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Chapter 2 Into the mountains, nothing? !

Chapter 2 Into the mountains, nothing? ! (For collection, for recommendation)
The next day

There are still three days before the food is eaten.

Xu Changming was not so stupid that he really waited until the day when he ran out of ammunition and food before starting to struggle.

After successfully practicing "drawing the sword and chopping" yesterday, he knew that it was time for him to enter the mountain!

So without any hesitation, he officially started his plan today, three days before he ran out of food.

"The remaining three days of food give myself a chance to buffer. If I don't hunt enough food for the time being, I won't starve myself to death."

He brought the hatchet used for practicing exercises, a big black old cloth bag, two bamboo tubes, one filled with water, the other filled with cooked rice, and several hunting traps that he had learned from Old Li Tou.

Xu Changming entered the mountain alone!


In Zhenglin Village, a remote mountain village, the villagers only rely on farming for their survival, without any other redundant industries.

In the absence of start-up capital and no external foundation.

Xu Changming has only two ways to get food.

One is farming, and the other is hunting!
Next to Zhenglin Village, there is a big mountain named "Laoya Mountain", which is named after its shape resembling a duck.

Laoya Mountain has dense forests and rich species, and a large number of wild animals live there.

Many villagers of Zhenglin Village would occasionally go to Laoya Mountain to hunt some wild game for tooth-making sacrifices, or to subsidize their families.

Wild animals are of great value, their meat is rich in energy and a lot of protein.

"I practice every day, and my body needs a lot of energy. I usually only have white rice and some wild vegetables. The energy provided by these clear soups and water is really limited, which not only reduces the efficiency of my cultivation, but also affects my current physical development. unfavorable."

"Meat is rich in energy and protein, whether it is for my daily practice or physical development, it is an excellent supplement!"

Their fur can be made into one of the favorite luxuries of dignitaries, "fur coats"!
"Sell these animal furs, you can get a lot of money, and the money can be used to buy food!"

"It's really a double win!"

For Xu Changming now, hunting in the mountains seems to be the most favorable choice at present.

It can not only supplement food, but also exchange fur for money, and then money can be exchanged for money and food.

At the same time, it is the only way I can think of to quickly solve my food shortage problem!

"I must hunt the prey, and then slowly, step by step, make my life better and better!"

Walking in the deep mountains and old forests, Xu Changming glanced around expectantly, observing the movement around him all the time.

Since the account of the golden finger, his body and soul have been greatly improved every day.

Now it's just a glance in front of his eyes, a movement of his ears, and every movement in the forest cannot escape his control.

After half an hour.

"No, there are insects and birds singing all around here, and there is no trace of other animals." Shaking his head, he looked around in disappointment.

He could hear all the movement within a ten-meter radius, and it was very quiet along the way, without any trace of animal activity.

There is no way, the periphery of Laoya Mountain has been raided many times by the villagers of Zhenglin Village, and the chances of finding prey here are very small.

"It seems that I have to search in the depths before I can gain something!"

After identifying the direction, Xu Changming walked towards the depths of Laoya Mountain without any hesitation.


Deep in Laoya Mountain

"Another squirrel?!"

Looking at the gray and yellow flower squirrels jumping up and down on the tree, Xu Changming shook his head in disappointment, ignored it and continued to explore.

Since entering the depths of the mountain forest, more and more animal traces appeared around.

He also met a few squirrels, but since he had no means of long-range attack, he could only sigh in dismay. Moreover, squirrels, small animals with no meat all over their bodies, were not worth his effort.

"This kind of thing that is not proportional to the reward is really unnecessary!"

But he didn't really do nothing. He put the few small traps on his body on some fresh animal activity traces, and kept them as a backup, hoping that he would not be empty-handed today. return.

Time passed slowly, and the forest became more and more sweltering.

an hour later

As the sun in the sky is getting hotter and hotter, Xu Changming has gotten nothing so far, which inevitably makes him a little discouraged.

But he quickly cleared up his emotions.

"Old Li told me long ago that it is impossible to get something every time from hunting, but if I don't persevere, there will be no rewards!"

As he walked forward while thinking, at this moment, a clear voice came from the front.

"Whoa... whoa..."

"It's the sound of running water!"

Xu Changming, who was a little depressed at first, immediately became excited.

He walked quickly, passed through the trees, and his eyes lit up instantly.

Moss talc, water gurgling, is a brook!
"It's a stream! It's great!"

"According to what Old Li said, there are usually large animals coming to the water source. I can stay here and "wait for the rabbit"!"

Seeing a small stream here, Xu Changming immediately chose a big tree nearby.

He stretched out his arms and jumped onto the tree trunk, hiding his body among the lush leaves.

It was natural, without a trace of flaws.

Water is a necessary condition for the survival of life, and the presence of a stream here means that a large number of animals will come here to drink water.

And the large animals he was looking forward to had a high chance of appearing as well.

Thinking of this, Xu Changming couldn't help being excited!
From the beginning to the end, his goal in entering the mountain was large animals, such as: wild boars, wild wolves, foxes, pangolins...

There are two reasons!
The first one: he needs a huge amount of energy every day. If he wants to have enough nutrition and supply the energy needed for long-term cultivation, only large animals can meet his needs.

Small animals like squirrels are only possible unless they can catch more than a dozen at once!
So can he catch a dozen squirrels at once?At present, there is no possibility!
So instead of wasting time on this impossible goal, it is better to clarify the goal from the beginning and put all your energy on the "big animal"!
The second is his attack style!
Xu Changming didn't have long-distance attacks, the only thing he could rely on was his extraordinary physical strength, and he was very confident in his close combat ability.

"I don't believe there is any animal that can stop it. My terrifying strength that can smash rocks with one punch, and the 'drawing knife' that can cut through a big log in the mouth of a bowl with one knife!"

With such a belief.

After successfully finding a water source, he waited for the first prey in his life with excitement.

When Xu Changming was thirsty, he drank the clear water in the bamboo tube, and when he was hungry, Xu Changming ate some white rice in the bamboo tube, just waiting quietly.

One hour, two hours, three hours, four hours.

Time passed slowly, and the sun gradually moved westward.

The hope in Xu Changming's eyes became less and less, until it was completely gone.

"Oh!" I sighed from the bottom of my heart.

Throughout the afternoon, there were indeed a lot of animals coming here to drink water, but I don't know if it was because of his bad luck, the ones who came to drink with the stream were all small animals.

Either squirrels, or birds, and a few monkeys.

Xu Changming also tried to catch these small animals, but every time he jumped off the tree, these small animals would be frightened and run up the tree, and they had completely disappeared after another look.

"If I were running on land, I would definitely be able to catch them, but they jump up and down the trees, how can I chase them!"

Helpless, frustrated, disappointed...

Xu Changming looked up at the sky, the sky was full of red clouds, it was already about five o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be completely dark in more than an hour.

"The forest at night is dozens of times more dangerous than during the day. Now I don't have night vision. It's too risky to stay in the forest at night."

"Today it can only be like this for the time being. Go back and ask Old Li to see if there is any way he can hunt large animals quickly."

"By the way, let's take a look at the traps I set, and hope to gain something so that I can not 'air force'!"

Jumping down from the tree, Xu Changming walked in the direction of several traps he had set up.

one, two, three...

"There's only one left!"

Along the way, seeing the empty traps on the ground, he was filled with helplessness.

At this moment, Xu Changming no longer had any hope.

"Leave these traps here, the animals will be more active at night, maybe we will gain something tomorrow!"

After thinking about it, he walked down the mountain, and the last trap happened to be on this road, but he no longer had extravagant hopes for it.

"It seems that today I can only return empty-handed!"

Before entering the mountain, he was full of self-confidence, but now his self-confidence has become a joke, which makes him feel very frustrated, because it means that his food is only enough for him for another two days!

If he hasn't harvested within two days, he may be starved to death!
Huge pressure enveloped Xu Changming's heart, and he couldn't help being upset for a while.

"Huh!" While walking, he suddenly exclaimed.

"It seems... I don't have to return empty-handed today!"

More than ten meters in front of him, on the trap he set, a small gray and yellow figure was hoisted up, struggling constantly, but he couldn't break free from the restraint.

It's a flower squirrel!

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket

  Please brother Meng, I really need these for the new book on the road, the author Zhe is here to thank you

(End of this chapter)

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