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Chapter 19 Soaking Wine!Visit the Gao family!

Chapter 19 Soaking Wine!Visit the Gao family! (Seek collection, ask for recommendation ticket)

Small courtyard

wow... wow...

A large amount of clear water fell, washing away the blood stains on the ground.

Xu Changming touched the hot sweat on his forehead, looked at the neat pieces of tiger meat and a complete tiger skin in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, I almost forgot!"

With a sudden slap on his forehead, he hurried forward to pick up a long object and a tiger spine.

Walking into the room, Xu Changming put the tiger penis and tiger spine into a jar of wine, then turned around and took out a poisonous snake corpse from his quilt bag.

After removing the gallbladder of the poisonous snake, he put the poisonous snake into another jar of wine, and saw that the wine in this jar of wine was a little cloudy, and there were many dark things.

If you take a closer look, you will find that they are actually poisonous snakes and centipedes.

This is a jar of "poisoned wine!"

"Fortunately, the degree of alcohol in this world is not inferior to the high-grade liquor in the previous life, otherwise these things would be hard to preserve!"

Because of some strange powers, the alcohol content of this world is not inferior to that of the spirits in the previous life, and some wines even have a higher alcohol content than the previous life.

Xu Changming brought these two jars of wine back from Qingshi Town last time. The name of the wine is "Lieshi". Each jar of wine costs half a tael of silver. , the remaining two altars were thinking of drinking by themselves.

As a result, when he was out hunting, he happened to meet a few poisonous snakes, which immediately inspired him.

Spirits above [-]% can decompose the venom of poisonous snakes and insects!

He can use poisonous snakes and venomous insects to make wine, and when these wines become tonic wines, the value of these wines will skyrocket dozens or even hundreds of times!
Faced with such a tempting thought.

So later, all the poisonous snakes and insects he caught when he went hunting were washed and put into this jar of wine.

But this also cut off Xu Changming's dream of making money by distilling liquor, because he already knew it!
After soaking the things in the wine, Xu Changming carefully picked up the two jars of wine, and carefully hid them in the cabinet.

"This thing must be carefully preserved, its value is not inferior to that tiger skin!"

For him, the two jars of wine and the tiger skin are one of his most important treasures.

Tiger whip wine has no effect on people with Xu Changming's physique, but it can be called a panacea for some particularly weak people!
"After I sell these two jars of wine and tiger skins, I can get a huge amount of money. If I exchange the money for food, it will be enough for me to concentrate on 24-hour cultivation for half a year!"

With such longing for a better future life, Xu Changming came to the kitchen.

He took off a few pieces of tiger meat that added up to 24 catties, and put them on the stove for barbecue.

after an hour

Golden grease kept falling from the tiger meat into the flames.

Smelling the increasingly intense smell of meat in the air, and the scorched and crispy tiger meat in front of him.

Xu Changming couldn't bear the louder and louder roar in his stomach anymore, he couldn't wait to take off a piece of tiger meat, and then opened his mouth to bite violently.


The savory and salty gravy exploded in his mouth instantly, and a warm current flowed from his mouth to his stomach, and then from his stomach to his whole body.

The stomach is like a motor running at full power, and the tiger meat is instantly decomposed into a huge wave of energy, which flows into all the cells in the whole body, and a heat flow instantly rises.

"Hiss, why does it feel so hot!"

Xu Changming, who finished eating more than [-] catties of tiger meat in one sitting, was flushed all over at this moment, like a cooked prawn.

It was the first time he ate meat with such a rich energy, and his whole body was excited.

More and more heat flow is generated from the inside of the body, and Xu Changming's eyes are getting more and more energetic.

"No, I can't stand it anymore!"

Unable to bear it any longer, he took off his clothes, picked up...the long sword, and ran into the yard.


In this silent night, a dull voice suddenly came from the small courtyard.

This restlessness lasted throughout the night, and the sound gradually stopped until dawn.

This night, the Scarecrow endured too much sadness, too much grievance.

Scarecrow: After all, he carried everything alone!

After a night of practice, after finally consuming all the energy in his body, Xu Changming could no longer bear the physical and mental exhaustion, and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep lasted for a day and a night.

On the third day, it was just dawn, the rooster crowed, and the sun was rising.

Xu Changming slowly woke up from the bed.

After recovering from sleep, he stretched his body full of energy, and then jumped up from the bed.

There was a loud noise and dust flew up.

"Hold the grass!"

Seeing the bed broken in two and lying on the ground, Xu Changming slapped his forehead angrily.

Snapped!As a result, I almost shot myself with a concussion.

"Damn, I forgot again, the power has increased too much all of a sudden, and I haven't gotten used to it yet!"

Xu Changming, who had tinnitus and dizziness, quickly shook his head. After waking up, he looked at the broken bed on the floor, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Looks like I'm going to spend another sum of money to buy a bed!"

Despite some helplessness, Xu Changming happily accepted the reality, because he found that his strength had increased a lot again, which represented another big step forward in his strength.

"I didn't expect that the energy contained in this tiger meat is so terrifying, it can make me practice for a whole night!"

Feeling the surging power coming from his hand, Xu Changming thought happily.

"There are more than 200 catties of tiger meat left, which is enough for me to concentrate on practicing for ten days! Now my strength can usher in a period of soaring!"

After accepting the reality that his own strength had increased greatly, Xu Changming lowered his head and put away the mattress, put the destroyed bed on the floor as firewood in the stove, then washed and ate breakfast.

After everything was ready, he took out two jars of wine from the cabinet, and left the house with the tiger skin that had been dried over the fire.


Qingshi Town

It has been 20 days since he was here last time.

This time, Xu Changming came to the town without the villagers of Zhenglin Village leading the way.

Unlike the last time he came here just in time for a market, this time the town was still very lively, but it was much quieter than last time.

What made him a little curious was that every house on the streets of Qingshi Town today was decorated with lanterns and festoons, as if celebrating some kind of festival.

Xu Changming, who didn't inquire too much, asked passers-by, and walked straight to Gaofu after confirming the direction.

"Hello, please let me know. My surname is Xu. If you need something, please contact Mr. Gao Yuliang!"

The concierge came in with Xu Changming's name to announce.

After a while, a burst of intensive footsteps came from the door.

The next moment, a handsome and polite rich man in blue clothes walked out from the high walled courtyard.

The person who came was "Gao Yuliang", the young master of the Gao family!
"Brother Changming!"

Seeing Xu Changming standing outside the door, Gao Yuliang hurried down and greeted happily: "I haven't seen you for a few days, but brother Changming wants to hurt me."

"Brother Yuliang, I haven't seen you for a few days, but I still look good." Xu Changming said with a smile.

After a short reminiscence between the two, Xu Changming walked into Gao's house for the first time at Gao Yuliang's invitation.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket

  If you don't give it, I will, I will...

(End of this chapter)

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