Chapter 14
Because of the excellent acting in the early stage, the queen was completely wary of Wu Chong, and Su Hanyun already knew the eyeliners around Chengqian Hall and Yangxin Hall, the plan to train dead men went smoothly.

The ten young eunuchs suppressed hatred in their hearts, coupled with longing for the future, they were also very diligent in practicing the Five Poison Claws, and their skills were improving rapidly.

Naturally, Su Hanyun was not idle. Apart from being with His Majesty, he also kept an eye on these little eunuchs from time to time. The dead man's plan was very important, and there was no room for any mistakes. He couldn't let it go completely.

During this process of secretly observing, he discovered two characters that could be reused. One was Pan Renyi, who was even more charming than a girl. He has successfully practiced and passed the first level.

The other person is Lu Xingshu with a scar on his face. Although this person is a bit dull, he is an extremely loyal person. As long as it is something that is explained by the superior, he never asks the reason, and he will unswervingly implement it.

These two people have their own advantages and disadvantages, Su Hanyun gradually gathered them to his side, treating them as his close friends, not only used to control the remaining eight little eunuchs, but also prepared for himself to really take power in the future!

In such a tense and depressing atmosphere, time passed quickly, and autumn passed in a blink of an eye. On a cold winter day, a heavy snowfall came, and the entire imperial city became a world covered in white.

But at this time, Wu Chong and the empress had a conflict because of one incident.

The reason is very simple. Back then, for the sake of acting, Wu Chong arbitrarily captured a maid named Yingying from the imperial dining room, and they were a dewy couple for a few days. Although he hardly looked for her after that, he left the dragon species behind.

Three months passed, and the maid's belly was gradually revealed. The imperial dining room discovered the clues and reported the matter to the empress. Taking the opportunity of delivering meals, I told Su Hanyun about it.

Su Hanyun didn't want to take care of this matter at first, the slayer plan is in full swing, at a critical moment, if the emperor makes trouble, it would be unwise to be exposed, but if he doesn't, it will inevitably leave a grudge in Wu Chong's heart!

After much deliberation, he still told Wu Chong.

"The maid is pregnant? Is it my child?"

When Wu Chong got the news, his face was full of shock, but he quickly realized that the queen and Xiong Yuting intended to replace Wu Zhou, and they would never let this child be born.

And he wants to keep the child, the thing he is planning now is too dangerous after all, if it doesn't work out, he can use the maid's belly to leave an heir, so that the Wu family won't die!

"Little Yunzi, accompany me to Fengyi Palace, and beg the queen to show mercy and keep that child as much as possible!"

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Chong made up his mind and dragged Su Hanyun to Fengyi Palace. Su Hanyun sighed inwardly, and hurriedly followed.

The cold wind howled, the sky and the earth were completely white, and Fengyi Palace was no exception. The magnificent and majestic gate was closed, and a dozen guards guarded the gate with cold eyes, and the knives and guns in their hands were shining coldly.

"His Majesty……"

Wu Chong ran over in the wind and snow, his eyebrows and hair had turned gray, several guards wanted to stop him, but he stared back directly at him.
"I want to see the queen, get out!"

After all, Wu Chong is still the Son of Heaven, so he still has some courage. Several guards were frightened. Taking advantage of this free time, Wu Chong and Su Hanyun came to the gate of Fengyi Palace. The two green-robed servant girls looked cold blocked on the opposite side,

"Your Majesty, the Empress has something important to do, and the idlers cannot disturb her. Please forgive me!"

The two maids were brought by the queen herself. They were dead warriors trained by Xiong Yuting. They were only loyal to the Xiong family and did not take Wu Chong seriously at all. Their voices were full of arrogance.

"Am I an idler waiting? Get out!"

Wu Chong was worried about the safety of the servant girl Yingying, especially the child in his stomach. Unconcealable anger flooded his face, and he pushed the two maids away and wanted to force his way in. However, both of them were martial arts practitioners, and their skills were not low, so they were slightly shocked , and shocked Wu Chong back.

There was some snow on the ground, Wu Chong stepped on the ground without paying attention, and rolled down the stone steps directly, Su Hanyun hurriedly grabbed him, but also missed, seeing the latter fell to the ground, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness!"

The two maids didn't take him seriously at all, they just cupped their hands lightly, then stopped talking, and didn't even go down to give him a hand.

"His Majesty……"

Su Hanyun helped Wu Chong up, the latter raised his head, looked at the main hall of Fengyi Palace with gloomy eyes, gritted his teeth faintly, he hesitated, and roared in a dark voice,

"Xiong Qiongyu, I can't even enter your Fengyi Palace now?"

Some hoarse voices whistled along with the cold wind, a burst of residual snow was blown up by the cold wind, and hit Wu Chong's body, his face and hair were all whitened by the snow, and his red eyes were full of hatred.


The gate of Fengyi Palace opened, revealing a dignified and lofty figure, two maidservants in green clothes came up and put on a noble fur robe for her, she took two steps forward, looked down at Wu Chong, her face was covered with Disdainful, said softly,
"Where did Your Majesty get Yaxing, come to my Fengyi Palace?"

"Xiong Qiongyu, where is that maid, what did you do to her?"

With a hint of pleading in Wu Chong's tone, he said,

"You also know about my situation. This child is not easy to come by. Can you show mercy and return her to me?"

"Your Majesty, you are the Ninth Five-Year Sovereign, and the blood of the Wu family is authentic in the Han family. You have been taught by your ancestors that you will not tolerate any contamination by lowly blood. You don't know that, do you?"

The corners of Xiong Qiongyu's mouth turned up, revealing a trace of disdain, and hummed,

"That maidservant has sent people to investigate. She has the blood of a barbarian, so she is not worthy to be a successor to our Wu Zhou Dynasty. So, please give up your majesty's heart."

"My palace sits in the harem and is obliged to keep the blood of the Wu family pure. Therefore, this time I have to go against your majesty's wishes. Please forgive me!"

"Xiong Qiongyu..."

Unconcealable rage flashed across Wu Chong's face, he grabbed a ball of snow on the ground and threw it towards the latter, but was blocked lightly by a maid in green clothes.

"Your Majesty is a little irrational, come and send him back to the palace!"

Xiong Qiongyu cast a disgusted glance at Wu Chong, who was on the verge of madness, and ordered in a cold voice, a maidservant in green clothes walked down the steps, and then a dozen guards rushed over and surrounded the master and servant,
"Your Majesty, please!"


Inside Fengyi Palace, there was an extremely shrill scream, Wu Chong trembled, and looked up, the old imperial doctor of Tai Hospital came out with a gloomy expression, and his hands were still stained with some Yin Hong, shocking.

"Ma'am, it's done!"

"Well, that maid covets the throne and plots against her, don't keep it."

Xiong Qiongyu sneered, her large and majestic phoenix robe danced, turned around and walked into Fengyi Palace, a sour sound came out, and the huge lintel was also closed with a bang.


Wu Chong let out a hoarse roar and knelt on the ground.

"Take Your Majesty back to the palace!"

The green-clothed maid glanced at him contemptuously, and ordered, several guards rushed over with a cold snort, helped Wu Chong up, and walked out of Fengyi Palace, Su Hanyun's pupils shrank, and he didn't dare to take any action.

Whether it's the maid or the guards, their internal strength is not weak, he is not sure to kill them all, and the plan of the dead is still in preparation, so it is not appropriate to be impulsive.

"Your Majesty, let's go!"

He took two steps forward and said in a low voice.


Wu Chong was a little hysterical and roared loudly!


In Fengyi Palace, the charcoal fire in the brazier was flickering brightly and darkly. Xiong Qiongyu was sitting on the phoenix couch with pillows on her back. A maid in green was gently pressing her shoulders. She squinted her eyes slightly, her face full of indifference. .

Soon, the old imperial doctor knelt down behind the screen and said,

"Your Majesty, that maid has been dealt with!"


Xiong Qiongyu opened her eyes, a bit of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes, and said,

"Your Majesty's diet, you should pay attention to it. Even if there is the Returning Yang Pill, don't let him leave any heirs, understand?"

"Wei Chen understands!"

The old imperial doctor trembled, bowed and left the palace.

A moment later, the green-clothed maid who had sent Wu Chong away before came back, bowed to pay her respects, and then offered Xiong Qiongyu a cup of tea that was neither hot nor cold, and said in a low voice,

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has gone back and is still making a fuss!"

"Hmph... let him go!"

Xiong Qiongyu took a sip of tea, with an unconcealable scorn on her face, she said in a low voice,

"Father's big event is about to come to an end. As long as that old man surnamed Chen is eliminated, no one in the Wu Zhou Dynasty will be able to stop father's footsteps!"

"He, Wu Chong, will sooner or later be a prisoner of my Xiong family..."

"My servant congratulates the empress in advance!"

The two green-clothed servant girls bowed and knelt down, their voices respectful.

Xiong Qiongyu drank the tea in one gulp, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew stronger...

Great Zhou Jiangshan is almost here!
(End of this chapter)

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