Chapter 240
Trail exit.

The heavy snow remained unabated, and the north wind continued to howl.On the ground, enough snow has accumulated to bury the feet.

Cheng Kai moved the tent to a place one mile away from the exit of the trail, so that it was convenient to monitor every move there.

Yuan Chonghuan left him to continue to garrison at the crossing of the trail, just to prevent Jiannu from attacking east and west—even though this possibility seemed extremely small to the generals.

Cheng Kai was not afraid that Jiannu would really attack the west, because Yuan Dushi's army was just ten miles away.Ten miles away, even if the main force of slave building really appeared here, I could delay it for a while with these 500 people, and I could wait until Governor Yuan came back to kill.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and it was night again, and it was impossible to see things even one meter away.

Cheng Kai had no choice but to send someone to guard directly in the woods beside the path, monitoring by listening to the sound.

He didn't know that on a hill a mile or two away from him, a long black shadow was groping down the hill.

Hengling is composed of countless continuous mountains. In theory, if Jiannu abandoned his horses and luggage, he could go down the mountain from anywhere.Cheng Kai had only 500 men, so it was naturally impossible to station soldiers on every hill.

Under the cover of heavy snow, strong wind and night, these black shadows descended the mountain calmly, and although they were only one mile away from Cheng Kai's camp, they were not exposed at all.

There were more and more black shadows, and soon about 2000 people gathered.

Among the 2000 people, there were nearly [-] crossbowmen, [-] Ba Yala soldiers, and [-] pikemen.Almost all the crossbowmen, baya soldiers and pikemen of Hou Jin were concentrated here.

The 2000 people divided into two groups and quietly moved towards Cheng Kai's camp.

In the howling wind, the sound of their stepping on the snow was easily covered up.

The 2000 people quickly found out that they were only tens of meters away from the camp, and only then were they discovered by a few Ming soldiers patrolling the periphery.These soldiers immediately shouted a few times, but a gust of wind blew past, and their shouts were immediately blown away without a trace.

"Puff! Puff!" Several Ba Yala soldiers rushed up and killed the patrolling soldiers with just a few knives.

Continue to approach, disperse, and encircle, everything is going on under the noses of the soldiers of the Ming army.However, due to the heavy snow and strong wind, the camp where the Ming army was stationed did not light a bonfire. There were only a few dilapidated lanterns, faintly glowing in the wind.

Therefore, the Ming army was unaware of it.

This is destined to be a perfect sneak attack.

Then, more than a dozen dazzling flares suddenly lifted into the air, and then there were deafening shouts of killing around the camp.

When the Ming army recovered from the shock, they found themselves surrounded!

Of the 70 Ming troops, apart from 50 or [-] people serving as horse posts to patrol outside, because the weather was too bad, most of them hid in the snow in their camps, and only [-] or [-] people were actually on duty outside the camp.

Thus began a massacre.

After the flare was lifted into the air, the 50 people on duty outside the camp were instantly shot into hedgehogs by Houjin's crossbowmen.Then, the Hou Jin soldiers were divided into dozens of groups, each with 40 to [-] people, and the group was equipped with Bala soldiers, spearmen, and crossbowmen, and they went to each camp to kill.

The tactics are simple.The crossbowmen first shot a random crossbow into the tent, and then the Ba Yala soldiers entered the tent, while the pikemen waited outside. If any soldiers of the Ming army escaped from the tent by chance, they would immediately step forward and stab them to death.

The roars and screams suddenly rang out, but they were immediately swept away by the howling north wind.

The massacre lasted for more than half a quarter of an hour, and finally dozens of Ming soldiers escaped and stepped on their horses.

But it didn't help.Soon a group of pikemen rushed up, pierced the horses, and then stabbed the soldiers who fell off the horses to death.

Cheng Kai rushed out of the camp, and saw that there were densely packed slave soldiers outside.

He knows something is wrong!Jiannu is really trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain!

He was startled and confused.If Jiannu was to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, then the supervisor should have discovered it immediately after he led the troops there. Why hasn't he come back yet?
But now is not the time to hesitate, he immediately asked two personal guards to find the horse, and then immediately reported it to the supervisor.However, as soon as he gave the order, the two personal guards were hit by several crossbows, and immediately fell to the ground and died!

Cheng Kai was hit by an arrow, knowing that the situation was over, but he still drew his sword and rushed to kill a Jiannu soldier in front.As soon as he took two steps, he saw three or four Bala soldiers surrounding him.

"Ding dong!"


Cheng Kai only resisted for a few rounds before his head flew up!

Outside the camp, several horse posts saw that the faces of the camp changed drastically, and they immediately turned their horses and ran towards the northeast, wanting to notify Yuan Chonghuan.

After running a few steps, the horse suddenly tripped over something and fell heavily to the ground.

Before they came back to their senses, dozens of slave soldiers arrived and surrounded them...

Seeing this, the rest of the Ming Army sentries no longer dared to pass by the nearest avenue, and turned around one after another, choosing to take a detour.But in the dark night of the blizzard, the detour not only means that the road to Yuan Chonghuana will be longer, but also means that the probability of them getting lost is greatly increased.

At the same time, at the exit of the path, countless post-golden horse soldiers led their horses and came out of the path against time.

one, two...

ten, one hundred...

Every golden horse soldier who came out was immediately fully armed and stepped on the horse.

It seems that God also thinks that the golden energy is not exhausted. At this time, the heavy snow suddenly becomes smaller, and the north wind is not so violent.

Ten miles away, Yuan Chonghuan was still carrying out this hearty massacre.

Six thousand cavalry raged and trampled on the snow, and one after another the slave soldiers fell to the ground.These founding soldiers seemed to have lost the courage to resist, and they could not withstand the impact of cavalry more than ever.

The ground was densely covered with thick corpses, and the white blood was dyed red. Under the glare of the flares, it looked like a blood-colored rose blooming, which was spectacular.

The Houjin soldiers on the mountain did not dare to come down again, and hid in the mountain one after another.The Houjin soldiers at the foot of the mountain screamed and climbed up the mountain desperately.

After another quarter of an hour, Hou Jinbing left countless corpses, all of which shrank to the mountain.

Yuan Chonghuan naturally would not let the cavalry go up the mountain to attack, so he ordered the attack to stop.

In this battle, Guan Ning's iron cavalry lost more than [-], and the loss of Houjin's "main force" reached more than [-] by visual estimation.The battle loss ratio of one to seven has created a record for all the battles between the Ming army and the Hou Jin since the Hou Jin army started.

Yuan Chonghuan drove the Jiannu "army" back to the mountains, and his goal has been achieved.As long as they can be trapped in the mountains, Jiannu can't last long under the conditions of extreme cold and little food.

When the imperial army gathers in Hengling, it will be the time when Jiannu will be destroyed.

Yuan Chonghuan immediately ordered that there be one sentry post three li at the foot of Yanhengling, with fifty cavalry each for a total of twenty sentry posts, and the surveillance area spanned sixty li.Under such harsh conditions, even if Jiannu could run, he would never run sixty miles overnight. Yuan Chonghuan wanted to prevent Jiannu from going down the mountain again.

Immediately a thousand cavalry led out and fired whistle everywhere within a range of [-] miles below the foot of Hengling.

Meng Wei has been by Yuan Chonghuan's side all the time, seeing with his own eyes that Guan Ning's iron cavalry defeated the army of founding slaves, his blood is boiling at this moment.

I thought to myself, how can I collapse with Master Qin and Dushi Yuan as two Optimus Primes?

After [-] years, the golden iron cavalry has assembled!
Huang Taiji finally swallowed his heart back into his stomach.

At this time, even if Yuan Chonghuan came back, he would definitely not be able to stop the army from going out!

(End of this chapter)

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