East Factory Governor

Chapter 249 1 Jiang Chunshui

Chapter 249 A River of Spring Water

"Puff puff!"

The sound of heavy and dull crossbow arrows piercing through the body was one after another. These crossbow arrows were all powerful and heavy. Not only could they easily penetrate the necks of cavalrymen, but they could also forcefully penetrate their armor.

The screams sounded one after another, and Jiannu cavalry fell from their horses one by one, like ducks into the water.

After several waves of crossbow arrows were fired, nearly half of the two hundred Jiannu cavalrymen were lost.

At this time, the water surface of the canal was suddenly full of waves, and countless people in blue broke out from the bottom of the water again, and this time they jumped to the shore.Each of them held a broad-backed long knife and wore a tight-fitting battle suit. The fabric of the battle suit was obviously waterproof. After landing on the shore, the water droplets shook down in the form of beads, and soon dried as new, which did not affect their battle at all.

The slave cavalry were obviously taken aback. They couldn't figure out how these people came here, and how they stayed in ambush underwater for so long without being exposed.

The first group of blue-clothed men to go ashore was more than [-] people. They immediately formed a strange formation, and then rushed to kill the cavalry without saying a word.Many cavalrymen have become their ghosts before recovering from the shock.

Then came the second batch and the third batch, and soon the number of people in blue clothes reached about 250 people.

At this time, the number of slave cavalry had dropped sharply to more than fifty.They tried to charge in a group, but these men in blue were very good at lightness, and the charge of war horses was no threat at all in front of them.

The slave cavalry saw that something was wrong, and immediately withdrew in the direction of the army!

But unfortunately, they met Qin Shuhuai again.When Qin Shuhuai saw Jiannu cavalry running towards him, he naturally wanted to take a wave away, so he swung his long sword and chased and killed more than a dozen more.

The man in blue quickly caught up and met Qin Shuhuai.

One of them came up and cupped his hands, "Your Excellency is the leader of Jianghe Gang Qin?"

Qin Shuhuai saw that their attire was very different from ordinary people, so he probably guessed their identities, returned a salute, and said, "It's my servant. The heroes are the brothers of Sun Moon Sect Qingshuiqi?"

The man in blue said, "Exactly. Next is Lin Yuan, the owner of the Qingshui Banner."

Qin Shuhuai said happily, "Master Lin Banner, it's a pleasure to meet you. The explosion just now was the masterpiece of Brother Guiqi?"

Lin Yuan laughed, and said, "That's exactly what my brother Banner did. I think the leader of the Qin clan wanted to blow up the bridge but couldn't do it, so he had to step in and do it for him. The army of founding slaves is less than ten miles away from here. The situation is urgent, so our banner has no choice but to do it." Make up your own mind, and hope that the Qin clan leader will not blame you."

Qin Shuhuai smiled and said, "How dare you? Brother Guiqi has helped me a lot, and I am very grateful."

I looked at the brothers in Qingshui Banner and saw that there were only about 250 of them, which was half the number that the purple-clothed woman said, so I asked, "A girl in purple clothes from your religion reported to me that there are people in your flag. 500 people came to help, why are only half of them now? Could it be that there was some fierce battle on the road?"

Lin Yuan smiled softly, "Just in case, the other half of the brothers have already gone to blow up another bridge. By the way, the girl in purple clothes that the leader of Qin mentioned is probably my elder Zi, Chu Yun. See you next time, leader Qin If you miss her, please call her elder or aunt."

Qin Shuhuai was taken aback, "So that's the case, but I'm being rude."

Now that 250 people from Qingshui Banner have joined, and the three stone bridges have been bombed, Qin Shuhuai put his mind back on the battlefield.The situation of the Ming army is very bad now, because Jiannu are all cavalry, so if it collapses, the whole army may be wiped out!
After thinking for a while, he immediately said to Lin Yuan, "Master Lin Banner, can you help me to fight back? Our brothers were ambushed by Jian Nu, and the situation is very bad."

Lin Yuan immediately said, "Master Qin, please lead the way, our flag is naturally here to help!"

So, with more than 200 Qingshui Banners, Qin Shuhuai went back again.

This time his goal is very clear, that is to follow Yuetuo!

The number of guards on Yue Tuo's side has increased to 500, and all of these 500 are cavalry, surrounding him densely.

On the battlefield, the situation of the Ming army is very bad.Under the impact of Dorgon's cavalry, the formation of the Ming army was completely chaotic.Nearly half of the two thousand cavalry had been damaged, while the pike infantry had already lost more than half of them under the impact of two rounds of cavalry.The Jianghe Gang also suffered heavy losses, more than 200 of the [-] people lost in the battle, only the Chihuo Banner and Huangtu Banner were slightly better, still maintaining a complete formation and strong combat power.

The Jiannu horsemen had completely gained the upper hand and mastered the rhythm of the battlefield.They formed a group of more than a hundred riders, launching a charge from time to time, stepping on their horseshoes and swiping their sabers. Dozens of Ming soldiers were bound to be killed or injured.Apart from parrying, the Ming army had no power to fight back.

Pi Gou, Lai San'er and others guarded He Kegang and killed him from left to right, blood staining his breasts.He Kegang's eyes were scarlet, and he kept commanding the cavalry to confront the Jiannu cavalry, thinking that the infantry would fight for a chance to regroup, but with little success.

At this moment, a group of people came from the north, like a blue stream flowing into the creek that was about to dry up.

The 250 Qingshui Banner followers formed five large formations, separated at an extremely fast speed, and attacked Yue Tuo's guard camp in five directions.

Seeing this, the [-] horsemen of the Yuetuo Guard Battalion immediately formed a group of fifty cavalry, and a total of five cavalrymen rushed out to the five phalanxes of the Qingshui Banner.It should be said that there is nothing wrong with this approach. How could a cavalry not charge when he saw infantry?

But something unexpected happened to them.

I only heard the flag bearers in each formation in the Qingshui flag shout, "A river of spring water!" Then they waved the command flag several times, and the Qingshui bannermen immediately moved after hearing the order.

After the five cavalry rushed over like five arrows, the five formations of the Qingshui Banner immediately separated at an extremely fast speed. .After the cavalry passed through, they quickly gathered together at an astonishing speed, and the formation was not chaotic at all, and remained the same!

The whole process looked more like an arrow piercing through a puddle of clear water. The water flow first rushed to the four sides and let the cavalry pass through. At most, there was only a little splash, but in the end it quickly returned to calm.

It may seem simple, but anyone who has been on the battlefield knows how difficult it is.The speed of the cavalry sprint is extremely fast. If the general infantry group wants to avoid it, it will inevitably push or trample. It can be said that the cavalry will be chaotic before the infantry arrives. This is why the cavalry tactics are easy to overwhelm the infantry phalanx.In order to be like Qingshuiqi, in addition to practicing day after day, everyone must also have excellent lightness skills!
After dodging the cavalry's impact, Qingshui Banner's five formations rushed to cover Yuetuo immediately.The more than 250 riders around Yue Tuo didn't dare to charge anymore, if they charged again, there would be no one around Yue Tuo!
(End of this chapter)

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