzhen to blackmail everywhere, so these days he seizes the time to deal with official duties non-stop.

But after hearing the old Taoist say that Hua Chen is coming, he immediately put down his pen and said with a smile, "Let this kid in."

When Hua Chen saw Qin Shuhuai, he said dissatisfiedly, "Master Qin, it's been a few days since I've seen such a big event. You don't even invite brothers to the wedding banquet. Is it because you are afraid that you won't be able to make up the money?"

Qin Shuhuai smiled and said, "I went to look for Brother Hua to say goodbye that day, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Because the situation was urgent, I had to go first. I thought that with Brother Hua's free and easy, Qin would come even if he didn't send a wedding invitation. Brother Hua didn't come, I think Brother Hua is blaming Qin for his negligence, but I'm really sorry."

In fact, Qin Shuhuai never went to find Hua Chen at all that day, because he was afraid that Bei Beggar would send someone to hunt him down if he left late, so he left after posting the wedding invitation.But Qin Shuhuai thought that Hua Chen would come to his wedding even if he didn't receive the wedding invitation, which is true.Hua Chen has a thick skin.But to his surprise, Hua Chen really didn't come at that time.

Seeing Qin Shuhuai's sincere apology, Hua Chen felt much less dissatisfied on his face, and said, "Forget it, Hua is not such a small-hearted person. I didn't come for Brother Qin's wedding, but it was delayed by other things." gone."

Qin Shuhuai wanted to trick Shen into the Jianghe Gang.At first, this kid is only 30 years old and he has completed the Mysterious Realm, so he is a talent to be made.This kid is well-informed and quick-witted, so it would be perfect for him to be in charge of the intelligence network in the future.For the Jianghe Gang to develop, a sharp intelligence network is indispensable.However, this guy's brain is a little hard to use, and he often loses things. He needs to find a stable person to assist him to use it.

So he said, "Brother Hua came here this time, did he come here specially to catch up with me or is there something else?"

Hua Chen chuckled, and said, "Accidentally caused some trouble, and I want to come to Brother Qin to avoid the limelight. Brother Qin doesn't have to worry too much, just take care of my three meals a day. Anyway, with Brother Qin's current reputation, I don't think that group of people Don't even dare to come in."

"I only thought of Qin when I got into trouble. Brother Hua is really loyal."

"Hey, Brother Qin, don't be so stingy."

"Then how long are you going to stay?"

"Not long, maybe a year or so."

"Brother Hua wants to come to Qin to spend a year or so, isn't that unreasonable?"

Hua Chen said with a look of contempt, "Brother Qin is really stingy. Your Jianghe gang has a great career, so it's possible that you can lose a few mouthfuls of food like Hua?"

Qin Shuhuai said solemnly, "Back then you ate the overlord's meal in the restaurant, but you ended up chopping firewood all night. Now that you come to Qin to eat the overlord's meal, don't you have the nerve to not do some work for Qin?"

"That's right, tell me, chopping wood or feeding the horses?"

Qin Shuhuai smiled faintly, "Go out and turn right, join the gang first."

Hua Chen refused without thinking, "No, I, Hua Chen, am used to being free and loose, but I can't stand restraint."

Qin Shuhuai said unhurriedly, "Then you go out and turn left, the sky and the earth are big outside, brother Hua can go on a horse and have fun. Qin is busy with business, so he won't accompany brother Hua."

"Brother Qin, you are too unjust, aren't you? Are you really going to die like this?"

"Brother Hua is the one who doesn't fight righteousness!" Qin Shuhuai walked up to Hua Chen and said, "You have a brother on the left and a brother on the right. Where were you when I beat the Tartars and narrowly escaped death? You are now in need of help from the Jianghe Gang! Where are you? Do you think you are chic when you step into the rivers and lakes by yourself? Shit! Didn’t you hide everywhere after being chased? As a man of seven feet, it is unrighteous for you to stand by and watch when your brother is in trouble. Guangzong Yaozu is unfilial, what use do I want you, unfilial and unrighteous brothers? Do you really think Qin can't make friends with anyone?"

Hua Chen was rendered speechless by Qin Shuhuai's scolding, his mouth opened and closed, hesitant to speak.

"Brother Qin, Hua has some reasons for not wanting to join the sect."

 It's three o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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