Chapter 2 Sheepskin Vest
Yang Chengye looked up and saw a group of people gathered around and pointing.

After Yang Chengye came to the crowd, he saw two men arguing fiercely through the gap.

One of the men is a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life in a coarse cloth jacket, and the other is a middle-aged man with a purple red face and a luxurious dress.

The middle-aged Huagui pointed to the middle-aged man in the coarse cloth jacket and said angrily: "You stole my mother's sheepskin waistcoat, return it to me quickly, or I will report to the authorities."

The middle-aged man in the coarse cloth jacket hugged his bundle tightly, and shouted: "What about your mother's waistcoat? I obviously bought it with money. You are so rich and still bully me, a poor man. What's the reason?"

The onlookers were filled with righteous indignation, pointing at the luxurious middle-aged man and whispering.

"Isn't this the owner of the salt shop? He's usually very kind, why would he do such a lowly thing?"

"As the saying goes, you know people, you know their faces, but you don't know their hearts. If you see other people's good things, you want to keep them for yourself!"

"This man is too pitiful. Sheepskin waistcoats are precious items, only found in the north, and the owner of the salt shop has taken a fancy to them."

"But if the poor don't fight the rich, and the rich don't fight the officials, this person has to think he's unlucky."

Yang Chengye listened to the conversation of the melon-eating crowd, and got the general idea of ​​the matter.

At this time, I heard the middle-aged man in the coarse cloth short jacket crying and saying to the surrounding people: "Everyone judge me, my old lady has rheumatism and is afraid of the cold, and I bought this sheepskin waistcoat from a gold dealer because of my bankruptcy. How do you know that he bullies others by claiming that it is his."

"Everyone knows that this sheepskin waistcoat is a rare item in our south. To the north, it's everywhere. Rare things are more expensive. He's jealous."

The middle-aged man in the coarse cloth and short coat is getting louder as he speaks, how pitiful he is, how hateful the salt merchant is, and his sharp tongue really makes people suspect that he is a storyteller.

And the salt merchant was still holding on to the sheepskin vest, and he was in a stalemate with the middle-aged man in the coarse cloth jacket.

Everyone accused the salt merchants of being rich and unkind, and plundering by force.

"Get out of the way, the mayor is here, let him judge."

At this time, someone yelled, and everyone stepped aside one after another.

The mayor is an old man with a gray beard, and he looks luxurious in brocade.

The mayor walked into the crowd and looked at the salt merchants and the middle-aged men in coarse cloth jackets who were at a stalemate, stroked their beards and said, "I have heard what happened to you just now. Since you let me uphold justice, then I will tell you about you." Not right."

The mayor said and pointed to the salt merchant: "You are a dignified salt merchant, what kind of clothes have you never seen before? Why do you have to compete with him for this sheepskin waistcoat?"

"The mayor."

At this time, the salt merchant said: "This sheepskin vest is a relic of my father's life. It has special meaning to me. Besides, my mother hugs it to sleep every day. Now it has been lost for two days. My mother washes her face with tears every day. Refusing to fall asleep and losing weight day by day, how could I not fight?"

The words of the salt merchant also moved everyone, and they all shut their mouths, not knowing who to believe.

Hearing what the salt merchant said, the mayor was also in a dilemma. He looked at the salt merchant, and at the middle-aged man in a short coat in coarse cloth who was crying miserably, not knowing how to make a choice.

"I know whose."

At this time, a voice suddenly came out from the crowd, which attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone looked, they saw a thin young man in thin clothes.

Yang Chengye pushed aside the crowd, came to the mayor, and said, "I know who this sheepskin vest belongs to."

"Kids, stop messing around and leave quickly."

The mayor took a look at Yang Chengye, and immediately started chasing people away.

Regarding Yang Chengye's appearance, the onlookers were all curious, and they all said, "Young man, do you know who owns this sheepskin vest?"

After hearing everyone's words, the mayor, I was silent. He also wanted to see what this young man could do.

Yang Chengye groped his forehead, and said: "The method is very simple, just divide the sheepskin vest into two, each half, it's all right!"


After hearing Yang Chengye's words, the crowd burst out laughing, and even the mayor's face flushed with anger.


Suddenly, the owner of the salt merchant shouted: "This is my father's relic, how can it be damaged? Young man, don't talk nonsense!"

"that is!"

The middle-aged man in the coarse cloth jacket tightly held the sheepskin waistcoat, and said, "I bought it with all my might, how can I destroy it?"

Seeing that his strategy was unsuccessful, Yang Chengye rolled his eyes and said, "I have another way."

"Hey, young man, you'd better leave quickly, don't make trouble here!"

The mayor got impatient and started chasing people away again.

Yang Chengye circled around the middle-aged man in the coarse cloth short jacket, then came to the mayor, and said respectfully: "Master the mayor, I already know who this thing belongs to!"

Seeing Yang Chengye's confident expression, everyone fell silent, even the mayor looked on in surprise.

"Young man, don't talk nonsense and ruin your reputation!"

The mayor was a little sullen, staring at Yang Chengye with cloudy eyes.

Yang Chengye looked at the mayor without showing any weakness, and said: "If the boy is wrong, I will deal with it!"

"Hey, that's all, that's all, let's report to the official!"

The mayor sighed, obviously distrusting Yang Chengye.

Hearing this, Yang Chengye sighed, and he didn't intend to meddle in this business anymore.

"Brother, tell me, who is this thing?"

Just as Yang Chengye was about to leave, someone in the crowd suddenly asked a question.

This question aroused everyone's curiosity, and they all turned around to look at Yang Chengye.

Being watched by so many people, Yang Chengye also felt a little uncomfortable, after all, he was only 15 years old at this time.


The mayor pointed at the crowd, his face flushed.

Yang Chengye coughed lightly, pointed to the salt merchant and said, "In that case, I will tell everyone that this sheepskin vest belongs to the salt merchant owner."

Yang Chengye's words immediately caused an uproar, how is this possible?

This is everyone's hatred of the rich, and sympathy for the weak is a common problem.

Yang Chengye looked at the crowd and sighed in his heart.

"Wait, since you say that this sheepskin vest belongs to a salt merchant, who can prove it?"

Now, the mayor is unwilling to let go. He has always been the most respected person in the town. How can he be reconciled to being robbed of his limelight by a young man?

Yang Chengye shrugged, pointed to the sheepskin waistcoat in the middle-aged man's arms and said, "That's what it told me."


Yang Chengye's words caused everyone to laugh again.

The mayor raised his beard and said angrily, "Bastard, how can such a dead thing tell you?"

Yang Chengye smiled faintly, took a step forward, and said to everyone: "Who has white cloth for the next use?"

"I have!"

As soon as Yang Chengye finished speaking, a middle-aged man shouted, took out a piece of white cloth measuring one foot and handed it to Yang Chengye.

(End of this chapter)

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