Chapter 206

Qin Shuhuai walked up to the stage, clasped his fists at everyone, and said loudly, "Heroes, heroes, please listen to the next sentence!"

The bustling banquet scene immediately fell silent, and everyone turned their attention to today's protagonist, Qin Shuhuai.

Qin Shuhuai picked up a glass of wine and said, "First of all, Qin would like to express his sincere gratitude to all the heroes who came here and participated in my wedding! This glass, I respect all the heroes present!"

After all, I drank it all in one gulp.Many people cheered loudly and had a drink with them.

Qin Shuhuai picked up the second glass of wine and said, "This second glass of wine, I want to respect all the brothers of the Jianghe Gang! Thank you for following me through life and death, fighting bloody battles! I also want to respect those brothers who died, thank you, With blood and courage, the Jianghe Gang is what it is today! Brothers, living or dead, I want to thank you all. It is because of you that our Jianghe Gang is a courageous and responsible sect. It is precisely because of you , I, the Jianghe Gang, do not disgrace the word 'chivalry', and it is because of you that I have the confidence and courage to pursue my dream!"

Speaking of this, Qin Shuhuai's eyes turned red.This was not deliberately sensational, but at this moment he thought of countless dead Jianghe Gang brothers, and those familiar faces were always lingering in front of his eyes.Under the influence of alcohol, this sadness is worse than usual.

All Jiang He gang members present had their noses ache, and some even burst into tears on the spot.Fortunately, others dissuaded him and quietly reminded him that it was the gang leader's wedding, so he held back.

After toasting with two glasses of wine, Qin Shuhuai had naturally led the topic to the direction he wanted to talk about.

"Heroes, I believe many people would like to know, what is the ideal I am talking about? What exactly does my Jianghe Gang want to do? Today, I take this opportunity to tell you openly and honestly! , is nothing more than four words!"

The scene became more and more silent, and everyone looked at Qin Shuhuai expectantly.What Qin Shuhuai said is correct, everyone came here, the purpose of many people is to see what kind of gang the Jianghe Gang is, and what do they want to do after they have suddenly emerged?
This is related to the future pattern of martial arts!

With a sudden wave of Qin Shuhuai's big hand, he saw a huge red silk cloth hanging down from the beam behind him.When everyone took a closer look, they saw four golden, powerful characters written on it.

Back to prosperity!

These four simple words shocked many people.

Prosperity, what a familiar word these are!But since the end of Wanli, these two words seem to have become more and more distant, right?

Many old people here looked at the word "prosperous age", and their consciousness seemed to have returned to 40 years ago.

At that time, it was the early years of Wanli, and signs of ZTE were everywhere in the ruling and opposition parties. Under the leadership of the first assistant Zhang Juzheng, he rectified the administration of officials, taxation, and water management internally, and appointed famous generals such as Qi Jiguang to pacify the coastal pirates and the northerners. Captives.At that time, the real treasury was abundant, the corvee was light and the tax was light, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. It was really a sign of ZTE.

Similarly, the days of the martial arts sects were really easy at that time!Light corvee allows the people to have time and mind to cultivate. The cultivated lands belonging to each sect are not only fully rented every year, but also have a bumper harvest every year. The rent alone is enough for everyone to live a nourishing life.Coupled with the fact that the common people are rich, and there are countless people who come to learn art in addition to food and clothing, which school is not full of recruits every year?The offerings from the disciples, plus the regular donations from the rich and the squires, these incomes made the sects relentless in collecting them!At that time, the life of people in the martial arts was called life. How could there be so many disputes in the martial arts?Even if there are some small conflicts, as long as you invite the famous sect to mediate, there will be nothing that cannot be resolved.

How is it like now?If you disagree, you will fight. Today I will kill your whole family, and tomorrow I will kill your whole family. Everything is messed up!How can there be chivalry in this martial arts nowadays?Some are just the word "profit"!To put it bluntly, what is everyone fighting for?Isn't it just to make your sect's life better!The two factions are fighting, no matter how righteous you say, you can't escape the essence of "people make money and birds die for food"!Everyone knows this well, but they just don't want to say it!
Among the heroes present, they are basically the heads of various sects or elders, law enforcement officers, and hall masters. Feeling very deep.

"Wanli Zhongxing" generally refers to the first ten to fifteen years of Emperor Wanli's reign.How far was "ZTE" at that time?Not only has internal and external troubles been quelled, but the domestic commodity economy has flourished unprecedentedly, and scientific masters have emerged one after another. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is all over the world.At that time, the treasury's silver and food reserves were enough to cover even ten years of disasters. This was something that had never happened in the later Qing Dynasty.It is also because of this credit book that Emperor Wanli was able to sit firmly on his dragon chair even though he had not been in court for decades.

If the common people live well, the Wulin sects will naturally live well, this truth is very obvious.Therefore, the banner that Qin Shuhuai wants to raise is simply four words: return to the prosperous world!

This is the slogan he shouted, and it can also be regarded as his core political proposition!He chose these four words as his slogan after careful consideration!
Nowadays, there are constant disputes in the martial arts world, and various sects are fighting each other seriously. Fundamentally speaking, it is because of the turmoil in the world that the various sects are having a hard time.Everyone is short of money and food, so they will naturally think of grabbing some from other places.In this way, those small sites that were not worth mentioning in the past are regarded as big by everyone. Once disputes arise, it is easy to misfire.And once the battle starts, there will be hatred on top of hatred, grievances will be retaliated endlessly, it's no wonder that the martial arts is not chaotic!
But if life can pass, who would like to fight like this?Although everyone is from the martial arts world, who doesn't have a family, wife and children?If you want to say that someone likes the days when you put your head on your trouser belt and lick blood from the knife edge, it is unless that person is a lunatic!
So it is everyone's dream to return to the prosperous age and let everyone live a beautiful life like before!
Qin Shuhuai recognized this point, so he put forward this slogan concisely!This slogan is similar to the slogan "Make a certain country great again" put forward by a business tycoon when he was running for president in a superpower on the previous earth-of course he didn't know that the tycoon had really become the president now.

Of course, it is not difficult for a slogan to be recognized by everyone, but the difficulty is to convince everyone that he can achieve all this.

So he said again, "Heroes, nowadays there are constant disputes in the martial arts world, and various sects are attacking each other and fighting endlessly. Tao! And what is the cause of all this? Why did we live in peace before, but not now?"

(End of this chapter)

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