East Factory Governor

Chapter 246 By the canal, under the clear bridge

Chapter 246 By the canal, under the clear bridge

Both He Kegang and Wang Ning's expressions changed.

Wang Ning said, "So, if we go to blow up the bridge, will they be ambushed by them?"

He Kegang thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "The main force of building slaves is only [-] in total, and the cavalry survived by [-] to [-]. It is impossible for Huang Taiji to send all the cavalry here? If that is the case, then we will take the army to blow up the bridge. In short, we can’t let Jiannu pass over the bridge!”

Qin Shuhuai nodded and said, "General He is right. No matter how much we pay, we will destroy those three bridges. They must not be allowed to cross the bridges!"

He Kegang immediately said, "Send the order, the whole army gathers!"

There was a burst of drumming in the city. Except for the more than 1000 guards at the top of the city, the remaining nearly 500 defenders were all assembled soon.Among them were nearly [-] cavalry (more than [-] were brought by He Kegang from Yutian), and [-] infantry.

Without further ado, He Kegang personally led the troops out of the city.

Qin Shuhuai also selected a thousand of the strongest soldiers from the troops he brought, and went out of the city together with He Kegang.

5000 people marched along the canal towards the first bridge, Shangqing Bridge, which is only five miles away from Hexiwu.After the army arrived at Shangqing Bridge, they were not stopped by anything, and immediately blew up the bridge with gunpowder.

Then, the army continued to move forward and drove to Xiaqing Bridge, about fifteen miles away from Hexiwu.After marching for more than a quarter of an hour, the spies ahead reported that they found many messy horseshoe marks on the ground.

The army immediately changed its formation.Two thousand infantry formed five horse-rejection formations, each with 400 men.The cavalry is divided into four groups, each with five hundred riders.The infantry continued in formation against horses, while the cavalry followed them a mile behind.

Qin Shuhuai's 1000 people quickly divided into two groups, about 400 people from Chihuo Banner and Huangtu Banner formed one group, and they formed their own formation.The remaining 600 people followed Qin Shuhuai and walked on the right flank of the army.

The army slowed down and proceeded cautiously.Jin Yiwei and Ma Shaoti rode out everywhere, searching for the location of the Jiannu army.

When it was three miles away from Xiaqing Bridge, a firework rose one mile northwest of the army, which represented the enemy's situation.

The horse sentry found the slave army!
"The whole army is ready!" He Kegang gave an order!
The horsemen in the rear stopped.

Then several sentry horses ran forward quickly to convey orders to the infantry.

"The whole army is ready!"

With an order, I only heard a burst of rhythmic voices.

"Crack clap!"

The five horse refusal formations were immediately launched on the spot.In the square formation, the outer circle is surrounded by shield soldiers, who are strong and strong to slow down the impact of horses.And behind them are all spearmen.Long spears that were two or three meters long protruded from the gaps in the shield, densely packed like hedgehogs.

Qin Shuhuai was with these infantrymen, and after watching it, he couldn't help admiring, Yuan Chonghuan is really good at training soldiers!

The army was less than three miles away from the Xiaqing Bridge. If Jiannu wanted to defend the Xiaqing Bridge, he would definitely not let the Ming army go any further, so an encounter had to be fought.

"Boom! Rumble!"

The ground trembled violently, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

After a while, bursts of yellow smoke rose up ahead.

Qin Shuhuai led the people to hide behind the horse rejection formation, and then drew out the Qingquan sword.

Glancing at the people of Chihuo Banner and Huangtu Banner, Qin Shuhuai couldn't help being curious, seeing that they didn't dodge: they don't have shields or spears, how can they resist the cavalry?
"Da da da, da da da!"

The sound of hooves became more and more clear.In the blink of an eye, a mass of cavalry appeared in everyone's sight!In terms of quantity, it is roughly estimated that there are at least three thousand giants!

The three thousand cavalry soldiers were divided into three groups and rushed straight in three directions!The horses rushing to the front are all very tall, and all of them are equipped with heavy armor, and the cavalry on horseback are also equipped with heavy armor and long spears.

The cavalry is equipped with long spears, which is the experience gained by Hou Jin in the long-term battle with the Ming army.Because to deal with the refusal formation, if you use a saber, it is difficult to cut down the soldiers hiding behind the shield, but you can stab down condescendingly with a spear.However, there are not many such cavalry equipped with long spears. They are specially equipped for breaking the horse formation. Generally, only the hundreds of cavalry rushing to the front will use long spears. The other post-golden cavalry still use traditional sabers.

The Jiannu cavalry from the north, the west, and the northwest came roaring like three Li Xian arrows.

A thousand cavalry soldiers from the north direction rushed forward first, and had a fierce confrontation with the two horse refusal formations in front of the army.Dozens of heavily armed horses leapt up one after another trying to get over the shields on the outer edge of the horse-repelling array under the fast run-up.Countless spears of the Ming army came out, knocking down many horses.After the horses fell, the horse soldiers who fell were naturally quickly stabbed into a hornet's nest.

However, the slave cavalry swarmed up at an extremely fast speed, and the spearmen had no time to deal with them one by one.Soon, many war horses jumped into the formation, trampling around with their iron hooves, causing chaos in the repelling horse formation, and the rear golden cavalry on the horses waved their spears with cold light, and many soldiers of the Ming army died under the guns.But these post-golden cavalry didn't have to be arrogant for long. Soon the Ming army reacted and rushed up one after another, turning them into a hornet's nest.

The slave cavalry are still leaping in, and every horse that leaps in can cause a certain impact on the formation.And as more and more slave cavalry arrived, they started another tactic, which was to attack the shield soldiers surrounding the horse refusal formation.Some well-trained heavy horses rushed to the back, first raised their front hooves over the shield, and slammed down towards the shield soldiers behind the shield, and then the cavalry on the horse quickly stabbed at the shield soldiers.

Under the continuous impact, the shield soldiers couldn't stop it!Several gaps were opened in the horse-rejection formation, and the slave cavalry poured in from the gap like a torrential flood.

Several other horse refusal formations met a similar fate.Simply put, the Resisting Horse Array did not stop Jiannu's cavalry soldiers!At this time, all the horse-resisting formations have been broken, and the infantry of the Ming army can only fight head-on with the Jiannu cavalry!

Shouting, fighting, roaring, howling and groaning were intertwined. Countless soldiers of the Ming army fell on the banks of the canal forever in order to guard their homeland!
However, none of the soldiers of the Guan Ning Army escaped. Even though the situation was worse than expected, they still chose to fight to the death!

Qin Shuhuai only ordered more than 600 of his men to join the battle after all the Jiannu cavalry rushed over, otherwise his [-] people would have been wiped out by the cavalry.

Qin Shuhuai held the Qingquan sword in his hand, the blood spattered by the long sword for ten steps, and frantically harvested the heads.Pi Gou and Lai San'er followed closely on his left and right sides.Now, with the help of the full version of Yi Jin Jing and system pills, these two people have already reached the first level of Xuantong Realm, and Pigou has even touched the door of Xiaocheng Realm, and it is estimated that they will be promoted soon. powerful.The three formed a terrifying harvesting machine, blood flowed everywhere it passed, stumps and heads flew everywhere.However, killing cavalry requires a lot of physical strength and energy. Not only do you have to avoid the impact of the horse, but you also need to raise your energy when you draw your sword. It is more time-consuming and laborious than killing infantry, and it is a great test of their long-lasting combat ability.

More than half of the Chihuo Banner and Huangtu Banner were lost in the first battle of Hengling, and now there are still about 400 people in total. They first avoided the cavalry attack in a strange formation, and now they have become two triangular formations. The place where the cavalry is most dense is rampant.Although their combat power is far stronger than that of the infantry of the Ming army, it is far less convenient for them to deal with the cavalry than the infantry.

Although the Ming army had Qin Shuhuai leading people to help them out, they still couldn't change the general situation. Two thousand infantry could not compete with three thousand Jiannu iron cavalry at all, and they were quickly defeated.

Yue Tuo stood a mile away and watched all this coldly, a conceited smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.At this moment, the Great Khan is leading an army from Xianghe, and if he marches quickly, he can arrive in less than an hour!As long as the Ming army here can be eliminated, the Ming army will no longer be able to threaten Xiaqingqiao.Once the army crosses the river, the raid can be declared a success!
(End of this chapter)

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