Chapter 84
Jun Huaixu, the master of Xuanjian Division.

Seeing tens of thousands of people running around in front of him being chased by the evil light of Wu Sheng's old mother, and a man claiming to be Jun Huaixu talking in his ears, Han Feng really felt that he was going crazy.

While avoiding the divine power shot down from the sky, he answered in his heart:

"Who are you?"

"As you imagined, Master Hanging Sword is Huaixu."

The man's voice rose because Han Feng finally answered.

"I am communicating with you through the [Future Mirror], although it is hard to believe, but please jump into the [Vacuum Returning to the Old Realm] of the Inanimate Mother?"

"[Vacuum Return to the Old Realm]?"

Han Feng grabbed Meng Yuqi beside him to prevent her from falling.

"It is a spell that the inanimate old mother can use with the help of the future body. It is specifically manifested in the aging light released from the palm of the evil god's body."


Han Feng turned around and saw Wu Sheng's old mother was waving her palms to release the divine light like a natural disaster. All the warriors who were illuminated turned into white-haired, haggard old men without exception.

"This gentleman who claims to be the boss of my Xuanjian Division, do you know what will happen if you are illuminated by this light?"

Han Feng asked in his heart.

All the fugitives performed lightness kung fu and jumped in front of the Tianli believer in front of them.

The divine light swept across, and those Tianli believers turned into a group of octogenarians.

"It's natural to disperse the spirit and become a withered old man." Jun Huaixu said in a natural voice.

"Then you still let me dance?"

"I will protect you with a future mirror in the air, so that you can use the divine power of the inanimate mother to drive you to gain the power of your future body, which is enough to drive away the inanimate mother."

"How can I trust you?"

In the distance, a group of Confucian scholars sang poems side by side, arousing righteousness, but under the light of the gods, these Confucian students in their prime turned into old gentlemen who were too old to speak, dying of old age.

Jun Huaixu's voice is calm and firm:
"You have to believe me, because if you delay for a while, the Lifeless Mother will be closer to the real world, and no one will be able to expel her by then."

The ideological struggle in Han Feng's heart was almost over, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat from running and injuries.

"why me?"

"It is the choice of the future mirror of the artifact. You are the only one who can gain the power to expel evil gods through the blessing of the artifact. This is why I keep contacting you with the artifact."

The whispers that have been echoing in my ears since entering the demonized Yanhua City, I thought it was something evil, but I didn't expect it to be Jun Huaixu's voice.

Looking around, Han Feng saw old people and mourning people everywhere.

If there is no accident, it is only a matter of time before he becomes an old man under the teasing of the evil god.



"Then... please help me, Master!!"

Han Feng paused, and his boots made a deep mark on the red waste soil. He turned back, stopped fleeing, and instead faced the evil god's divine light.

The people who fled together were shocked when they saw Han Feng's retrograde figure.

"Brother Han!!?"

Meng Yuqi couldn't help but stop, so Han Feng shouted.

"Xiao Han!? Come back!"

Guo Qinhan also shouted.

Everyone in the entire scarlet space was attracted.

Everyone was running away, only one person went up to meet them.

"This brat! What is he doing?"

Zhong Yuanding was shot by the divine light long ago, lying on the ground like an old man, looking at Han Feng's figure.

[Masuo Buddha Girl] Nian Qingliang has long snow-white hair, but a consoling face, sitting cross-legged, looking at Han Feng, with unclear thoughts in her eyes.

Both good and evil factions are paying attention to this young man at the moment.

Han Feng went retrograde and came in front of the evil god's divine light.

Seeing the divine light rushing towards him like a waterfall, he jumped in.

"Master Monarch! Don't trick me!!"


swagger mountain.

The righteous way of Chiyuan Yanhua City and the allied forces of the imperial court were blocked by a group of evil people of unknown origin.

The good and the evil fought against each other, cutting off one mountain after another.

The leader of Tianli, wearing a black gold cloak, stood in the sky above the sky.

Opposite the leader of Tianli, stood Jun Huaixu in Tsing Yi. The leader of the Xuanjian division still had a calm demeanor, with six qi lingering around his body.

"Jun Sizhu is worthy of being the pillar of the imperial court who has been in charge of the Xuanjian Division for 30 years. I am afraid that we will not be able to win or lose within a thousand moves."

The leader of Tianli's words were deep, and the gossip and ten thousand dharmas were moving in unison during his speech, which faintly seemed to be changing.

Jun Huaixu wore a green shirt and stood still, pointing with his right hand.

The six divine swords of Zhaoxia, Zhengyang, Hangzhang, Feiquan, Tian and Di flew towards the leader of Tianli.

The leader of Tianli flipped his hand, and the eight trigrams of heaven and earth were moved for it. The invisible magic method restrained the sword of six qi, and he still had the strength to speak.

"With me personally procrastinating, Lord Monarch, don't think about rushing to help Yanhua City."

Jun Huaixu finally spoke, and smiled lightly:
"How does the leader think that Jun Huaixu is not holding you back?"

While speaking, a simple stone mirror rose behind Jun Huaixu, exuding the brilliance of time and reflecting into the unknown void.

"That is?"

The leader of Tianli looked at Jun Huaixu activating the mysterious [Future Mirror]. Although he didn't know the reason, he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Jun Huaixu shook his sleeves and hands behind his back, and stood indifferently, the six divine swords in front of him turned into brilliant breaths, protecting himself.

Splendid and mighty like morning glow, proud and blazing like Zhengyang, clear and flying spring, deep and deep, clear like sky, and deep like earth!
The six qi are radiant and colorful, enveloping Jun Huaixu in it.

Director Qingshan looked towards the direction of Yanhua City and remained silent.


[Returning to the Old Realm in Vacuum] Under the divine light, Han Feng went retrograde alone without regret.

He jumped into the terrifying and strange light of the evil god, and in an instant, his body was submerged in it.

Not even the old skeleton was left behind.

Seeing Han Feng's actions, Guan Pingjun couldn't help laughing, then turned to Shui Xingling Yin and said:

"Xingde, you see, those so-called righteous ways have tended to collapse, and they have begun to seek death on their own."

Under the blood cloud beam of light, many senior leaders of Tianli Sect couldn't help but smile.

People who escaped from the divine light and seized their youth despaired in front of this power that dominates nature. Some people knelt down in pain, crying, begging the forgiveness of the evil god.

However, the arm of the god in the sky has no concept of compassion and mercy at all, and the divine light in the hand never stays for a moment.

White silk and white hair, but in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Luo Yingrou stepped on the ground and fell on the red waste soil.

Lao Bai turned around and pulled.

A gust of wind blows towards the face, and the divine light has already arrived.

Guo Qinhan and the others paused for a while, and in their eyes, Bai and Luo were already doomed.

At this moment, the earth shook.

The gravel on the red waste ground kept bouncing up and down.

A man in purple clothes and long hair flying like satin stands in the eyes of Luo Yingrou and Lao Bai.

The right hand is raised in front of the body.

It actually blocked the [Vacuum Returning to the Old Realm] hanging from the sky.

The entire blood-colored space was in an uproar!
"Who is that?"

"He actually blocked Wu Sheng's divine light!"

"That's a god!"

"To match the power of gods and demons with a human body, innate! It is innate in the human world!"

Pushing vigorously, [Zhouliu Liuxu Gong] used [Tianzi Wangqi Technique] to see through the divine light mechanism and hold up the divine light.

Earth, water, wind and fire wrap [Vacuum Return to the Old Realm] divine light.

[Nine Yin Scriptures] and [Nine Yang Scriptures] are combined into one, and controlled by [Tai Chi Sword]!

Four or two thousand pounds.

He actually pushed this divine light back to the sky!
The man in purple clothes turned his head, revealing Han Feng's face, his lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes were clear and deep.

It is almost the same as Han Feng's face, but he is more mature.

"Little Han!?"

Guo Qinhan shouted in surprise.

The sudden appearance of Han Feng attracted everyone's attention, his figure disappeared suddenly, and then appeared in front of [Masa Buddha Girl] Nian Qingliang.

Bowing slightly, he asked in a clear voice:
"Han Feng, please borrow the sacred artifact of Buddhism [Future Vow]."

The white-haired Nian was cool and speechless, and silently handed the holy sword in his hand to Han Feng.

"Amitabha, thank you Buddha for borrowing the sword."

Han Feng took the holy sword, dressed in robes, and rose into the sky.

In the sky, the spell was repelled by the mortals, and Wu Sheng's mother suddenly became frantic, her arms stirred, and the bloody clouds in the sky became more chaotic and terrifying.

Infinite blood flowed down, and the arm of the god struck the ground with unparalleled divine power, as if it wanted to destroy this bloody space!
Facing this desperate power, Han Feng controlled the [Future Vow] to face the divine power.

The divine sword floated behind his back, his hands spread wide, facing the power of the evil god.

Praise Shushi's vows:

"Ask, when will the struggle for power stop?"

"Hate, it's difficult for people to walk in a rough world."

"I swear to people, the red dust returns to the Tao Yunqing!"

[Future Vow] Under the influence of the supreme supernatural force, it changes its appearance and turns into the form of [Prajna], the space is imprisoned, the red earth roars like a dragon turning over, and the golden brilliance rises from the ground, transforming into three thousand lotus flowers.

The move of [Heavenly Questions Three Oaths] is awe-inspiring!

(End of this chapter)

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