East Factory Governor

Chapter 145 Creating something out of nothing

Chapter 145 Creating something out of nothing (second update)

On the second day of November, night.

Qin Shuhuai woke up in a violent jolt, and found himself lying on a wheelbarrow, covered with several layers of thick blankets.

His mind was still blank, for a moment he couldn't remember why he was here, just like when he just crossed into this world.

The starry sky in this world is bright and deep. Looking at the stars all over the sky, it seems like a lifetime away.

After a long time, his consciousness finally gradually recovered.After going through the memories before coma in his mind, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be important things to do after capturing Luo Wenyu, so he sat up abruptly.

The little soldier pushing the wheelbarrow was startled suddenly, and shouted in surprise and joy, "Master Qin, are you awake?!"


Qin Shuhuai touched his swollen head and responded casually.

The little soldier shouted excitedly, "Master Qin is awake, Master Qin is awake!"

"Master Qin is awake!"

"Master Qin is alive!"

One by one, the soldiers communicated in extremely excited voices. Under the light of the fire, everyone's faces were filled with uncontrollable joy.

Qin Shuhuai, a thousand households of Jin Yiwei, led three masters, first rescued everyone from the ambush of the Tartars, and then fought to the death with four enemies, and miraculously guarded the side gate for the army. Who doesn't admire our heroes?
The little soldier pushing the wheelbarrow is particularly proud.When Lord Qin fell down, many veterans said that he was going to die, but he insisted that he would definitely survive.why?Because Mr. Qin is a divine soldier sent from heaven.He came to save Daming, so how could he die?At that time, those veterans still laughed at themselves as fools, but now that they are well, Mr. Qin really came back to life, looking back, they have nothing to say.

In the past, everyone was afraid of the Tartars, thinking that the Tartar army was like evil spirits, unstoppable by ordinary soldiers.But this time God opened his eyes, you have evil spirits, and I have magic soldiers.When an evil spirit encounters a magic soldier, isn't that the fate of being captured obediently?Did you see that just four magic soldiers can resist thousands of Tartar demons.With the protection of such divine soldiers, are we still afraid of him getting a ball?

Soon after, a healthy horse came up, Qin Shuhuai took a closer look, but it was Zhao Lvjiao.

Zhao Lijiao asked with concern, "Qin Qianhu, is your injury better?"

Qin Shuhuai tried to use his zhenqi, but the flow of zhenqi was relatively smooth, and it seemed that there was nothing serious about it.Most of the wounds I suffered this time were skin traumas. I have the extremely mellow Yi Jin Jing Zhen Qi as a base, and my body is naturally much stronger than ordinary people. In addition, the efficacy of the system's medicines is several times higher than that of the real world, so the injuries are healed. It's also fast.As for the poison of the poisonous arrow, I remember that before I bought the antidote, I systematically analyzed it and said it was snake venom. It is relatively common, and an antidote pill should be enough to dispel it.Even if there are still remnants, I can use my internal force to force it out casually.

So he nodded and said, "It's much better." After a pause, he asked again, "How are Meng Wei, Meng Hu and Li Jingting?"

Zhao Ratejiao sighed and said, "Brother Meng Hu is fine. It's just that Meng Wei and Li Jingting may not make it through tonight."

Qin Shuhuai also sighed, thinking that it seems that he has to buy medicine from the system again, and pretend to be an old Chinese doctor handed down from his ancestors.If this continues, I don't know when I will be able to save 1 points to buy top-quality exercises.

So he clicked on the system, entered the mall, and glanced at the chivalrous point below.

"6500 points?!"

Hey, why are there so many left?
I originally had 4100 points left, but I bought Jiedu Pills, Zhonggu Yuandan and Zhihe Sanhua and spent 1000 points. Logically, there should be 3100 points left, right?Quickly opened the task list and looked at it, and then suddenly realized.It turned out that I had completed hidden missions both for rescuing Zhao Liaojiao and capturing Luo Wenyu. The former received 800 reward points, while the latter received 1600 reward points!
Seeing this, Qin Shuhuai felt much better. He bought two Jiedu Pills and two Zhonggu Yuan Pills in the system, and spent a total of 1600 points.Originally, I wanted to buy a hemostatic drug, but after thinking about it this time, the two of them should also stop the bleeding, so I saved it.

After asking the soldiers on the side to deliver the medicine, Qin Shuhuai chatted with Zhao Liaojiao about serious matters.

"General Zhao, are we going to Da'ankou as planned?"

Zhao Ratejiao nodded and said, "That's right, in another hour or so, we will almost reach the Da'ankou area."

Qin Shuhuai said, "It's better to be faster, and then the momentum can be bigger."

Zhao led the education with a wry smile, "Qin Qianhu, do you know how difficult this mountain road is? You also know that my four thousand soldiers rushed from Shanhaiguan, first marched for three days and nights, and then conquered Luowenyu City overnight, and repaired it in the city. In less than two hours, they immediately marched to Da'ankou, although the morale of the soldiers is high, they are not made of steel."

Qin Shuhuai smiled apologetically after listening, and said, "What the general said is very true, I am too eager."

"It's okay, Qin Qianhu is brave and loyal to the country, I really admire it! I have sent someone to send a victory report to the imperial court, and Qin Qianhu will make the first contribution to this battle!"

Qin Shuhuai smiled softly, "General Zhao, you are being polite. This battle is the result of our Ming soldiers' bloody struggle, and the first contribution should be made by the entire army."

At this time, another person came up from behind, riding a horse, and said with a shrill smile, "Hehe, Qin Qianhu is too modest."

Qin Shuhuai saw that it was Li Decheng, the supervisor, so he bowed his hands at him, "I've seen Supervisor Li."

Li Decheng stretched out his hands on the horse's back, as if he was about to come up to support him, and said repeatedly, "Oh, Mr. Qin, lie down quickly! Don't treat the old brother as an outsider!"

Ever since Li Decheng risked beheading the last time and agreed to the army's attack on Luo Wenyu, Qin Shuhuai had a good impression of this middle-aged eunuch.There are many eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty left in the annals of history, but most people only know the bad eunuchs like Wei Zhongxian and Wang Zhen, but few know that there are also many loyal and good eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty.

Li Decheng asked again, "Qin Qianhu, General Zhao, just now I heard you say that when you enter the Da'ankou area, you want to be a little louder?"

Qin Shuhuai said, "That's right, does Supervisor Li have some tricks? I'll listen carefully."

Li Decheng chuckled, and said, "Our family can come up with some tricks, it's just a child's trick. If you tell Qin Qianhu and General Zhao, don't make fun of our short-sightedness."

Zhao Ledjiao's attitude towards Li Decheng has also changed a lot since the incident last time, and he said politely, "Supervisor Li should not be too modest, Zhao will listen all the time."

Li Decheng said, "That's it, our family will talk about it. Our family thought, if each of the soldiers is allowed to hold more torches, such as two for each person, will the momentum be greater from a distance?"

Qin Shuhuai and Zhao Ratejiao looked at each other after hearing this, and then said in unison, "A brilliant plan!"

Li Decheng laughed again when he heard it, "You two adults are joking. If you want to talk about a clever plan, Master Qin's 'creating something out of nothing' is a clever plan!"

All three of them laughed.

Zhao Ledjiao immediately said to the guards beside him, "Pass the order, the army will stop where it is, and make torches from nearby materials. Each soldier must hold at least two torches in his hands."

A moment later, five thousand troops, holding more than 1 torches, rushed towards Da'ankou!
Qin Shuhuai was lying on the wheelbarrow with his legs crossed, looking at the bright starry sky, feeling extremely comfortable in his heart.

Huang Taiji, can you calm down now?

(End of this chapter)

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